Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

V9 Release Notes

V9 Release Notes

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V9 Release Notes

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V9.4.11 Release Notes - July 18, 2014

Features DLCPM

Customer Queries with Parameters. This option has been enhanced to display a blank entry and if selected, it will query the customers for those that have no data in the selected field.

Email Credit Card Receipt sender now correctly send the email FROM the accounting email address if one has been specified.

Mass Print option now excludes customers if the box for "Do not send marketing material" is checked.

Two new menu options has been add to the FILE menu of the main form. Ctrl+F1 to add a new Case, Ctrl+F2 to add a new Customer, and Ctrl+F12 to open Master Settings.

Add Enclosure has been enhanced by adding additional shortcut keys to eliminate the need for using the mouse. Alt+A to jump to the list of available enclosures, Alt+C to jump to the selected Case enclosures, Alt+N to jump to Notepad, and Alt+Q to change the quantity for selected enclosure.

Add/Remove Customer from Billing Accounts will now display Warnings. Please carefully read the warning before proceeding.

Batch Invoicing now includes the Invoice date in the Audit Trail

Scheduling Cases now has a new Audit log if the Ship Date is modified as a result of scheduling the case.

Customer Payments, if a given payment is applied to open cases as Pre-Payment, a new tab will be visible on the right panel display the list of cases.

Tax Codes, Inactive checkbox has been removed and replaced with "Deactivate On" date field. The Inactive checkbox was added in the previous version but even if the box was checked, users would had to go to each customer, Lab, and Product to remove that tax. The new option can be set ahead of time and will not be used in the tax calculation if expired. That means even if the customer has some taxes assigned to them, only the non-Expired taxes will be applied to Invoices. This has no impact on the case that were previously Invoiced unless they are un-invoiced and Invoiced again.

Labs, Products, and Customer Taxes have been enhanced to display the deactivation dates.

Features External Applications

Customer Portal: French translation has been incorporated.

LabConneX Portal: Option to add attachments to the Case has been added.

Technician Manager: Several new options has been added. Please review the Settings page for list of new features.

LabConneX Enterprise to allow automatic transfer of Cases, Images, and Calls between Invoicing Lab & Production Labs has been fully deployed.


Mass Print option occasionally did not print the document due to the version of MS Word and OLE automation. This has been corrected.

View ePop History, if double click was used, it sometimes opened the previous message.

If Enable Prospect Login in Customer Portal was enabled, DLCPM still would not allow users to set the password.  

Customer Form sometimes displayed Remake % where the Remake amount was zero. This has been fixed.



V9.3.160 Release Notes - July 7, 2014

Customer View Application Policy

A new policy called "Customer View" has been added to the list of Customer policies. By default, member of "All Users" group will have access to the customer form. To remove this option for certain users, the policy should be removed from All Users group and added to the appropriate groups.


Case Edit Changing the Product Code

When the product code is changed, all related materials for the old product is automatically removed.

All related material for the new product is automatically added.

An Audit Trail log is created indicating the product ID was changed.

Scan Document & Capture Image

Both option now have Notes area similar to add case document.

Customer Prices Copy Option

A new button has been added to allow copying the special prices from one Customer to another.


V9.3.150 Release Notes - June 25, 2014

LabConneX Portal (LXP)

Production Labs are now allowed to add Materials to the case even if the Material is not added to the case by the Invoicing Lab.

Create Date and Created By has been added to track when the material was added.

A new log is added to the Audit Trail when production lab adds a new material to the case.

Job Processor Automation

A new checkbox "Don't run this Job on Weekends or Holidays" has been added.

Technician Manager

Message Board editor has been enhanced.

When clocking In or Out, a list of time clock hours for that day is displayed.

 While Scanning Tasks, number of cases scanned are displayed.

DAMAS Scanning will allow scanning multiple procedures before saving.

"My Payroll" has been added to the Report page which includes the technician pay and the time clock hours. Technicians must type in their user ID and password. The badge scan is not allowed here.

Master Settings now offers several new options:

Set Pay Rate to zero when clocked in as Non-Production.

Option to play sound as technicians scan their work. There are 2 different sounds, one for error and one for valid entry.

Complete all occurrences of given tasks has been added. For example, if there are 2 tasks for Model for 2 different products, with this option, both of them are completed when the first one is completed and technicians is able to do both.

A new Menu called "Scan Work Menus" has been added. With this option, you can Display or Hide the options on Scan Task page.

When clocking out, system automatically asks if technician is clocking out for break or lunch. A new option is added to eliminate this. If enabled, the only option available will be "Clock Out".

DLCPM New Features & Enhancements

A new Merchant account "Payscape" has been added to the list of available Merchants.

A new checkbox "Do not send Statement" has been added to the accounting page. While the statements are always generated, they will not print or Email if this box is checked.

When creating Alerts, a new button "Alert Common Notes" may be used to select from most frequently used comments. The list of common notes are found under Global Settings, Miscellaneous option.

Remote Route Shipment Tracking has been added to "Update Shipping Info" for Local Deliveries. If you have out of town drivers, this option can help create deliveries and create log with the tracking number of the main shipment.

Fulfillments on the customer record didn't display the Notes and item detail as it did on the Fulfillment Manager. This has been added.

Three new queries have been added to the Case Finder to find Cases with Invoice, Case Entry, or Shipment Alerts.

A new field for Patient Chart # has been added to the Case.

Reject Task from DLCPM has been slightly re-designed for clarity and it also allows for the number of units to be adjusted.

Completing Task from DLCPM now displays the Pay rate to be adjusted.

When Scheduling a Case after some tasks are completed, a new checkbox has been added to allow adjust the technician pay rate based on the quantity. If the quantity is increased, the technician will get credit for the difference. If it is decreased, technician pay will be deducted.

Customer Payment form will now auto-hide the Transaction result if the payment is not a Credit Card payment.

A new right click Menu called "Mark as Successful" has been added to the Customer Payments form. The option is only available if the payment is a CC payment and has failed. Upon verification with the Merchant, the payment may be marked as successful. You may only mark the payments from the current statement period.

DAMAS Maintenance option has been enhanced along with several new reports.

Billing Accounts form has a new button for "Interim Statement" similar to Customers.

QuikBooks Sync has been modified to support Inventory items in QB.

Product form now offers a new tab with all the necessary settings for Inventory items in QuickBooks.

When opening a Call, Customer, or Case, if the record is locked by another user, you have an option to send an ePop to request unlocking the record.

ePop system now uses a pre-defined range of port as opposed any random open port. For firewall setting, you need to insure port 64500 + number of users are open. For example, a 30 user network will need to open ports from 64500 to 64530. You may need to extend the range since some of these ports may be used by Windows. If used, DLCPM will try the next one.



Credit Card Payment Receipt was not sending Email in V9.2.

Do not print zero balance was not working when Processing Statements while it worked when Printing Statements.

If checkbox for "Print WO" in Case Edit was checked while editing a case, it caused two WO to be printed when adding a new case.

Sales by Route didn't properly set the ROUTE for Credit Cases resulting in Undefined Route. For credit cases which have no route, this report will read the Route from the Customer.


Post V9.3.105 Release Notes - June 2, 2014

New Features & Enhancements

Remote Route Shipment Tracking has been added to "Update Shipping Info" for Local Deliveries. If you have out of town drivers, this option can help create deliveries and track the shipment. The existing option has been modified to include a new checkbox called "Remote Route" and a field to enter the tracking number. This option will add a log in the Audit Trail section as "Remote Route Shipment" and the log Description will contain the tracking number used.

A new Query called "Remote Route Cases Shipment" has been added to the Case Finder to list such cases.

A date filter drop down on upper right corner now offers Shipment Date as selection to further filter the list.

The Shipment Date has been added to Case Finder list.

When editing a case, if the checkbox to print WO on Save is checked, it setting will be remembered for the user.

In File Settings, under Case Options settings in the Case Dates section, the option for Default number of days for Due Date: if this option is set to 0, the default Due Date will be blank when adding a new Case.

Task Pay Rate option has been modified to define Flat rate along with Pay Level. This is to complement the previous update allowing pay rate by Task, Product, and Employee.

Employee List form now displays the Department name that Employees have been assigned to.

When adding a Time Clock entry from DLCPM, the Department drop down list has been added and defaulted to the Employee's Department.

In the Technician Manager, selecting a Department has been added to the clock in screen.

The Customer Practice Info Page now displays the date of when the Customer Portal was last accessed. This change requires an update to the Customer Portal.

A new field called "Student Name" has been added to the Case Entry. This field is useful when working with university accounts.

On the Case Finder form, a new page has been added to display the complaints related to the selected Case.


Fixes & Changes

If a Credit Card was used with Auto-Pay and then deleted from list of credit cards on-file, the reference to Auto-Pay was not being removed causing Auto-Pay to fail with an unable to find credit card error. This has been fixed so if the credit card is deleted, the Auto-Pay link is removed and the user must select the appropriate card for Auto-Pay.

Recover Deleted payments now shows all deleted payments but only payments from the current statement period are recoverable.

With release of V9.2, a new credit card template was added to include the payment information instead of attaching a .PDF file. This option caused a problem with the old template which required an attachment. This has been corrected so regardless of what template is used, the email will attach a .PDF file based on the Credit Card Receipt Report.

When sending emails from the Complaint Manager, the email would fail if the email address contained “>” or “<”. This encoding issue has been corrected.

Invoice Alerts would pop-up when Creating Estimate causing error if user clicked on "Don't Invoice" button. The alert should have come up and has been suppressed.

Invoice Alerts would pop-up when Creating Credit Memo causing error if user clicked on "Don't Invoice" button. The alert should have come up and has been suppressed.

Credit Reason drop down was displayed when creating Estimate. It has been removed.


Customer Portal

A new property has been added to notify the lab by Email if there was a network error during the credit card processing.  

V9.2 Release Notes - April 7, 2014

Combined notes from V9.1 Released on February 3, 2014

Volume Discount

This option provides a method to automatically create Credit Memo or Credit Adjustment with options to preview. The process is fully automated and takes place when creating statements.

Setup Volume Discounts Globally or by Each Customer

Option to calculate by Dental Group

Options to deduct Credits, Remakes, and Past Due Balances

Option to Create Credit Memo with product code or simple Credit Adjustment

Define unlimited number of sales range and discount percentage


Recurring Invoices

This option provides a method to automatically generate invoice on a monthly basis for services such as monthly support fee or other subscription fees. The process utilizes the customer special pricing option and it is fully automated. The Invoices are generated when the statements are created with option to Preview and skip the process.


Add the desired product under customer special pricing and mark it as recurring.


Incoming Shipment & Automatic Case Creation

This option provides the ability to scan the tracking number when the shipments arrive, identify the Doctor, and system will automatically creates a case and prints optional barcodes. There are several benefits using the incoming shipments.


Track and view the inbound shipments.

The tracking numbers are recorded in the Audit Log when the new case is created.

The case entry staff can simply scan the barcode and complete the case instead of entering the new case.

DAMAS Maintenance Procedures

This option provides the ability to follow and track procedures as recommended by DAMAS.


Define Buildings, Locations, Equipments, and Procedures

Create maintenance

Follow through with the procedure by scanning the barcode for related procedure

DAMAS Procedure Monitor to review the completed and incomplete procedures

Pre-Pay Option

This option is a great help if your laboratory charges the Doctor at the time when the case is received.


Enable the Pre-Pay option in Master Settings, Accounting

Enable the customer as "Pre-Pay" for the desired account (The receivable method will be set to "Open Item" when customer is set to Pre-Pay)

When posting payment, the open cases are now available to select

If you wish to enable the Auto-Pay for incoming cases, navigate to Customer Settings Auto-Pay and enable the Auto-Pay Pre-Pay option. This option works like the normal Auto_Pay except that it will also charge the customers for all open cases in the lab.

A new statement form for Open Item Pre-Pay has been added which must be used. This statement form also works for the customers that are not set to Pre-Pay.

Report Security

The Admin users now have full control over who can view the reports by assigning security to single report or entire folder. The security configuration is based on GROUPS. It is suggested that you add as many group as necessary (from the ADMIN program) and assign the report to these group. You could then easily add/remove users from these groups.


Task Pay Rate by Technician & Product

DLCPM always provided the option to set the pay rates by Task and assign it to the technician. This option has extended this feature by allowing different pay rate by product, task, and Employee. The option is available from 3 different parts of the program.

Employees Page

Products Page

Production Tasks Page


Report Favorites

Users may now create their own favorite folder and add the most commonly used to report to this folder for ease of access.


Job Processor


Two new variables called "This Period" and "Last Period" have been added to the list of variables. These parameters may be used with the reports that requires Statement Period. These variables are dynamically calculated when the report is generated based on the current date. Additionally, user may input the variable directly to set the period to previous months. For example TP means this period, TP-1 means last period, TP-2 means the period before that while TP+1 means next period.


National Provider ID (NPI)

This new field has been added to the practice info page as well as the Practice Doctors. It is highly recommended that you require this info from your doctors.


Shipping Manager


The following options have been added to the shipping manager.


COD Option and COD Amount

Require Certified Fund

Hold at Carrier Location

Require Signature

Add Shipping Charge to a specific Invoice



Reminder option has been added to notify the user by ePop prior to the due date. This feature is available on New follow up calls, creating follow up from an existing call, and on the option page when adding or editing a Call.

Call Priority has been added to the Calls. The list of priorities are added in the master settings. My Calls and Department Calls now open the list in Priority and Date order by default.


Case Entry Options

On "Add Multiple Products" page, a new radio button for "My Favorite" has been added. Users may now add the most frequently used products to this page for ease of access.

A new drop down called "Hold Status" has been added to the case. If the case is placed on Hold, this drop down list will be enabled. A new checkbox has been added to the Status maintenance to identify which Status to be used for this option.

Case Finder now displays this new column for easy column search

When adding or editing a Case, if Ship Date or Due Date falls on weekend, outside of business day or working hours, or on Holiday, the background color for the field is changed to Red.

When entering or changing the Patient Last Name, if another case for the same patient is found, the background color is changed to yellow. This is in addition to the previous options.


Print Statements

A new checkbox has been added to exclude the statements with negative balance.

A new option has been added to the "Print Order" to allow printing statements in statement balance order.


Interface Changes

All editable note colors are changed to white.

All non-Editable note colors are set light yellow


Security Application Policies

Option to Hide Account TAB of the Customer Form

Option to Hide the Sales TAB of the Customer Form


Tax Group

If your laboratory handles large number of taxes, these options provide an easier way to add and remove multiple taxes.


Discount Codes

An expiration date has been added to discount maintenance. To disable the expiration date, blank out the field. The expired discounts will no longer be available when selecting discounts.


List Maintenance

Several error trappings have been added to the list maintenance specifically for Taxes, Remakes and Discounts. Every options alerts the users when modifying or deleting the codes. The deletion is no longer allowed if the code has been used in the system but a new option called "Inactive" has been added to compensate for that.



The following merge fields have been added to Nightly Alerts template. The merge field must be entered exactly as shown.


A new checkbox has been added to the product page to prevent users from Invoicing a case if the price is zero. This is similar to the previous option that does not allow invoicing a case if the quantity is zero.

A new drop down  has been added to define the Quick Books product Type such as Service, Inventory, or Non-Inventory.


Credit Card Receipt Email Notification


Credit Card Receipt template has been replaced with a new one in the System Templates. This new template contains several Merge Fields to include Account Number, Payment Date, Payment Amount, Partial CC Number, Approval Code, and Lab Info. Users may customize this template, add logo, remove any unwanted merge field without altering the merge fields format.

After customizing the Template, be sure to deploy it to the labs under Lab Settings.

When posting CC Payment from DLCPM, this new template will be used to send the email to the customer if the "Send Confirmation Email for CC" checkbox is enabled.

When Auto-Pay Automation server processes the credit cards, the same template is used as well.

The new template must be deployed for this option to work properly.


Daily Alerts Email Templates Merge fields

The following merge fields have been added to Nightly Alerts template. The merge field must be entered exactly as shown.


Inbound (Cases Received)

 \/[RecDateIn]                Date In for Cases

 \/[ShipDateIn]        Ship Date for Cases

 \/[DueDateIn]        Due Date for Cases

 \/[PatientIn]                Patient full name

 \/[PatientInFirst]        Patient First Name only

 \/[PatientInLast]        Patient Last Name only

 \/[PatientInInitial]        First Name initial plus Last name


Outbound (Cases Shipped)

 \/[RecDateOut]        Date In for Cases

 \/[ShipDateOut]        Ship Date for Cases

 \/[DueDateOut]        Due Date for Cases

 \/[PatientOut]        Patient full name

 \/[PatientOutFirst]        Patient First Name only

 \/[PatientOutLast]        Patient Last Name only

 \/[PatientOutInitial]        First Name initial plus Last name


API Web Services

DLCPM now provides ability for 3rd part companies to submit cases via the web site. This option requires Customer Portal to be installed. For more information please refer to API documentation.


LabConneX Integration

If you are a Milling Center and receiving cases from other labs or doctors, your customers can send you a case directly from their DLCPM enabled system. While this is possible using the Customer Portal but LabConneX eliminates the double entry and provides full 2 way communication between you and your customers. Please contact Magic Touch Software to learn how this can help your Lab and your customer.


Customer Portal Smart RX

Laboratories now can design their own electronic RX form and make it available online to receive cases. A new menu option called "Submit RX" has been added under Cases menu. For more information about this feature, please refer to "Smart RX" document.

When submitting a Case, a new option "- New Doctor -" has been added to the drop down list. If Doctor is new to the practice, he or she can add herself to the list. Selecting this option will open a new form where Doctor can enter the necessary info. The new doctor is automatically added to the list of Practice Doctors.

A new option has been added to the Management Console to allow Prospects to login to the Customer Portal.


Customer Portal Work Order & Invoice

Customer Portal now prints the Work Order Invoice using the Crystal Report the same way that prints in the Lab.

You will find 2 new settings under Lab forms to specify the name of the report. By default, the Work Order is set to WorkOrder_Web and Invoice is set to the same invoice form used in the lab.