Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Production Tasks Maintenance

Production Tasks Maintenance

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Production Tasks Maintenance

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Production Tasks are used in the case scheduling system. Here you create a master list of all Tasks performed at your Laboratory and you can then assign these tasks to different products in Product Maintenance. For each Task, you have the option of associating Pay rates and Technicians who can perform the Task. If a given Task is marked as QC Task, an additional TAB named "QC Checklist Point" is where you can define the checkpoints. This Tab will not be visible if the task is not a QC Task.



In order to be able to enter all details, please make sure you have data entered on following tables:    

at least one Laboratory added on File > Global Settings > Laboratory Lists > Laboratories form

set Laboratory to Default Production Lab on File > Global Settings > Case options form

Pay Rate values added on File > Global Settings > Products & Tasks Lists >Pay Rates Codes

At least one technician employee. This means that an employee is needed that has one of the Technician or QC technician options checked. A Manager cannot have tasks assigned.

At least one valid Task Checkpoint value created on File > Global Settings > Products & Tasks Lists > Tasks Checkpoints form


Navigation: File > Global Settings > Products & Tasks Lists > Production Tasks


V12 - Products and Tasks Lists - Production Tasks

Production Tasks  form


hmtoggle_arrow1How to create a Task

hmtoggle_arrow1How to update a task

hmtoggle_arrow1How to delete a Task?

hmtoggle_arrow1How to add Pay Rates to a Task

hmtoggle_arrow1How to update a Pay Rate added to a task

hmtoggle_arrow1How to delete a Pay Rate from a Task?

hmtoggle_arrow1How to assign/unassign Technicians to a Task

hmtoggle_arrow1How to add QC Checkpoints to a Task

hmtoggle_arrow1How to update QC Checkpoint list assigned to a task

hmtoggle_arrow1How to delete a QC Checkpoint assigned to a task

hmtoggle_arrow1Associated Products

See also:

How to add a task to a product