Dental Lab Customer & Production Management



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Tasks tab displays the list of corresponding tasks for each added product. Tasks are usually added to the product before the product is added to the case, but DLCPM allows user to add, edit or remove tasks even after case creation. Please read How to add tasks to a product before going further.


Navigation: Customer > 4. Cases OR Case Finder > Tasks tab    

V12 - Cases - Tasks

Tasks tab

There are visual indication on Tasks page for late tasks:

Green means it was complete on or before task due date

Yellow means it was completed late

Red means it is not completed and the due date is passed

No legend means due date is in the future


Available options:

hmtoggle_arrow1        Add Tasks

hmtoggle_arrow1Edit tasks

hmtoggle_arrow1Delete Tasks

hmtoggle_arrow1Complete Tasks

hmtoggle_arrow1Reject Tasks

hmtoggle_arrow1Allow Re-Scan

hmtoggle_arrow1Change Due Date and Reschedule

See also:

How to create a case

Case Tabs Description for more details of other tabs