Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Alternate Workorder

Alternate Workorder

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Alternate Workorder

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Alternate Work Order is a second work order that basically contains the same information but looks a little bit different from the standard Work Order. You have the option to choose whether you wish to print the Work order or the Alternate Work Order for a case. Of course you can print both of them if necessary. DLCPM comes equipped with a fully functional Work Order that contains all pertinent information needed to produce the case in your laboratory.

Alternate Work orders can be printed after cases are created. How to create a case is described in a different topic.

In terms of settings needed to print an alternate work order you only need to set up a Work order Printer in File > Global Settings > Global > Printers form.


hmtoggle_arrow1How to print Alternate Work order automatically

hmtoggle_arrow1How to print a Workorder manually

hmtoggle_arrow1What will be displayed on a Workorder


See Also:

Print other documents