Dental Lab Customer & Production Management



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Alerts display the related alerts for the selected case. The alerts may be modified or deleted with proper security from this page.


Navigation: Customer > 4. Cases OR Case Finder > Alerts tab


V12 - Cases - Alerts

Alerts tab


Available options on right click:

Add an Alert to a selected case on Cases form. Please read Add Case Alert topic.

Note: Alert can be also added on Customer and Case Alerts where it can be linked to an existing case.

Modify an Alert from the Alerts tab on Cases form:

1.Right click on the Alert

2.Click Modify

3.Make any necessary changes on Set Alert form

4.Click V9 - Save

Delete an Alert from the Alerts tab on Cases form

1.Right click on the Alert

2.Click Delete

3.Select Yes when asked for confirmation

See also:

How to create a case

Case Tabs Description for more details of other tabs