Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Post Payment

Post Payment

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Post Payment

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To enter a new payment click the Post Payment button on the Accounting tab on the Customer form or the Receive Payment on the Main left side menu. If you choose the first option then the Post Payment form will display and the Customer name will populate with the customer information corresponding to the customer record selected. If the second navigation option is your choice then Select a Customer for this payment form is displayed first and only after a customer is selected may you proceed with posting a payment.  




Select the customer for which payment will be posted to then on 5. Accounting click on post Payment

V12 - Accounting - Post Payments - navigation 1


Post Payments /View Payments options in Customer > Accounting menu




In the Main menu click on Receive Payment

V12 - Accounting - Post Payment - naviagtion 2


and then select the Customer for which the payment will be posted to

V12 - Accounting - Post Payment- Select Customer

Select Customer for the Payment form


The Post Payment form will display:

V12 - Post Payment form

Post Payments form

hmtoggle_arrow1How to post new Payment:


See also:

How to View Payment

How to Modify Payment

How to Delete Payment

How to Void Payment

How to Print Receipt