Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Customer Lab Settings

Customer Lab Settings

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Customer Lab Settings

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The lab Settings menu is designed to hold the Pickup and Shipping settings as well as some Case Entry options such as default discount, or default catalog and much more for each selected Lab. Different labs can have different settings, so all you need is to add your lab and set up the specific preferences.


Please Note: Each of these settings will effect ONLY the selected customer. The Customer Settings form is not available unless a customer is previously selected.





Navigation: Customer > Settings > Lab Settings

V12 - Customer Settings - Lab Settings

Customer Settings - Lab Settings menu

Select a Lab:

1.Click V9 - Add

2.Select the Lab Name

3.Check Initialize using Default Lab Settings if you wish that the newly added lab have the same options as the Default record.

4.To delete a lab from the list click V9 - Remove and confirm when asked.


You can always make further settings to the DEFAULT lab that cannot be removed, or you can select one of the labs you have added and set it up as you will need it in the application.

hmtoggle_arrow1Case Entry

hmtoggle_arrow1Pickup and Shipping


See also:

Customer Settings for more setup options