This tab displays the Invoice or Uninvoice buttons and several fields that display different amounts. There is also a text box where invoice notes can be entered.
Navigation: See Add new Case
Invoice & Totals is last tab on case form. This case is not Invoiced - this is the message that is displayed when the case is not invoiced 6.Invoice & Totals tab before invoicing 1.Invoice Date - is populated with current date. When invoicing, this date will be set as invoiced date 2.COD Invoice - COD check box has been added on the Case which is inherited from customer when new case is added. 3. 4.Partial TryIn - If you intend to invoice for part of the case and send the rest for TryIn, this option will cause the system to prompt the user with the list of products on the case. In turn, the selected products are invoiced and removed from the newly created case (Sent for TryIn). 5. 6.TryIn Reason - Select Reason if TryIn invoicing is selected. Reasons need to be previously entered in File > Global Settings > Global > Laboratory Lists > Reasons and have For TryIn option checked. 7.PO Number - enter Purchase Order number 8.When Invoiced (Exclude Tax) - Money amounts are displayed: ➢Extended -> For each added product the extended price is = Quantity * Unit Price. The Extended field on the Invoice tab id the sum of the Extended prices. ➢Discount -> Total discount amount applied to the case ➢Remake -> Total remake applied to the case ➢Subtotal -> is Extended - Discount - Remake ➢Surcharge -> Total surcharge applied to the case ➢Total (with tax) -> Subtotal + Taxes 9.Invoice Notes - users can manually type in notes and those will display on the invoice. You can load Common Notes. |
Please read here more details about how to Invoice case. First you should notice that the case cannot be edited anymore. Details of an invoiced case cannot be updated and the Save buttons are disabled. 6. Invoice & Totals tab after invoicing 1.Invoice Date field is populated with the date that the case was invoiced. 2.Several fields are displayed with money amounts. These values are calculated as following: •Taxable Amount is calculated as a sum of the Sub totals of each product that is Taxable if there is a Tax set in Customer > Settings > General form. To set the Taxable option to a product you have to go to the Products form, select the product you need and check the Taxable option. Note: If there is no Tax set in Customer > Settings > General form, then this field will have value 0 and the Sub Totals of all the Taxable products will be added to the Non Taxable Amount value. •Non Taxable Amount is the sum of the Sub totals of each product that is not Taxable. •Sales Discount represents the total discount value applied to all the products that have a discount. •Remake Discount is the sum of the remakes applied to all products. •Total Tax represents the tax value applied to the Taxable Amount. If a Tax is set for the customer in Customer > Settings > General form, then the Total tax is the tax applied to this case. Note: The tax is not applied to Non Taxable products. •Surcharge •Total Charge is the sum of the Taxable Amount, the Non Taxable Amount and the Total Tax values •Payment & Credits will be updated once a payment is posted for this case •WriteOffs displays the writeoff amount applied to this case •Balance is the value remained to be paid (Total Charge - Payment and Credit - Writeoffs) •Last Payment Date displays the date when the last payment was applied to this case 3.PO Number shows the Purchase Order set to this case if there is any. 4.Invoice Notes are displayed. These notes were entered before the case was invoiced and are also displayed on the Invoice when printed. 5.View Product option displays case product details on invoiced cases, changes will be saved. 6.The |
See also: