Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Set up data for creating cases

Set up data for creating cases

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Set up data for creating cases

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To create a case and to have the ability to ship it you need to enter accurate information in different areas of the application.


To create and be able to Invoice a case you need:  

To do all necessary setup configuration in File > Settings > Global > Case Options form

An active Customer that has Do not allow Case entry option NOT checked. You can find this option on Customer >Practice Info tab

Two Laboratories, one for Invoicing, the other one for production. Laboratories are maintained in File > Settings >  Global > Laboratory lists > Laboratories form


For Shipping the case you need:

Carrier - Add them in File > Settings > CRM Lists > Shipping > Carriers

Route - Follow File > Settings > CRM Lists > Shipping > Routes path to add routes to database


Make sure that you have correct data in following forms:

Products - enter all available products into: File > Settings > Global >  Products & Tasks Lists > Products form as you will need to add them to cases

Enclosures - File > Settings > Global > Laboratory Lists > Enclosures form is available for adding Enclosures to DLCPM

A Catalog with promotional prices for some products that you might want to offer to your customer. Create catalogs in File > Settings > Global > Products & tasks Lists > Catalog Products form

Lot numbers - File > Settings > Global > Products & Tasks Lists  > Lot Numbers


To be able to offer special prices for products and to add remake discounts you need to have:

Discount record added in File > Settings > Global > Laboratory Lists > Discounts

Remake value added in File > Settings > Global > Laboratory Lists > Remakes

Valid Reasons entered in File > Settings > Global > Laboratory Lists > Reasons


For Follow-up Calls enter:

Call Type - Add them in File > Settings > CRM Lists > Calls >Types

Call Description - Should be added in File > Settings > CRM Lists > Calls > Descriptions

Department - entered in File > Settings > Global > Products & Tasks Lists  >Departments


Finally make the settings for all three printers available under File > Settings > Global > Printers form to be able to print Workorder, Labels and Invoice.