Usage: To view calls that have been assigned to a certain department you will need to open the Department Calls manager.
Navigation: View > Department Calls Manager or F6
Department Calls Manager navigation
The following form will open:
Department Calls Manager form
As the Department Calls Manager form is open you will see that it is divided into several rows and columns, which include different types of information
➢ Grid section- In the middle of the form is the grid where the calls are displayed and details of each call can be viewed in different columns.
➢ Query section- These several fields allow users to search between all existing calls: •Query - You may select an existing query from the drop down list. You may select to see: All Calls, Incomplete Calls, Complete Calls, Flagged calls or All Calls newer than 90 days. •Show Calls for Department - Select the department from the drop down list. Click reset and the grid will refresh showing all calls created for the selected department. •Show only Call Type - Select any existing type from the drop down list and after clicking reset all calls that have the selected type will display. •Show only Call Status - Select from the drop down list to filter by call status. •Search in Calls - type a keyword and search for corresponding calls. •Calls Calendar - Please Note: All of these options can be combined in order to filter the calls and to receive only the records you wish to find.
➢Customer section- All fields in this section are for display only and are created to provide information about the customer who the call was created for. Selecting any call in the grid will provide information about : •Customer Details - displays customer ID, Call#, Name, Email, Phone, Practice name, Address, dates of First and Last case and Contact Method of the customer that corresponds to the selected record. You can easily contact the customer from this form by clicking on: ❑ ❑ ❑ • You can add the customer to an existing campaign by clicking on the
➢Department Calls Manager menu - Available options shown: •The Left and Right Arrows and the Page Counter. •New, Modify and Delete calls in the Calls menu. •General menu has: - Two Customer related options: to Hide/Show the Customer Info, and to open the Customer form with the customer details that correspond to the selected call. - Open Related Case documents - details see here. - View Cases Images will display the images attached to the case that is linked to the selected call. For more details please read this topic. - Go to Customer will open the customer form and displays details of the customer that correspond to the selected call. - Hide / Show Calendar activates the calendar that is displayed on the right side of the form - Close View - will close the Department Calls Manager form •The last option is to Print Selected Call.
➢Calendar - is displayed on the right side of the form. The current day is displayed by default and is marked with a red circle. The calendar can be closed by clicking on the Hide Calendar option on the form menu.
➢ Call Notes - Call notes are displayed on the bottom of the form in a yellow text field. All notes that were added to the selected call are displayed in chronological order. Two options are available for call notes to display. You can view a call note as: •Text - if you click on •Grid - if you select
➢On right Click •Complete •Modify Notes •Flag this Call (Toggle) •Reassign •View Related Case Image •Go to Customer •Print this Call •Print All Calls for this Customer •Transfer Notes to Another Call •Set Columns Order |
See also: