Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Invoice Case

Invoice Case

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Invoice Case

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A case can be Invoiced only when the case has Products. You are not able to invoice a case without Products.

Once you have the case with the products added you are able Invoice it. You also need a Status to be set in the File > Global Settings > Global > Case Options > Case Invoicing tab form in Default Status when Case is Invoiced field, so that the Invoiced case will have a specific status after the process is done.


Navigation: Customer > 4. Cases tab

V12 - Invoice Case - navigation

Cases form with Invoice option

hmtoggle_arrow1How to invoice a case without opening it for edit

hmtoggle_arrow1How to Invoice a case that is opened for editing

hmtoggle_arrow1How does a case look after it was invoiced


See also:

Print Invoice

How to create a case

How to add Products to a case

How to Uninvoice case