Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Call Types Maintenance

Call Types Maintenance

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Call Types Maintenance

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Call Management is one of the key features in DLCPM. For every time there is communication with a customer, a call should be created and each call requires a Call Type. Users must carefully decide and select meaningful call types as it is used for future reporting. The Call Analysis Report found under the Report menu of the main form demonstrates the importance of this list.


Navigation:   File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Calls > Types  

V12 - Calls - Types

Call Types Maintenance form


Please Note: Each Call type is able to set a Default Description and/or a Default Departments. These two values will be added by default each time a call is created and the mentioned type is selected. However these two default options are not mandatory. Leaving them blank will allow you to select a specific description and department when a call is entered.

If you wish to set a default Description and a Default Department for a Call Type please make sure the following two tables are populated with the correct values:

Call Description - File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Calls >Descriptions

Call Departments - File > Global Settings > Global > Products & Tasks Lists  > Departments

Please Note: Only those Departments will display on the Call Type form that have been set with the For Call Manager option.


hmtoggle_arrow1How to add a new Call Type:

hmtoggle_arrow1How to update a Call type record:

hmtoggle_arrow1How to delete a Call Type record:


See also:

Call Description Maintenance

Call Status Maintenance