Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Add/Edit/View Calls

Add/Edit/View Calls

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Add/Edit/View Calls

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Call tracking is a feature users may use in order to keep track of any interactions with customers. In a call record users may continuously add notes, assign the call back and forth between users as well as create follow up calls and much more.      




In Call Edit, a new button has been added called "Last Note Recipients", allowing a user to notify the same recipients of the last saved Call Note.

Navigation:   Main > Customer > 3.Calls and Notes tab

V12 - Calls and Notes

3.Calls and Notes tab on Customer form


hmtoggle_arrow1Add new Call:

hmtoggle_arrow1Where can I see created calls

hmtoggle_arrow1Modify selected Call

hmtoggle_arrow1Reassign Call

hmtoggle_arrow1 Modify Notes

hmtoggle_arrow1Complete Call

hmtoggle_arrow1How to remove a call



See also:

Other places where calls can be created

My Calls

Print selected call

Follow-up Call