V7.5 Release Notes - October 1st, 2012
This is a major release of DLCPM which includes number of new features.
❖ Medical Device Excise Tax: (This option applied to US Customers only. To learn more about this new Federal tax, please refer to IRS publications)
➢ The Medical Device Excise Tax will go into effect on Jan 1, 2013 and DLCPM has been modified to support this tax. There are 2 options when setting up this tax. Labs may either opt to assume the tax amount or pass it on to customers like other sales taxes. Please refer to this topic in the help index.
➢ For reporting the tax liability, if your lab decides to assume this tax, there is a new Report in the Report Center to provide the tax liability. If the tax is paid by the customer, it will appear on the existing Tax Liability Report.
❖ Integration with Henry Schein DDX: For Complete instructions, refer to DDX Setup in the help file.
❖ Settings, Personal, Case Print Option:
➢ The Global Settings may be set to automatically print the Work Order, Alternate Work Order, and Case Label. These options are applied to all operators when entering a new case. However, certain operators may not need to print any or some of these documents depending on their function. This new option will allow each operator to configure their own printing and to overwrite the Global Settings.
❖ Products:
➢ A new field called DDX Procedures has been added. This field is used to map the product ID in DLCPM to DDX Procedure.
➢ Two new fields for Allow Remake Discount and Apply Remake Discount Ratio have been added. These options may be used to disallow remake discount on certain product or allow up to certain percentage of the price.
➢ A new checkbox has been added to identify the products that are subject to Medical Device Excise Tax. This options works independent of the "Apply Tax" checkbox. The State & Local taxes are calculated as it did before based on the Customer, Lab, and Product Taxes.
▪Product may be subject to State & Local Tax but not subject to MDET
▪Product may be subject to MDET but not subject to State & Local Tax
▪Product may be subject to both Taxes
▪Product may not be subject to any taxes at all
❖ Settings:
➢Accepting Web Cases, In the Global Settings for Case options, located in the section for Case Entry, on the sub-tab "Case Dates", two new options have been added for when accepting web cases whether to update date in with the current date and to recalculate the due date
➢ Global Setting Security, In prior version, one setting was provided to allow access to th Global Settings. There are now 15 additional policies to control each option separately.
➢ On the main page of the customer record, DDX Status will show if the customer is registered with DDX Portal.
➢ Customer Settings, Taxes, there is a new checkbox to apply MDET.
➢ On the Practice info page, DDX Practice ID is display for view only. This field is automatically updated when your customers register with your lab.
➢ On the Practice Info Page, UDX Practice ID is now available to link the customer ID to the originator ID of UDX.
➢ Users have the option now to record a birthdate when adding staff contacts as well as when adding other additional contacts
➢ On the staff contacts tab, the fields for first and last name have been combined to show one field for "Contact Name"
❖ Call Management:
➢ A new checkbox called “Share with Customer” has been added to the call notes form. When adding calls or notes attached to a case, you may check this box for the customer to automatically receive the contents of the new notes that was added.
▪This option requires adding the email template for case communication alert. A sample template is found under the system templates folder.
▪Only notes associated with cases are sent.
▪If you wish to email only part of the notes, you can use special delimiters as described in the alert section.
▪For complete instructions, refer to the help file topic for Alerts and Notifications.
❖ Cases:
➢ There is a new checkbox called “DDX Update”. This option is only available if the customer is registered with DDX. If checked, the Due Date, Invoice Date, Shipment Date, Carrier and Tracking Number is automatically transferred to the DDX server and in turn available to the customers.
➢ A new checkbox has been added to save the Case without scheduling it if not needed. This checkbox is remembered by the system for the operator.
❖ Case Tasks Reject:
➢ When rejecting a task from DLCPM, the reject form now displays the number of units allowing the operator to enter the rejected units.
➢ When rejecting a task, the previous lot number is cleared.
➢ When editing a task, the lot number may be also be edited.
❖ Recover, Purge Deleted Records:
➢ DLCPM has always implemented the concept of “Soft Delete” meaning that many of the critical data are never purged but marked as deleted. This new option is located under the Administrator Menu, allows users to Recover or permanently purge the data. This option is available for Customers, Practice Doctors, Cases, Calls, and Payments records.
❖ Report Center:
➢ New: Invoices by Product & Customer, this report has no financial data but may be used to analyze what product was ordered by customers in a given period.
➢ New: Invoices by Product & Customer for Export, the same as previous report but formatted in raw format to export to Excel.
➢ New: Medical Device Excise Tax, to provide a summary & detail for MDET taxes for a given period. If you are charging the customer for this tax, this report is no necessary.
➢ New: Unit Invoiced by Product & Shade
➢ New: Remakes by Customer & Groups
➢ New: Sales Top X by Customer Options such as Territory, Type, Specialty, Sales Rep, State and more
➢ New: Sales Summary Today by Lab. This report would filter the labs by entering multiple labs separated by comma. (i.e. Lab1,Lab2,Lab3)
➢ New: Patient Treatment by Customer & Product, simply listing the products that were ordered by a customer for their patients.
➢ New: Application & Security Policies, to show each user and which security policies have been granted
➢ New: A new folder called "Customer Portal" has been added with a new report for Customer Portal Access Analysis
➢ New: A new folder called "Technicians" has been added with 2 new reports
•Technicians Performance Summary
•Technicians Performance Detail
➢ All Invoice Forms have been update to break down the State, Local, and the new Medical Device Taxes (MDET).
➢ Receivable Aging Summary Extended report has been enhanced to include last payment date and amount.
➢ Tax Liability Report has been modified to include the new MDET tax.
➢ Route List report has been enhanced to include missing pickups from prior days.
➢ A few technician reports are moved from Employees to the Technicians folder.
Note: If your Invoice report was previously customized, it will remain unchanged. If you would like to show the MDET as a line item, you will need to request the modification.
❖ Interface Changes:
➢ The Customer Export option has been moved from Administrator menu to Tools menu.
➢ The View Failed Email option has been moved from Administrator menu to View menu.
➢ Print & Process Statement has been modified to provide greater flexibility. You may now print the Billing Accounts Statement separately at a later time by selecting the new radio button options.
➢ While printing statements, you will presented with a progress dialog with a "Cancel" option. If for whatever reason you would like to cancel the printing and start over, simply click the cancel button.
➢ File, Settings, the button previously labeled as "Status" is renamed to "Case Statuses". This option now offers a new checkbox called "For Production" letting the system know that the Status is used for cases that you consider in production. This is primarily used with Shipment Manager bundling option.
V7.2.6 Release Notes - September 7th, 2012
❖ System Performance
➢ Case Entry, Add Multiple Products: This option requires loading time to display the products by type, group and department. It has been enhanced to load the setting instantly after the first access. If any of the settings are changed by someone else, the list will be reset.
➢ Customer Settings, Special Prices: When adding product, a new form is added for easier selection and the ability to search the product list.
➢ The WO Description is now displayed at the bottom of the page above the notes area.
➢ The product note now defaults to the Product Invoice Note.
❖ Case Scheduling, Reject Tasks
➢ When a task is rejected from DLCPM instead of Technician Manager, operators are now prompted with a new form to confirm the rejected pay method.
➢ When a pay rate percentage is changed, all pay rates associated with production tasks are now re-calculated. The existing cases however are left untouched.
➢ A new option has been added to customize the printing option during case entry, Invoicing, and shipment. In prior versions, Global Settings were used as to whether print certain documents like Work Order, Invoice, and Case Label. However, in some situation, the operator may be entering cases that have different requirement to print Work Order or Alternate Work Order. This option allow users to set the printing option and to over-write the Global Settings.
❖ Active Labs vs. Non-Active
➢ In DLCPM, if the 2 check boxes named "For Invoicing" and "For Production" are both unchecked, the lab is considered inactive. In this update, all forms that display list of labs have been modified to exclude the inactive labs.
❖ Admin Program
➢ The application policies now display the full description along with their short name making it easier when applying security settings.
❖ Discontinued Products
➢ In prior versions, when a product was discontinued, the product remained as part of the Catalogs, Purchase Orders and Customer Special Prices. With this update, users are warned that the discontinued products will be removed from the related options. Discontinued products have no impact on existing cases, invoices, or related tasks but they are removed from the following options:
➢ Catalog Products, Campaign Products, Customer Special Prices, Product Invoice Notes, Purchase Orders, Product Images
➢ Product Preferences, Related Products, Product Tasks, Product Taxes, Product Translucency & Shades
❖ Laboratory Users
➢ In prior versions, a given user could only be added to one lab. You may now add a given user to multiple labs and select one of the labs as default. If the option in case settings "Invoicing lab is determined by the operator" is enabled, the invoicing lab will only display the lab which the operator is member of, providing that the operator has the security right to edit the lab name.
Blank Case in Production |
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![]() | Submitted Case from Web or API |
❖ Reports
➢ A few new reports have been added.
➢ New Work Order template has been added. This template will break down the tasks by day. The new option is found in the lab settings, forms, Work Order.
➢ Invoices by Date & Customer to print all invoices for a date range by Customer
V7.2.1 Release Notes - August 17th, 2012
❖ Accounts Receivable
➢The finance charge process in V7.2 has been completely re-written. In the previous versions, user could only apply payment or write off to finance charges. Starting with this version, debit invoices are created for each finance charge providing greater flexibility to credit them.
➢All receivable reports have been modified to reflect the changes.
➢Statement has been enhanced to display "Credit to Invoice # Finance Charge" to clearly show the FC was credited.
➢During the upgrade, all finance charges from previous periods are converted to invoice automatically and you will be able to credit them if needed.
➢You may now Credit a Debit Memo which previously was not allowed.
➢Four new fields have been added to specify deadlines for AM/PM and Pickup and Delivery. This will assist the customer service when scheduling pickups.
➢Add Pick-up screen has modified to display deadline.
➢When editing a case, the delivery deadlines are displayed on the shipping page
➢A new option called "Case Batch Invoicing" has been added. This option will allow users to scan multiple cases and invoice them at the same time. The new Menu is located under Tools, Batch Processing option.
➢A new option to "Automatically Print Local Delivery Label" has been added to the Shipping tab. This option will allow printing the label regard of the shipment being Local or Carrier. This is only used when Shipping Manager is not used. The shipping manager module has several printing options.
❖ Security Policies
➢There are 2 new security policies under the Accounting Category. The new policies would allow users to "Void & Re-Create Statements", "Re-Generate Last Month Statement PDF files", and "Re-Create Last Month Statement". In prior version, users with access to accounting were automatically give the rights to perform these functions. These options are provided as a last resort and should be used with extreme care. In a rare situation one would break the accounting principal and change the history.
❖ Reports
➢Several new reports have been added
➢Several existing reports have been enhanced providing additional parameters and better layout.
➢2 redundant AR aging reports have been removed
V7.1.21 Release Notes - July 17th, 2012
➢ Customer Form, Practice Info now has a new section to display most default Lab setting. There is also a new button to access the lab specific settings directly from this page. While there are many other settings available, this section only displays most common fields.
➢ Customer Portal, a new option has been added to decide which address to be use for the FROM field when sending alerts to the Lab.
➢ Customer Portal, Post Payment no longer displays the security code per Visa/MC requirements.
➢ Customer form, Practice Info, now display the customer default lab settings. The data is for display only and may be edited by going to the Settings.
➢ Customer Settings, a new field called Web Catalog has been added. If specified, customer portal will only allow products from this Catalog.
➢ Personal Notes is moved back to the main page on a separate tab with the pending calls
➢ Pickup Manager now displays Pickup Instructions from Lab Settings.
➢ Add Pickup now displays the Pickup Instructions from Lab Settings.
➢ Add Pickup now displays transit days from Customer based on Customer zip code.
➢ Case Entry, Shipping page now displays transit day to the Customer based on Customer zip code.
➢ Employees Time Clock Reports are enhanced to Include / Exclude different Activities like Lunch.
➢ Settings, Shipping Carrier, UPS now has a new option for label rotation.
➢ A new check box has been added in Reasons Maintenance as to display the reason on the web or not. Customer Portal no longer displays the Remake Reasons by defaults.
➢ Add Task option is now available even if the case is invoiced.
• Employees Time Clock reports have been enhanced to include options for activities.
• Catalogs & Customers has been added.
• Case QC Rating Remake Stats has been added.
• Sales Summary by Product & Production Lab has been added.
• Receivable Aging Summary with Extended Period to include 120, 150, and over 150 balances has been added.
• Technician Pro-Pay Report has been added.
• Date In vs. Shipment Date Comparison Report has been added.
• Sales Summary by Customer Type has been added.
❖ Fixes
•Error with duplicating a Case and adding product has been fixed.
•Lab Name didn't display in Post Payment, it has been corrected.
V7.1.15 Release Notes - July 9th, 2012
➢ File, Settings, Accounting, a new option has been added to calculate the finance charge only when the total balance is greater than certain amount.
➢ File, Settings, Accounting a new Checkbox will decide if the system should create the statements broken down by Lab. Typically the statements are created for each customer but in a multi-lab environment, it may be desirable to see the aging for each lab. With this option, the Finance Charges are also calculated based on the balances owed to each lab.
➢ Laboratory Settings, Alert Forms, a new form has been added for the monthly statements. This form is used by DLCPM Automation Server when emailing the statements.
➢ Email Invoice and Email Statement from DLCPM Client now use the default template for the current user to allow for full customization of the email format.
V7.1.14 Release Notes - June 28th, 2012
➢ Post Payment module has been completely re-written for performance and optimization when there are more than 500 open invoices for a given customer.
➢ Purchase Orders may not be copied to another including all products on the PO. The option is on the right click menu.
➢ Purchase Orders change price option found on the right click menu would allow increasing or decreasing the prices by specified percentage.
➢ Product Notes has been replaced with Product Invoice Notes to allow specifying notes for each product by Lab. These notes will optionally print on work order and invoice by checking the respective boxes on the product form.
➢ Customer Fulfillment has a new note field.
➢ Fulfillment Manager create shipment now provides option to select a different shipping address
➢ Settings > Accounting > QuickBooks, Sync Settings, now offers default AR account for QB. If not specified, the last AR account used in QB will be assigned to all invoices and payments. If this field is set, DLCPM Sync will explicitly apply this account to all invoices and payments.
➢ ePop notification will be sent to members of accounting group automatically when Auto-Pay processes credit card payments.
➢ Settings, Laboratory Lists, a new option for Holiday Maintenance has been added. Holidays are automatically excluded when scheduling cases.
V7.1.6 Release Notes - June 14th, 2012
➢ Client Runtime update to provide additional stability and performance. Specifically issues related to Out of Memory and Resources have been corrected.
➢ Case Audit Trail (DAMAS Requirement) to provide device/case activity history for the time it was received at the lab to the time it was shipped. The new option is available on right click Menu of the case or the Print option for the case.
➢ Print Statements will now print the PDF file directly as opposed to running the report again for each statement.
➢ Multiple Product option now sorts the Group, Type, and Department in alphabetic order
➢ Case Number is now printed on the Product Preference Images
➢ New combined invoice option has been added. This option is available from the print option on Customer Cases Page, Report Center Shipping folder, and Shipping Manager.
➢ Print Statements now has an option to print Billing Account Statements. If statements are printed by Statement Class, this checkbox will prevent the BA statements to be printed multiple times. You may check the box the first time and then uncheck it for subsequent classes.
➢ A new checkbox has been added to the CRM List, Customer Complaints to prevent registering duplicate complaint for the same invoice.
➢ Add/Change Lot Number. On Case Finder and Customer form, you may right click on a product to add or change the lot number. This is especially helpful if the case is already invoiced and you no longer are required to edit each product to update the lot number.
V7.0.50 Release Notes - May 16th, 2012
➢ Related Products, 3 new options have been added to allow changing the price for related products when added to the case automatically as part of another product. The new options would allow setting the Quantity, Overwrite the Price, and the Price itself.
➢ Product Tasks, 2 new options have been added to define the department for each task and to instruct the scheduling system when to advance to next day. The new option will advance to the following day if the task is performed in a different department.
➢ A new option has been added to the Scheduling option to multiply the task duration by the number of units.
➢ Settings, Default Invoicing Lab, if set, when adding a case, the invoicing lab will default to the Lab which the user is assigned to. If this option is set and the active user is not assigned to any Lab, user will not be allowed to enter a new case.
V7.0.41 Release Notes - May 3rd, 2012
➢ Accounting Menu, Re-Create Last Statement PDF files option has been added. This option will be useful if the statements are created but the statement form needs to be changed or re-formatted.
➢ Print & Process Statements now has a new option for "Do not Print Statements with zero balance"
➢ Print & Process Statements now will print the statements directly from the PDF file instead of using Crystal report to re-generate them.
V7.0.40 Release Notes - April 25th, 2012
➢ When adding a new Case, after the patient names are entered, DLCPM will check for other open cases in the Lab with the same names and customer. If found, a new button is displayed on the bottom of the page with option to open those cases.
➢ When adding a new Case, after the patient names are entered, DLCPM will check for other open cases in the Lab with the same names and customer with Status of "On Hold", "Canceled", or "Sent for Try In". If found, a warning message is displayed with option to open those cases.
➢ Customer Form, Accounting Tab now has a new option called Statement Class. This option may be used for any reason as desired but it is specifically used to filter the statement when printed or emailed.
➢ The Statement Send Method offers a new option called "Print & E-Mail". If set, the statement is printed and Emailed at the same time.
➢ Settings, CRM Settings, Customers, there is a new button labeled as "Statement Classes". Those defined here will be available on the Customer Form as described.
➢ When processing statements, there is a new checkbox and drop down to process statements for a specific class of customers defined by Statement Class.
➢ Cash Discount option has been added to the "Post Adjustment" button on the accounting tab. This option creates credit memo with type of Cash Discount.
➢ When creating credit memo, if cash discount was applied to the case that is being credited, user will only be able to credit the total charge less the discount.
➢ All Credit Memo Screens now include option to select Reason for the Credit
➢ Settings, Laboratory Lists, Reasons Maintenance has a new check box to identify the reasons to be used for Credit Invoices.
➢ All Credit Invoice menus now offer 3 options as follow:
•Automatically Apply This option applies the credit to the oldest invoices
•Manually apply on Save This option will open the form with unpaid invoices and you may apply the credit as desired.
•Leave Un-Applied This option will simply save the credit memo.
V7.0.36 Release Notes - April 15th, 2012
➢ Global setting has a new option called "Automation Server" to configure the automated services for Auto-Pay, Send & Receive Email, and Lock Box feature. The lock box feature requires custom program to be developed based on your bank reporting system.
➢ Misc. option now offers Time Clock Activity Maintenance. These user defined options will available in the time clock system and may be used for activities like Training, Trade Shows, and so on. These options are added to the 4 built-in activities of Production, Non-Production, Break, and Lunch which are used in the Technician Manager. The user defined activities are not available in the Technician Manager.
➢ The following new fields have been added to the Employees form.
•Start time
•Hourly Rate
➢ This form has been enhanced with a new grid to search and sort. It also has modified to make the manual time entry easier.
➢ Production Tasks now offers defining the task by Minutes or Hours.
Product Tasks & Scheduling:
➢ When creating schedule for a product, you may now specify the task to start on the next day. This option is referred to as day-break option. For example, you may check the box on the third task to start on the next day instead of setting the task duration to 8 hours.
V7.0.1 Release Notes - Feb 12, 2012
➢ A new menu option called "Process Auto-Pay" has been added to the accounting menu. If you do not need Auto-Pay to run automatically, you may run it manually when you would like the customer credit cards to be billed based on their auto pay settings.
Packing Slip: New
➢ New options added under the Case Options to automatically print Packing Slip.
➢ New printer setting has been added to define the printer for Packing Slip.
➢ Packing Slip and/or Invoice may be printed from Shipping Manager.
➢ Packing Slip and/or Invoice may printed during the Case invoicing.
* Please contact MTSI to create your custom designed packing slip
Try-In Cases: Enhanced
➢ If Try-In Case is invoiced, DLCPM creates a new case duplicating the original case. However if the Try-In case is un-invoiced, the duplicate case had to be deleted manually. With this update, the warning is issued and the duplicate is automatically deleted and the original Quantity is restored.
Web Cases: Enhanced
➢ If a case submitted from Web is accepted, the creator is changed from "Web" to the user who accepted it. A log is also written to show when the case was accepted.
Customer Portal: New
➢ Accounting Preferences has been added which includes option to opt-in receiving Monthly Statements by E-Mail.