Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Tasks Checkpoints Maintenance

Tasks Checkpoints Maintenance

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Tasks Checkpoints Maintenance

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Task Checkpoints are designed for internal QC process. The default QC is based on either accepting or rejecting a task but you have the option to break down the Task QC to multiple checkpoints to insure best QC. The checkpoints are setup in DLCPM Client and are used in Technician Manager. In this case, if one point is rejected, then the Task is rejected.


Navigation:   File > Global Settings > Global > Products & Tasks Lists  > Tasks Checkpoints    

V12 - Products and Tasks Lists - Tasks Checkpoints

Tasks Checkpoints Maintenance form

hmtoggle_arrow1How to add a Checkpoint record

hmtoggle_arrow1How to update a Checkpoint record

hmtoggle_arrow1How to delete a Checkpoint record


See also:

Add Checkpoints to a task