Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Add notes and instructions to a case

Add notes and instructions to a case

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Add notes and instructions to a case

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Customer preferences are entered in Customer Settings > Preferences form. In order to see these preferences, DLCPM offers the possibility to print them on the Workorder of each case that is created for the customer. Also Workorder and Invoice notes can be added before a case is invoiced.


Navigation:   Customer > 4. Cases      

Create or open a case for edit. For more details about creating a case see How to create a case section.  


Please Note: In this topic a new case is created but the process is the same using existing cases that are not invoiced.


hmtoggle_arrow1How to add Instructions


hmtoggle_arrow1How to enter Invoice notes

hmtoggle_arrow1Case Notes


See also:

Cases topic for more options