Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

V6.1 - V6.9 Release Notes

V6.1 - V6.9 Release Notes

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V6.1 - V6.9 Release Notes

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V6.9 Release Notes -  Feb 6th, 2012


Translucency (TL) & Shade: New

New options have been added under setting to define Translucencies and Shades.

Product Page now has a new button to define the Translucency and acceptable Shades.

During Case Entry, if TL or Shade has been defined, operator must select them before saving the Case.

Default Work Order report now prints TL & Shade below the product description.

Customer & Case Alerts: New

When adding alerts, users now have an option to prevent the alert from expiring by un-checking the "Allow users to Expire this Alert" box.

If this box is not checked, during the case entry, the operator will not be allowed to expire the alert.

Country Code Maintenance: New

File, Settings, CRM Lists, Customers, now offer maintenance for Country Codes. By default, USA and Canada have been added in the database.


A new report called "Cases by Product Department, Group, or Type has been added. This report is similar to the one in the sales folder except the data selection in this report is based on the Date-In of the Case and unlike Sales report that only selects the invoices, this report ignores the invoice date.

Sales Analysis Report has been modified  to include the report criteria at the report header level.


Customer Portal:

The Translucencies and Shades described above are also implemented in the Customer Portal. Customers will be able to select translucency and shades for the product and will not be allowed to save the case without them if a given product has associated TL and/or Shades.

A new property has been added to Show / Hide the Shade field at the case level.


V6.8 Release Notes - January 19th, 2012


Shipping Manager, Shipment Due Out Today: New

A new tab called "Shipment Due Out Today" has been added to the shipping manager. This page displays all the cases that must go out today based on the combination of Ship Date and Due Date. Additional intelligence has been built to account for Local Delivery vs. Carrier and Weekends.


Shipping Manager, Declared (Insured) Value: New

A new option has been added so user can set the declared value for the shipment during create shipment process.


Shipping Manager, Pending Fulfillments Message: New

On create shipment page, a message will be displayed for Customers with Pending Fulfillments.


Shipping Manager, Case Details with Case Finder: New

A new option has been added to open case finder if additional information about the case such as Products, Tasks, and Log need to be reviewed.


Shipping Manager, Purolator Canada: New

Support for Purolator Canada has been added. This option requires shipping integration license.


Fulfillment Manager, Create Shipment: New

In addition to UPS & FedEx, users may create fulfillment shipments for Purolator.


Fulfillment Manager, Track Shipment: New

A new button has been added to track fulfillments that have been shipped with Carrier with tracking number.


Customer Form, Sales by Products: New

On the Sales page, a new tab has been added to display sales by products similar to the Department, Type, and Group.


Customer Form, Days in Transit: New

There are 2 new fields have been added to the Pickup & Delivery page. These fields will auto populate in the future updates to show the transit days From/To lab for thee given Customer, Carrier, and Service Type.


Customer Form, Cases Page & Case Finder: New

Carrier Service Type has been added to the Cases grid.


Customer Settings, Taxes: Behavior Changed

If transfer to QB has been enabled, users will not be allowed to enter more than one taxes per customer. This is due to restriction in QB.


Practice Doctors: New

A new check box has been added to allow set the default Doctor Name. When adding a new case, the doctor name is taken from the main customer record. If this box is checked, the Doctor Name will default to this name during the case entry.

If "Use this address instead of Customer shipping address" box is checked, when selecting that Practice Doctor, the address shown will be added to the case instead of the main customer shipping address.


Settings, QuickBooks: New

A new option has been added for QB transfer Auto-Apply Payments. If for some reason, the transfer routine is unable to pay the specific invoices according to DLCPM, this option will auto apply the payments in QB paying the oldest invoice.


General Fixes and Enhancements:

Customer Shipments has been enhanced for performance

If Customer was transferred to QB, then tax was added a later time, the tax item didn't transfer in the subsequent updates. As a result, when cases with tax were transferred, QB stripped out the tax. This issue only applies to customers added and transferred since Jan 02, 2012. Users must update the customer by making a change  and transfer to QB which will now transfer the tax. If any invoices were posted in QB, they will need to be updated in QB manually to add the tax back to them.


V6.7 Release Notes - January 2nd, 2012


Application Security Policy: New

The old security groups where their name started with "SEC - " have been removed and replaced by new application policies. There are number of advantages to the new system.

Application Securities are broken down by Category for easier View.

GROUPS or USERS may be added to the application policies.

A large number of new options added for better flexibility to control the options in DLCPM.

To access application securities,

Click Administrator Menu and open System Admin

From the left panel, click Application Policies

Click on the + sign and select the desired Category

Click on each Category to see options

Double click on each option, add or remove members from the option


Accounting: Post Payment

Several new check boxes have been added to the post payment. Users may now check the box next to each past due balance to pay them instead of selecting one invoice at a time.

Refund Check and Credit Card has been added to the transfer routine for QB.

View Payments now displays the Transaction ID and Approval Code for Credit Card Payments

Online Mart CC processing has been added for Canadian Customers (requires license)


Shipment Manager Module: Enhancements

Default sort option has been added under Personal Settings

The module has been optimized for better performance

Purolator Carrier is now available for Canadian customers (requires separate license)


General Stability Enhancements and bug Fixes.

Number of minor bugs have been resolved and several of the applications have been enhanced for stability and performance.


V6.6 Release Notes -  October 15th, 2011


Shipment Manager Module: New

The integration with UPS & FedEx coupled with shipment bundling had worked very well in the prior version of DLCPM. The new shipment manager is designed to allow laboratories to separate the invoicing and shipping processes and to provide a view of pending shipments. This module will display all invoiced cases by customers, carriers, and service type along with the minimum ship and due date. It also displays the list of potential cases to be bundled as well as hint if the invoice can be held back for bundling purposes. Once ready, users may create shipment by customer which will perform the following:

Create shipment and print the shipping Label

Print Invoice (optional)

Print Packing Slip (Optional)

Print Local Shipping Label (Optional)

Upon shipping, all cases are updated with the tracking number

The second TAB will display the invoices already shipped for the day. The shipment may be voided if the case needs to be un-invoiced. Shipment manager may be used with other carriers than UPS & FedEx for purpose of updating the invoices with their respective tracking numbers.


Customer Complaint Module: New

This is a comprehensive customer complaint processing system which meets all FDA requirements. It consists of several processes from Submission, Evaluation, QA, to Resolution. It also provides completion date and Employee for each step with the final resolution.


Download Design Files: New

The “Open Folder” option is now enhanced to allow downloading the design file directly to your desktop in addition to open the folder directly on the network.


Preview Statements: New

On Create Statement form, a new button has been added to create preview statements. Once the preview statements are created, you can navigate to Report  Center, Accounting and click on Statement Preview Report. This report will include all statements. After verification, you may proceed to create the statements.


Customer Alerts: New

In addition to the existing Email and Text Messaging alerts, the customer may be setup to receive the following daily alerts:

Daily Case Summary included all the cases received and shipped each day. It includes the carrier and tracking number for each case.

Daily Invoices includes a PDF file with list of all invoices for the day. Both alerts are optional per customer and they are automatically emailed at a designated time at the end of each day.


Refund: New

On Post Payment Form, a new option for Refund has been added. Select the desired payment and Click the Refund button. If a payment with Refund is deleted, users are warned to also delete the refund.


Post Adjustments & Cash Discount: New

On the Customer Menu as well as Accounting Page, a new option called “Post Adjustment” has been added. This option is the same as creating Credit & Debit Memo except that it does not require adding product. On Post Payment form, there is a new option called “Post Cash Discount”. This option will create a credit memo as Cash Discount, applies it to the earliest

invoice and returns to post payment.  If a cash discount was applied to a payment that is being deleted, user is warned to optionally remove the cash discount.


QB Post Processing: New

If an Invoice is Sync to QB, then un-invoiced, it will automatically be deleted from QB. If Payments are Sync to QB, then deleted in DLCPM, they will automatically be deleted from QB. View QB Sync Error now displays the failed transactions.


Product Restoration vs. Prosthesis: New

A new option has been added on the product page to identify if the product is a Restoration or Prosthesis. When entering a Case, if the product is Restoration, user will be prompted to enter the tooth number. If the product is Prosthesis, user may select Upper Arch, Lower Arch, or type a user defined text.


Product Images: New

You may now attach images to each product. We plan to use the images on the Customer Portal in future releases.


Product Preference Images: New

In addition to the text preferences, users may attach an Image to the product preferences and optionally print the image as part of the work order printing.


Lab Specific Setting: New

The following 2 items have been added to the Lab Settings. Each Lab may have their own account in respect to UPS, FedEx and Credit Card processing

UPS Integration Settings

FedEx Integration Settings

Credit Card Processing Settings


Automated Job Processor:

The following Automated Services have been added and may be activated by users.

Auto Apply Payments & Credit

o Once activated, it will automatically applies un-applied payments & credit to the oldest invoices base on the given schedule.

Auto Complete Collection Calls

o When Collection Calls are created thru the Automated Services, this option will automatically complete the calls for customers that are no longer have past due balances.

Auto Complete Web Calls

o When Cases are submitted via Customer Portal, calls are created for recording purposes. If the Case is accepted but the call is not completed, this automated process will automatically complete the calls.

Nightly Shipment Alerts

o If any customer is set to receive daily alert, this automated procedure will automatically email the Cases received, Cases shipped, and copy of all invoices for the day.

Post Payment

o The Finance Charges are now displayed in the order which they were incurred instead of being at top of the list.


Common Notes: New

In Settings, Global, Misc., a new maintenance has been added to set-up common notes for Call Notes, Work Order, Invoice, and QC Notes. Users may add the common notes here and then use the look-up list in the respective area to paste the note without typing them manually.

The common notes are available in the following areas:

When adding notes to a Call

When adding notes to Work Order

When adding notes to Invoice

When adding notes during QC outsource cases


General Enhancements:

Global Settings, Accountings, a new checkbox has been added for the multiple lab environment. If a customer is shared between the labs, this must be checked.

Setting, Shipping, a new maintenance button has been added for Carrier Service Types. This option allows user to define the service type for Carriers other than UPS and FedEx.

Attempting to add shipping product to a case when Customers has been setup as “No Shipping Charge” will now generate an error and will not allow the product to be added.

A new field named “Required Days” has been added to the product. This field is used to determine the requested return date in Customer Portal.

Global Settings, Case Option, Case Entry, Case Validation 4 new checkboxes has been added to allow/disallow entering case for customers on Credit Hold or over Credit Limit

Discounts now may be identified as Promotional Discounts

Technical and Customer Service Advisor have been added to the Customer form.

Define multiple taxes by Customer

If customer is set to “No Shipping Charge”, operator no longer will be able to add shipping charge to the case.

2 New option add under Customer Settings, Alerts and Notifications.


Security Groups:

There are number of new security groups to provide additional flexibility. Some of the option shared one security group but now they are broken down. If users are not able to perform certain functions, please be sure to review the list below and add them to the appropriate groups.


Here is a complete list of application security groups:

Those preceded by * are new and will require immediate attention

Security - Access to Accounting Options

Security - Access to Add & Edit Case

Security - Access to Admin Program

Security - Access to Alter Customer ID

Security - Access to Apply or Change Discount

Security - Access to Apply or Change Remake Discount

Security - Access to Automated Services

Security - Access to Call Management

Security - Access to Change Prices

Security - Access to Create Credit Memo & Credit Case

Security - Access to Create Statement

Security - Access to CRM Settings

Security - Access to Customer Settings

Security - Access to Delete a Customer

Security - Access to Delete Calls & Notes

Security - Access to Delete Case

Security - Access to Delete Correspondence

Security - Access to Delete Letters

*Security - Access to Delete Customer Complaints

Security - Access to Document Manager

Security - Access to Employees

Security - Access to Global Settings

Security - Access to Live Statistics

Security - Access to Local Documents

Security - Access to Modify Call Notes

Security - Access to Modify Payments

*Security - Access to Open or Apply Credit Memos

Security - Access to Post Payments

Security - Access to Remake a Case

Security - Access to Scanner Configuration

Security - Access to Un-Invoice Case

*Security - Access to View Credit Memos

*Security - Access to View Customer Credit Card

*Security - Access to View Payments

*Security - Access to View/Edit Customer Settings Alerts Page

*Security - Access to View/Edit Customer Settings Commissions Page

*Security - Access to View/Edit Customer Settings General Page

*Security - Access to View/Edit Customer Settings Special Price Page

Security - Access to Web Calls Manager

*Security - Allow to Add Customer Preferences

Security - Allow to Complete or Rejects Case Tasks

*Security - Allow to Delete Customer Preferences

*Security - Allow to Edit Customer Preferences

*Security - Allow to View Customer Preferences

*Security - Complete Control over Customer Complaints


Customer Portal:

Case Submission has been changed to follow the Restoration vs. Prosthesis products. If the requested date is enforced, the “Required Days” for the product is used when calculating the minimum return date. If multiple products are added, the largest required days will be used.

A new checkbox has been added to the Fulfillment maintenance to allow displaying the items on the Customer Portal.


V6.2 Release Notes - July 5th 2011


Credit Memo:

 A new checkbox has been added under Settings, Accounting to Auto-Apply the credit to the original invoicing lab as opposed to the first unpaid invoice. This applies to the installation with multiple labs where sales and credits are tracked for each Lab.


Customer Account Page:

The last Statement Period and Dates are displayed on this page.

A new field called "Total Due Now" has been added. This field represents the past due balances plus the current charges.


Automated Services, Job Management:

There are 3 SQL (Database) Jobs have been added to perform certain function automatically.

   Auto-Apply Payments & Credits. Once activated, it will automatically apply the unapplied payments and credits to the oldest invoices. You may also change the schedule to run as often as you like. We recommend scheduling it to run once a day.

  Auto Complete Collection Calls. This option is designed to complete pending calls that were generated for collection and if the customer has already paid their balance. The default schedule is set to run once a day and must be activated.

  Auto Complete Web Calls. If your lab is utilizing the Customer Portal and have the call creation enabled, this job can automatically complete the calls after cases are accepted. Simply Activate the job by checking the Active checkbox and change the schedule. The default schedule is set to run daily but it may be changed to run every few hours.


QC Rating for Outsourced Cases:

A new checkbox has been added to print the work order upon saving

The work order notes has been added to the form


Case Entry:

The case entry screen has been enhanced with new options.

A new checkbox has been added to automatically print work order on save.

The Follow-up tab has been enhanced with simple call or Advance call. The second option now opens the normal call edit with advanced options.

If Route is blank but the PM Route is populated, the PM Route will be assigned to the case when entering a new case.


Create Alert:

Users may now create alert for the case from cases page or case finder directly.


Security Groups:

Number of new groups has been added to better control user access to Post Payment, View Payment, Modify Payment and so on.


Void Payment:

This option has been added to the accounting view payments. It is particularly useful for bounced checks where you would not want to delete the payment. When voiding, the payment amount would be set to 0 and notes will be added to the payment note.


Cash Payment Type:

The new payment method of Cash has been added and all respective reports have been modified.


Customer Form:

Web URL moved to the first page

Technical Advisor field has been added

CSR Advisor has been added


Tasks and Scheduling:

There are number of enhancements for tasks and scheduling.

You may now define Unit Value for each task. When crediting technicians, the quantity will be multiplied by unit value. The default is 0.

Task sequence has been added to Product Tasks. The sequence is inherited from production tasks.

In settings, Scheduling, a set of 3 radio buttons has been added to automatically combine units for similar task or eliminate the duplicates.


Customer Preferences

Users may now create Customer, Product, Department, and group preferences for the entire practice or for each individual doctor in the practice.


Automated Services

A new automated service has been added to automatically process unapplied payments and credits. The service in Inactive by default and will need to be activated.


QuickBooks Transfer:

Starting with V6.1, a number of enhancements have been made to this module.

If a payment is deleted or voided, it will also be deleted from QB

If a payment is modified and applied to invoices other than the ones that were applied to, QB will reflect those changes.

If transfer is unable to find the invoice that the payment was applied to, it will post the payment as unapplied in QB.

If a case is Un-Invoiced after it was transferred to QB, it will be remove from QB until the case is invoiced again and re-transferred.


Multiple Shipping Addresses:

User may now add the same Doctor multiple times under the practice doctors each with different shipping address. During the case entry, operator would have the option to select from the list of addresses.


Case Entry and Invoicing Preferences:

Number of new options has been added to further enhance case entry and invoicing.

Option to disallow entering a case when customer on credit hold

Option to disallow invoicing  a case when customer on credit hold

Option to disallow entering a case when customer over credit limit

Option to disallow invoicing a case when customer over credit limit



Post Payment:

This option now displays the Customer Name, Practice Name, Phone Number and Account Number at the top of the form.



Several new reports have been added.

Finance Charge and Write Off by Lab. Customer

Receivable Aging Summary by Lab, by Period

Products by Department

Remake by Lab, Department

Remakes vs. Sales Comparison

Customer Profiles

Customer Discount Expiration

Customer Price Expiration

Customer Credit Card Expiration

Customer Dashboard

Payments Distribution

Payment List by Date

Invoice Register by Lab

Sales by Route Analysis

Sales Discount Detail

New Account Activities

New or Returning Customers

Shipment Bundle Analysis

Total Units produced by Employee

Remake & Sales Comparison by Lab

Finance Charge & Write Off by Lab, Customer

Receivable Aging Summary by Lab, Period

Un-Applied Payments & Credits

Open Cases by Production Lab


V6.1.5 Release Notes - June 17th 2011


Credit Memo:

The credit memo option now checks to see if the payment has been made on the invoice. If no payment has been applied, it would allow crediting the case. Otherwise, it will prompt to user to create a credit memo based on this case.


QC Rating for Outsourced Cases:

-A new checkbox has been added to print the work order upon saving

-The work order notes has been added to the form


Case Entry:

The case entry screen has been enhanced with new options.

-A new checkbox has been added to automatically print work order on save.

-The Follow-up tab has been enhanced with simple call or Advance call. The second option now opens the normal call edit with advanced options.

-If Route is blank but the PM Route is populated, the PM Route will be assigned to the case when entering a new case.


Create Alert:

Users may now create alert for the case from cases page or case finder directly.


Security Groups:

Number of new groups has been added to better control user access to Post Payment, View Payment, Modify Payment and so on.


Void Payment:

This option has been added to the accounting view payments. It is particularly useful for bounced checks where you would not want to delete the payment. When voiding, the payment amount would be set to 0 and notes will be added to the payment note.


Cash Payment Type:

The new payment method of Cash has been added and all respective reports have been modified.


Customer Form:

-Web URL moved to the first page

-Technical Advisor field has been added

-CSR Advisor has been added


Tasks and Scheduling:

There are number of enhancements for tasks and scheduling.

-You may now define Unit Value for each task. When crediting technicians, the quantity will be multiplied by unit value. The default is 0.

-Task sequence has been added to Product Tasks. The sequence is inherited from production tasks.

-In settings, Scheduling, a set of 3 radio buttons has been added to automatically combine units for similar task or eliminate the duplicates.


Customer Preferences

Users may now create Customer, Product, Department, and group preferences for the entire practice or for each individual doctor in the practice.


Automated Services

A new automated service has been added to automatically process unapplied payments and credits. The service in Inactive by default and will need to be activated.


QuickBooks Transfer:

Starting with V6.1, a number of enhancements have been made to this module.

-If a payment is deleted or voided, it will also be deleted from QB

-If a payment is modified and applied to invoices other than the ones that were applied to, QB will reflect those changes.

-If transfer is unable to find the invoice that the payment was applied to, it will post the payment as unapplied in QB.

-If a case is Un-Invoiced after it was transferred to QB, it will be remove from QB until the case is invoiced again and re-transferred.


Multiple Shipping Addresses:

User may now add the same Doctor multiple times under the practice doctors each with different shipping address. During the case entry, operator would have the option to select from the list of addresses.


Case Entry and Invoicing Preferences:

Number of new options has been added to further enhance case entry and invoicing.

-Option to disallow entering a case when customer on credit hold

-Option to disallow invoicing  a case when customer on credit hold

-Option to disallow entering a case when customer over credit limit

-Option to disallow invoicing a case when customer over credit limit



Post Payment:

This option now displays the Customer Name, Practice Name, Phone Number and Account Number at the top of the form.



Several new reports have been added.

-Finance Charge and Write Off by Lab. Customer

-Receivable Aging Summary by Lab, by Period

-Products by Department

-Remake by Lab, Department

-Remakes vs. Sales Comparison

-Customer Profiles

-Customer Discount Expiration

-Customer Price Expiration

-Customer Credit Card Expiration

-Customer Dashboard

-Payments Distribution

-Payment List by Date

-Invoice Register by Lab

-Sales by Route Analysis

-Sales Discount Detail

-New Account Activities

-New or Returning Customers

-Shipment Bundle Analysis

-Total Units produced by Employee

-Remake & Sales Comparison by Lab

-Finance Charge & Write Off by Lab, Customer

-Receivable Aging Summary by Lab, Period

-Un-Applied Payments & Credits

-Open Cases by Production Lab