Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

QC Ratings

QC Ratings

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QC Ratings

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QC Ratings displays the quality control for the cases.    



Please make sure you have data entered in following tables before going further:

QC Ratings that will be available if case is accepted: File > Global Settings > Global > Laboratory Lists > QC Ratings

Reasons set for QC that will be necessary if case will be rejected: File > Global Settings > Globalobal > Laboratory Lists > Reasons

Laboratory where case will be sent if will be rejected: File > Global Settings > Global > Laboratory lists > Laboratories

Valid Case Number that will be rated. See How to create a case for more details.


Navigation: Tools > QC Ratings (Outsourced Cases)

V12 - QC Ratings - navigation

QC Ratings navigation

Following form will open:


V12 - QC Ratings - form

QC Outsourced Case form

hmtoggle_arrow1How to Accept a case:

hmtoggle_arrow1How to Reject a case:


See also:

Qc Ratings on cases form