Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Print Selected Call

Print Selected Call

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Print Selected Call

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V12 - Print Calls - navigation 1

Print call navigation



   You may Print a call in numerous ways:


By navigating to the Customer record:

oIf the call has a status that shows Pending then you  may select it from the Main form, in the Pending Calls list and then click on Print Selected Call

oOr you may select the call from the 3.Call and Notes form under the Customer screen and then click on Print Selected Call

oOr you may select the call from the 3.Call and Notes form under the Customer screen and then right click on it and click on Print this Call

Another way you may print a call is by clicking on My Calls in the main menu located on the left side of CPM. Select the call and then click on Print Selected Call

V12 - Print Calls - navigation 2

Print call navigation




The Call Note Summary report will display:

V12 - Print Calls - report

Call Note Summary Report


This Report contains:

Call status , date, type and description

Information about the user and creation, completion date

Customer Info such as ID, name and phone

Case Info -which is populated only if there is a case number attached to the call record. Otherwise the message: "Call is not related to a Case" will display



See Also:

How to create a call