Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Call Notes

Call Notes

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Call Notes

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Call Notes - shows all calls that are related with the selected case.


Navigation: Customer > 4. Cases OR Case Finder > Call Notes tab


V12 - Cases - Call Notes

Call Notes tab

Available options on right click:

Add New Call - Add new call form opens. For more details about how to add a call please read this topic.

Complete Call - By selecting this option the call will be complete and the status changed.

Modify Call - Calls can be updated easily. Click on Modify option and make necessary changes. Please read this topic for more details.

Delete Call - Clicking on this option you will remove the call. More details can be read here.

Print this Call - Call Note Summary Report gets printed once this option is selected.


See also:

How to create a case

Case Tabs Description for more details of other tabs