Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

DAMAS Procedures

DAMAS Procedures

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DAMAS Procedures

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DAMAS is short from Dental Appliance Manufacturers Audit Scheme. The purpose of this feature is to allow you to plan procedures that will be executed frequently for a period of time. Each procedure is defined for a specific laboratory, then under Tools > DAMAS Procedure menu you will find DAMAS Maintenance Log form where you can add already configured procedures or complete the ones that are scheduled for the current date.

V12 - Laboratory Lists - Laboratories - Add new lab - DAMAS Procedures

Laboratory form - DAMAS Procedures


hmtoggle_arrow1How to add a DAMAS Procedure

hmtoggle_arrow1How to update a  DAMAS Procedure


hmtoggle_arrow1How to delete a  DAMAS Procedure


See also:
