Dental Lab Customer & Production Management



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Navigation: Customer > 4. Cases    


All existing cases that correspond to the selected Customer are displayed on this form.    


Available options:          

The Left and Right Arrows and the Page Counter    

Add a new Case - V9 - Add new case

Edit selected Case - V9 - Edit Case

Invoice selected case - V9 - invoice case

Print - V9 - Print - will allow to print  


Invoice Materials

Alternate Invoice

Packing Slip

Today's Invoices Combined


Alternate Workorder

Case Label

Local Shipping Label

Carrier Shipping Label

Shipments Packing Slip

Combined Notes & History

Audit Trail

E-mail Invoice or Estimate for selected Case - V9 - E-mail - envelope

Create new Call for selected Case - V9 - Add - short

Create new Alert for selected Case - V9 - Add Alert

Track Case - V9 - Track case

ePop Cases Info - V9 - Bell

Scan Documents for selected Case - V9 - Scan doc

Capture Image - V9 - Capture Image

Register Customer Complaint- V9 - Register Complaint button

Case Evaluation

V12 - Cases - form

4. Cases form


Three Query options: Filter cases based on Selection, Status or Lab

Grid displaying all cases based on the selected query

The bottom section includes several tabs of information related to the selected case such as:

Audit Trail

Call Notes





Tasks History

Notes & Preferences


QC ratings

Payments & Credits


Linked Cases


Tools Loaned


Tracking Info


Available operation that includes Cases:

Set up data for cases

Create a case

Find a case

View a case

Sort cases

Edit a case

Delete a case

Duplicate a case

Create Credit case

Estimate Case

Invoice case

Invoice for Try in

Uninvoice a case

View Case in Customer Currency

Reschedule a case

Apply Credit Memo

Print Orders and Labels

Add/Edit/Delete scores

Add case alerts

Add Products to a case

Add Enclosures to a case

Add Metal

Add Materials

Add images and attachments to a case

Add calls and notes to a case

Set Case Location

Change Case Lab

Dial Phone

Set a case to on hold status

Cancel a case

Accept web case

Add Discount to a cases products

Add Remake amount to a case

Remake a case

Convert Estimate to Case

E-mail Invoice or Estimate

Set shipping preferences for a case

Add notes and instructions to a case

Add Follow up calls to a case

Set QC rating for a case

Register Complaint

Post Payment