Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

DAMAS Procedures

DAMAS Procedures

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DAMAS Procedures

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DAMAS is short from Dental Appliance Manufacturers Audit Scheme.  

This feature is designed to help your lab to follow good practices as defined by DAMAS. This feature only deals with recommended maintenance procedures.


DAMAS set up:    

1.Click on File > Global Settings > Global > DAMAS Maintenance    

2.On this page, you will find 4 buttons to define Buildings, Locations, Equipment, and finally the Procedures.

3.You will find some sample data to guide you through each option.

You are now done with the basic set up. Next, you will need to create the Procedures.


Creating DAMAS Procedures:


The procedures are created by Lab so each company can have its own procedure depending on the buildings, locations, and equipment.

1.Navigate to File > Global Settings > Global > Laboratory lists > Laboratories and edit each lab.

2.On this page, locate the DAMAS tab.

3.Click Add and create the procedure and provide the necessary data along with the desired schedule.

You now have created the procedures. Next you would need to activate the Automated Service in the Job Processor section.


DAMAS Procedures Automation (Job Processor):

The Job Processor  automatically checks based on the schedule and generates the necessary procedures so they can be scanned later.

1.Click on Automated Services from the left sidebar, then select Job Management.

2.Locate the Job called DAMAS – Create Daily Procedure

3.Modify this Job and make it Active. This job is already set to run once a day after midnight. You do not need to change the schedule unless you are advised by Magic Touch Support team. The Job must run after midnight.

4.Click OK to Save.

You have now completed the DAMAS set up. At this point DLCPM will automatically create the procedure according to their scheduled time.


DAMAS Procedures Monitor:

1.Click on Tools menu across the top and select DAMAS Procedures.

2.This form shows the list of procedures that have been automatically generated by DLCPM on a nightly basis.

3.You will be able to view what has or has not been completed.

4.You may also add or delete any procedure as needed.


Creating Barcodes for the Procedures

1.In the Report Center, look for DAMAS folder and find the report to print the bar codes. These barcodes should be distributed to employees or otherwise affixed to the equipment that require maintenance.


Completing the Procedures

1.You will need to use the Technician Manager option called DAMAS Procedures under scan work button to scan the barcode generated for each maintenance. For example, if an employee cleaned his bench, he simply scans the barcode that was previously provided to him or affixed to his bench. If an employee cleaned a piece of equipment, he would scan the barcode attached to that equipment.

2.As the procedures are scanned by the employees, the DAMAS Procedures Monitor will reflect the completion date, time, and the employee who performed the procedure.