There are two ways to send emails:
1. By sending an email directly to the customer or one of its collaborators by clicking on the email icon to the right of an email address on the Customer, Accounting , Practice Doctor or Contacts tab on the customer record.
2. You also may select the My Emails form and compose an email from there. However, by composing an email this way you will need to manually type in the email address in the field with the desired recipient's email address .
Please Note: Users may set a default template to be used when sending emails. The option is found under File > Personal Settings >My E-mail
1. Send email directly to the customer
➢While viewing the Customer record, click on the email icon to the right of the email address
➢Navigate to Customer > Send E-mail
➢While viewing the Customer record, click on the 5. Accounting page and click on the email icon to the right of the listed email address
➢You can also send Emails to Practice Doctors and Contacts that have an email address saved in their record
2. Use the My Email form
➢ Located on the main page from the sidebar, click the My E-mails icon and then click (new) icon.
➢ Located at the top of the application in the main tool bar, navigate to View > My E-mails Click (new) icon.
For additional information about the My E-mail form click here.
1.Navigate to the Send Email form by choosing the path that is more convenient Send Email form
2.If you accessed this form using the My emails form you will need to fill in the To email address. If you send an email directly from a customer record this field is already populated, however you can change the email address or enter one manually if the field is blank or: ➢Click on the ➢The Customer Search form will open Customer Search form ➢Search the customer by entering valid data in the Find field and clicking on the button corresponding to the searched criteria. For example if you wish to search a customer knowing the phone number you should enter the number in Find field and click on the Note: Only customers that have email addresses entered will be displayed. ➢When customer is found click on the line and click Note: You can send email only to one address at a time. More addresses can be entered in CC field, but only one in TO. 3.In CC fields email addresses should be entered. These can be entered manually, or ➢Click on the ➢Select E-Mail Recipients form opens. Select E-Mail Recipients form ➢ All customers that have email addresses entered are displayed on Customer list. If the customer has additional people with email addresses like Contacts or Practice Doctors, the email addresses are displayed on the Contacts and Practice Doctor list when the specific customer is selected. ➢ Right click on the desired record and click on Add to Recipient List. ➢When the Recipient List contains all the emails that are needed click Select button and the email addresses will display on Send email form in CC field. 4.All you need now is to enter a Subject and the text in the email body and you can Send the email. Note: Subject field is combo box meaning that you can type in it or select from previously defined subjects in File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Customers > E-mail Subject
The following options are also available on Send E-mail form : ➢Add Merge Field - Please note: Your email will not look professional if the merged field is blank ➢Merge Preview - ➢Attach - ➢Send Test - ➢Print - ➢Available Tools - |
See also: