Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

3.Calls and Notes

3.Calls and Notes

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3.Calls and Notes

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New calls can be created  by following different paths. The most common way to create a call is by accessing the Call and Notes tab on Customer form.      


Navigation: Customer > 3.Calls and Notes      

V12 - Calls and Notes

3.Calls and Notes tab on Customer form

All existing calls that correspond to the selected Customer are displayed on this form.    


Available options:        

The Left and Right arrows and the Page Counter

Add a new Call - V9 - Add - short

Modify selected Call - V9 - Edit - short button

Open related Case- V9 - Edit Case

View related Case Documents - V9 - View related documents

Two Query options are available right next to the Call Type: option. Select the appropriate query options from the two drop down fields in order to display only the calls that you are looking for. The Calls that are displayed in the grid and the corresponding Call Notes, if any, are displayed on the lower part of the screen for each selected call.

Modify Notes - V9 - Modify Notes

Delete Call - V9 - Delete Call

Right click options:





Flag this Call (Toggle)


Open related case

Open Related Email

View Related Case Images

Print this Call

Print all Calls for this Customer

Set Column Order

Notes section where the entered notes are displayed. You can see the notes as:

Text - if you click on V9 - Text mode

or as Grid - if you select V9 - Grid mode



See also:

Add/Edit and Delete Calls

Create Follow-up Calls

How to Link a Case to a Call

My Calls

Print call