Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Mass Printing

Mass Printing

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Mass Printing

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The Mass Printing module is intended as a way for laboratories to communicate directly with some or all customers via custom documents while maintaining historical records.


Navigation: Marketing > Mass Printing  

V12 - Mass printing - navigation

Mass Printing navigation


1.Following the navigation path open the Mass printing form:

V12 - Mass printing - form

Mass printing form

2.Select a document from the Server Documents view.

3.Next, choose which customer records are to receive this communication by specifying if this print job is to be associated with a particular campaign or query.

4.If any, choose the appropriate campaign or query from the drop down menu. 

5.Mass Print option now excludes customers if the box for Do not send marketing material is checked. This option is available on Customer form.

6.You may exclude Customers that have already received this document since a selected period of time.

7.If a Query is used, there is a check box option called This is a collection letter. With this option enabled, the mass print will exclude customers with No Collection Letter check box checked on their customer form.

Please note: If this option is selected, the record count will change to count only the customers that do not have the "No Collection Letter" check box checked.

8.Choose other options you may want to utilize, including print limit, previewing, etc. 

9.The Browse Sample Data option will drop down a grid that displays sample records that this mass print option is currently associated with.

10.Finally, click the Preview button, or if you are ready, click the Print button and the job will print the document for every doctor that fits the specified criteria while tracking which doctors have received the document via the campaign or query at the same time. 


You also have the flexibility to decide how you would like these mailers printed and also the opportunity to track which doctors receive the mailers. 

Notice the other tabs under Tracking and Printing Options:

The Export and Track option allows you to send a mass printing project to an outside mail house instead of printing the letters in-house and will also export all of the associated data records as well. Additionally you must specify the data destination file and what fields to export. To view the file in Excel, simply name the file with extension of CSV, like “My Export.CSV”.

The Track option allows you to do just that: track a mass printing project by only marking each Doctor record as having received this mailer. This is useful when an outside mail house already has your doctor records and they will be printing the documents for you.

Please Note: When selecting fields to Export, you may not use the Standard Address Fields like «Doctors__StandardAddress_» and you must select each field individually.