Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

V8 Release Notes

V8 Release Notes

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V8 Release Notes

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V8.5 Release Notes - November 26, 2013

Scheduling System

There are number new options for scheduling in respect to Try-In Cases while the existing features have remained the same.

In the master settings, Schedule Page, a new checkbox option has been added to transfer the completed Tasks on a case to the newly added Case during Invoice for TryIn option.

In Production Tasks and Product Tasks, a new checkbox option has been added to identify the task as a "TryIn Break Point". If a given task is set as a break point, all tasks up to and including this task are scheduled. All tasks beyond the break point are ignored.

In the Case Edit Schedule Page, a new menu option has been added to allow for users to right click to set the break point manually and delete all subsequent tasks from the schedule. This will clear the tasks that are not to be performed at this time. If Forwarding Scheduling is used, the Ship Date will be set to the Due Date of the last Task in the schedule.

When the case is returned from the Doctor and when scheduling a case, you have the option not to create the completed tasks, thus allowing you to continue the schedule after the last completed task.

A new checkbox option called "Partial TryIn" has been add to the case entry/edit form on the 6. tab for Invoice & Totals. If you intend to invoice for part of the case and send the rest for TryIn, this option will cause the system to prompt the user with the list of products on the case. In turn, the selected products are invoiced and removed from the newly created case (Sent for TryIn).

For clarity, on the Schedule tab of the case entry/edit form, the "Re-Schedule" button has been renamed to "Custom Schedule". This option will not read the task list from the product but schedules the tasks currently displayed on the screen. This option will allow users to add/delete the tasks and create a custom list of tasks.

A new drop down option is now available to select for "Reject Reason" on the reject task form.


Technician Pay Rate

A new interface has been added for adding technicians to tasks. Users now may select multiple tasks to set the pay rate with one click as opposed configuring each task one by one.

A new radio button set has been added to allow paying technicians by a percentage as it was before or selecting to pay by Flat Rate by entering the amount.

Product Tasks

A new button has been added to this form to allow users to copy the task schedule from the current product to another.


Case Entry

Users may not select to set a Customer Service Rep on the Case Entry/Edit form.

On the follow-up page, a new checkbox option has been added to create the follow-up call for the Customer Service Rep (CSR) or optionally select from the list.

For optimization purposes, during case entry and Invoicing, a number of operations have been moved to the server.


Case Finder

A new option has been added to the Date Query to search for cases by TryIn Date.


Call Edit

When viewing calls, a new button has been added to change the Customer ID and transfer the call to another customer. This option is not available if the Call has been linked to a case.

If a user changes the Status to "Submitted", the case will have to be accepted again as if it just has arrived.

When creating a follow-up call for a case, users may now check the checkbox option to automatically assign it to the CSR Rep assigned to the customer.


Case Edit

When a case is opened, the word "Remake" is displayed in red to identify if the case is a remake cases eliminating the need to navigate to the remake & discount tab.

Under the Action menu, a new Sub-Menu called "Jump to Field" has been added. This menu shows a list of shortcut keys that can be used such as Ctrl+D for Due Date for faster access to DateIn, Ship Date, Due Date, Try In Date, Invoice, and so on.

When Invoicing for TryIn, a new option is available to select called  "TryIn Reason".


Case Images & Attachments

While adding a new image, a new drop down list option has been added to select the image type such as Model, Design, Impression, or standard documents.

A new checkbox option has been added to allow for sharing saved images with the customer in the Customer Portal.


Customer Record

A new field for Suffix has been added on the customer form.

When a Customer is placed on COD, a message will display to allow creating an alert for this customer upon Case Entry.



Settings, Laboratory Lists, Reasons, now offers a new checkbox option to mark the selected reason to be used with TryIn Cases.

Schedule Pickup

A new button has been added to schedule a pickup for a Customer or Practice Doctor. Some Customers may have practice doctors at a different addresses. This option is available for both Local and Carrier pickups.


Shipping Manager

When creating shipments with UPS, users may now request a return label to be printed along with the shipping label.

A new option for shipment rating has been added. Users may now get the actual rate from Carriers and optionally apply it as shipping charge.

If Customer is on COD, a red color message will display and the shipment must be set to COD. If a user does not intend to ship to COD, the customer must be removed from COD first.


Customer Form

A new checkbox option has been added to the Practice Info below the License Expiration Date for prevent Case Entry if the Doctor's license has expired.

A new drop down list has been added to the customer for "Contact Method" and located in the Customers section of the CRM Lists settings is the section where users can define those contact methods. This will also allow customers to specify if they would prefer to be contacted by Email, Phone, or Text message.


Currency Settings

The currency options has been completely re-written.


Report Center

Users may now refresh the report while in the viewer to re-enter the parameters. Previously, users were required to close the report and run it again in order to enter different parameters.

A new report has been added: New Cases Due by Ship Date and Product Group

A new report has been added: New Receivable Ending Balances by Period

For the report: Open Cases by Production Lab, the Status has been added in the list of Groups and a new checkbox has been added to Include/Exclude Cases on Hold

All Receivable Reports now display the name of the months for aging periods of 30, 60, and 90 Past Dues.



V8.4.30 Release Notes - September 10, 2013

Report Center

Users may now refresh the report while in the viewer to re-enter the parameters. Previously, users had to close the report and run it again.


Scheduling System

There are number new options for scheduling in respect to Try-In Cases while the existing features have remained the same.

In the Global Settings, under the TryIn Invoicing section, a new checkbox option has been added to transfer the completed Tasks to the newly added Case during Invoice for TryIn option.

In the Production Tasks maintenance section and the Product Task settings, a new checkbox has been added to identify the task as "TryIn Break Point". If a given task is set as the break point, all tasks up to and including this task are scheduled. All tasks beyond the set break point are deleted from the case when scheduled.

In the Case Edit Schedule Page, a new menu option has been added to the right click to set the break point manually and delete all subsequent tasks. This will clear the tasks that are not performed at this time. If the Forwarding Scheduling is used, the Ship Date will be set to the Due Date of the last Task.

When the case is returned from the Doctor, when scheduling a case, you have the option to not create the completed tasks thus allowing you to continue the schedule after the last completed task.

A new checkbox option called "Partial TryIn" has been added to the #6 tab for Invoice & Totals. If you intend to invoice for part of the case and send the rest for try in, this option will cause the system to prompt the user with the list of products that have been added to that case. In turn, the selected products are invoiced and removed from the newly created case (Sent for TryIn).

During case edit, for clarity the "Re-Schedule" button located on the Schedule tab has been renamed to "Custom Schedule". This option will not read the task list from the product(s) but will schedule the tasks currently displayed in the schedule. This option will allow users to add/delete the tasks and create a custom list of tasks.


Technician Pay Rate

A new interface has been added for adding technician to tasks. You now may select multiple tasks to set the pay rate with one click as opposed doing it one by one.

A new radio button set has been added to set a technicians pay by a percentage as it was before or Flat Rate by entering an amount.

Product Tasks

A new button has been added to this form to allow users to copy the tasks from the current selected product to another.


Case Entry

The option to add a Customer Service Rep to the case has been added to the #1 Tab on case edit for General.

On the #5 tab for Follow Up Call, a new checkbox option has been added to create the call for the default Customer Service Rep (CSR) or optionally select from the list.

During case entry and Invoicing, for optimization purposes, number of operations have been moved to the server.


Schedule Pickup

A new button has been added to schedule pickup for Customer or Practice Doctor. Some Customers may have practice doctors at a different address. This is available for both Local and Carrier pickups.


Shipping Manager

When creating shipment with UPS, you may now request return label to be printed. These labels are created for the purpose of providing your customers with a return label to send that case or any case back to your lab.


Customer Form

A new checkbox has been added to the Practice Info below the License Expiration Date for prevent Case Entry if Doctor licenses has expired.


V8.4 Release Notes - June 7, 2013

Holiday Pay & Time Clock

The following setting will automate entering the time clock for paid Holidays.

On the Setting Page of Employee, there is a new field to enter the number of hours to be paid for approved Holidays.

On the Holiday Maintenance, There is a new checkbox to identify the Holiday as a Paid Holiday.

System will automatically check for the Holidays and adds the necessary time clock records for the Paid Holidays taking the number of hours assigned to each Employee. The Clock-In time will always be set to 6:00 AM and the Clock-out is determined by the paid hours.

Accounts Receivables

 In the prior versions, the Unapplied Payments and Credits were automatically subtracted from the oldest balances causing the actual aging balances to be reduced by the amount of unapplied payments or credits. Starting with V8.4, the unapplied amounts are no longer subtracted from the aging balances and are kept in the separate columns. The new process requires at least one statement to be created after the upgrade. Although the unapplied amounts are not subtracted from the aging balances, they are included as part of Finance Charge calculation.

Customer Accounting Page

A new column has been added next the aging balances to display the unapplied amounts next to each aging. Total unapplied amounts regardless of aging are still displayed as it did before.

The checkbox option "Don't Apply Finance Charge" has been replaced with "Apply Finance Charge". During the conversion, all existing data will be corrected. If your lab doesn't apply finance charges at all, this checkbox will be disabled.

A new checkbox option "Use Global Setting Rate" has been added to allow specifying different finance charge rate for each customer. If this checkbox is left unchecked, users will be able to enter a finance charge percentage different from what is set in the Global Settings.


Shipping Manager

A new option to verify shipment has been added to the shipping manager form. This option would allow scanning the barcode of a case that was recently invoiced to find out if this is the only case in the shipment or how many other invoices have been completed. This option eliminates the need to search through the entire list of shipments in the shipping manager.

Customer Shipment Alert now allows users to create an alert for a Customer or Case.

Task Management

A new checkbox option named "Ignore Quantity" has been added to the Production and Product Tasks. If checked, the schedule is created with quantity of 1 regardless of the product quantity specified in the case. This option is useful where you may have a product with 3 units but you would want a given task like Model for example, to be scheduled only once.

In the Lab Settings, a new page called "Scheduling" has been added. On this page, users will be able to define Transit Tasks to be added to the schedule automatically. For example, users may now create a transit task with a duration of 1 day, which must be assigned on this page. During scheduling, depending on the settings based on the Invoicing or Production Lab, the tasks will automatically be added to the case schedule to account for the transit time.

Customer & Case Finder Case Pages

A new grid has been added to both forms to display a complete list of Materials associated with the highlighted Case. This option allows reviewing the materials without needing to open the case.

Lot Number & Part Number Scanning

The lot number scanning feature has been re-written to allow selecting of material for each product when scanning the lot or part number.


A new checkbox option has been added to the product page to prevent users from invoicing a case if the given product has a quantity of zero. This may be very useful for metal products where the weight is entered right before invoicing or this may generally be used to correct errors that could have occurred during data entry.

Case Entry, Metal Finish

A new maintenance section has been added to define the Metal Finish like Lingual Metal.

When adding a product to a case, users will be able to select the Metal Finish from the list of available options defined in the maintenance section.

If a Product has any related products, the Materials associated with those related products will now also be added to the list of materials as the original product is selected during case entry.

LabConneX Portal (LXP)

On the Product Page Web option, 2 new checkbox options have been added to allow the production lab to add a new product or edit the existing products.  

The LXP Interface now allows the production Lab to Scan the lot and part numbers.


V8.3 Release Notes - April 29, 2013

Product Tasks

When adding Task to a given product, the task Pay Rate is now inherited from the one defined in the Production Tasks. There is a new checkbox to allow Override the Pay Rate. In previous version, the pay rates were always read from the Production Tasks but this option will now allow users to set a different pay rate for a given task by product. The Pay Rate Code and percentage still applies as it did before.  

Lab Settings

A new Invoice form called "Invoice with Materials" has been added to the Forms page. This invoice form prints the materials used under each product.

On the Settings page, there is a new drop down to identify the lab for Customer Portal. This only applies to customers with multi-labs and if multiple web site is created for each lab.

On the Shipping tab, you may now specify the scale for each lab. Shipping Manager will use the Scale set in the Global Settings unless specified by Lab.


A new checkbox has been added to the Invoicing page of Case Options to automatically print Case Materials when printing the invoices. If selected, when an invoice is printed, it will also print the list of materials used with that case.

Product Page has been re-designed and the Customer Portal options are moved to second tab at the bottom.

In a multi-Lab environment, you may now identify which product is displayed on the Web for a given Lab. The list of labs are displayed on the Customer Portal page. By simply checking the box for each lab, you can provide access to it.

A new drop down has been added to display the product for All Customers, Lab Customers, or Doctors. Previously, customer portal displayed all the products for the customers unless the customer was assigned to a specific Web Catalog defined under the Customer Settings. With this option, the Web Catalog is still enforced but additionally, a product can be hidden or displayed based on the customer.

Under the Shipping tab of Case Options, a new button has been added to load the scale devices. This option will load any USB device found in the system. The drop down below this button would allow to select the Scale Device. Please do NOT load the devices unless you are at the Shipping computer where the scale is attached.

 The Currency Page will now displays the currency properties and no longer allow to change them. To change the properties like Symbol, Decimal Point, and Thousand separator, navigate to Laboratory Lists, Currencies and modify each currency.

Customer Portal

In a Multi-Lab environment, when customer Submit a Case, a new drop down for "Service Center" is displayed and customer has the option of selecting the lab. By selecting a given Lab, the list of available products is displayed as defined under the Web lab Products in DLCPM.

If there is only one lab, this drop down is disabled and will display the only available lab.

If the option is DLCPM for Web Products is set to "Doctors Only" or "Labs Only", customers will only be able to see those specific products.


In Case Entry Page, 2 new fields have been added for patient Age and  Sex.


Global Settings, Currency pages have been modified to include options for different currencies.

Prepaid Accounts:

A new checkbox option "Prepaid" has been added to the accounting page. This option is only available if the customer's receivable method is set to "Open Item" and the customer is not associated with a billing account. Customers that have the receivable method set for balance forward and those associated with a billing account will be restricted from use of this option. This option primarily affects the way statements are generated and the method for which the aging balances are calculated.

The open item receivable method normally reports invoices by their payments but reduced the customer aging by any unapplied amount. Activating the prepaid option will change this behavior and the aging columns will no longer be reduced by unapplied amounts. *For example, if a customer has a $100 balance in Past Due 60 and an unapplied amount of $200, the past due 60 still remains as-is with no changes.  

In the example above, if a customer is set to apply Finance Charge for a past due balance, the $100 balance in past due 60 will be subject to the FC calculation.

When monthly statements are created, a new box will print to display the "Un-Applied" amount

These changes in the statement are reflected only in the default statement format. If your statement has been customized, you must request modification with our Support Team.

Materials, Lot Number & Part Number

The Materials option has been added to this version.

In the Global Settings, in the Products & Tasks Lists section there is a new section to add the Materials for each product.

During case entry as well as case edit, a new tab has been added to display the Materials related to each product. The default materials are automatically added upon entry of each product and may be edited or deleted at any time.

Material and Part Number Scanning:

The menu options for scanning lot number and part number are located in 2 places: on the left panel in the Scanning section, and in the Shipping section. A new option has been added to scan the lot and part number in batch mode. This option will update the selected cases during or after the case has been invoiced.


Pontic Option:

When entering a bridge case, the Pontic option will allow users to select which tooth is the Pontic piece. This is printed under the Teeth Numbers section on the work order.

Misc Features:

Post Payment will display a warning message if the payment date is past the current period.

In the Global Settings, in the Accounting section a new option is available to define the Email Sender when emailing Statements. If left blank, the email address of the user who is signed in will be used.

On the Customer Form, the option to Email Statement now uses the Email Template applied to the Lab.

The option to email attachments has been added to the"Images & Attachments" sub tab on the 4. Cases. Users may now email a given attachment to the customer directly from the attachments sub tab.


A new report called "Payment Deposit Summary" has been added. This report is primarily intended to reconcile the bank deposit but offers several options to report other types of payments than checks. This report will also print the Billing Account payments by showing the check amount and a break down by customer.

On Cases Page of Customer Form and Case Finder, a new report has been added to print Case Materials separately.


V8.2 Release Notes - March 15, 2013

Security Policies

A new policy "Allow changing Sales Person" has been added to the Cases Policy

Form Changes:

On the Case Finder and Customer Cases form the calls grid has been enhanced to display the notes on the right hand panel

Customer Preferences

A new tab has been added to setup the customer preferences by Product Types.

Report Monitor

A powerful tool to allow projecting reports to be displayed on large TV monitors around the lab. While the new Dashboard reports are specifically designed for this purpose, all other reports may be configured to take advantage of this feature. The Report Monitor includes option to define the parameters, refresh rate, and zoom option.

Misc Options

When changing invoicing lab for a cases, user is warned that the product prices will be updated.

When changing Production lab for a case, user is asked to change the production lab on the products.

Pan Number has been added to the Multiple Products form if the case is set to Multi-Pan.

Job Processor has been modified to allow selecting the value from the drop down list by simply clicking on the new button named "Set Parameters"


V8.1 Release Notes -  January 31st, 2013

Case Alerts

In the Case Finder and Customer Form Cases, a new tab has been added next to the LOG to display the related alerts for a selected case. The alerts may be modified or deleted with proper security rights from this page.



When scheduling a case, you are no longer prevented from creating the schedule if ship date is past due date.

Case Finder now offers a new query to view cases with Due Date and Ship Date conflict.


Job Processor Automation

A new Automated Services called "Assign Tasks to Technicians" has been added in the Job Processor to automatically assign the tasks created each day to the technicians who are able to perform them. This service will need to be enabled from the Automated Services.


Case Finder Column Search

When running the quick report from Case Finder, the column search filter is added to the selected query.


Shipping Manager

Package Type: If supported by the Carrier, a new drop down would allow selecting the package type. The shipping charge may be lower in some cases like Envelope.

COD Shipment: If supported by the Carrier and if the customer is set to COD, this option will be available. The COD amount is set to total charge for all cases in the shipment.

Multiple Shipments: A new option has been added to set the maximum number of cases per shipment. If number of cases invoiced exceeds the maximum number, Shipping Manager will allow user to break down the cases into multiple shipments. The maximum number of cases per shipment is defined in master settings.

Shipping Charge: Create shipment now will display a field to capture the amount for shipping charge. After selecting the Shipping Products, users are able to change the amount. This is particularly useful if you are bundling several cases which will increase the weight and additional shipping charge is required. The shipping charge is added to the first case in the shipment.

Scale Integration: When creating shipment, users will be able to click on the button and DLCPM will read the weight. The system has been tested with Toledo PS60 which is generally provided by FedEx and UPS. The scale device must be selected in the master settings for this option to be visible.

Re-Print Label: Print Shipping Label option has been added to the "Shipments Today" page to allow re-printing local or carrier labels.


Email Notification

Lab Settings, Alert Templates now offer 2 addition templates. The Credit Card Payment Receipt will be used to email the customer if the option is enabled. The statement template will be used when emailing the monthly statements. In  both cases, a PDF file is attached to the email.

Customer Settings

A new option has been added in the Customer settings for Preferences to add preferences by Product Type.

New Customer

A new checkbox for "Auto Generate" Customer ID has been added. This is very useful for entering Prospects rapidly during trade shows. If this option is enabled, the Customer ID will automatically be generated based on the last name plus a system sequential number. i.e. "Brown - 1005".

In addition to checking duplicate by Practice name and Last Name, a new button has been added to check duplicate by Phone.



This option has been enhanced to support multiple currencies as well as the history of the currency rates.

A new button called "Currency Prices" has been added to the product form to allow setting the product prices for different currency.


New Reports

Customer Retention folder, Customer Decreasing Sales comparing 3 weeks or 3 months invoices looking for drop in sales.

New folder for "Laboratory Dashboard" has been added and included the following reports:

         - Workload by Department displaying total number of units, completed and Pending units

         - Departments Dashboard displays each department, total units, completed and pending units

         - Department Tasks Dashboard displays total units, completed and pending tasks for the selected department

         - Daily Sales Stat Dashboard        

QC Ratings Analysis to evaluate the production labs comparing Acceptance and Rejections        

Billing Accounts unpaid Invoices Aging

Remakes by Lab & Production Lab

Open Item Statement has been re-written to include charges for the current month regardless if the invoices were fully paid or not. It also displays the list of payments at the end of the statement. For Interim Statement, a new section is added to display the current period charges, credits, and payments.

Tasks Assigned to Technician.

12 Month Sales Comparison by Sales Rep and Customer.

Starter Kit Analysis in the Prospect folder along with a second report designed for export.

Un-Paid Invoices by Billing Account

Customer Billing Info

Billing Fax number field has been added next to the phone number on the accounting page.


Image Capture

This option allows user to capture multiple images during or after case entry. Users may now add attachment, Scan document, and Capture images at the same time. When entering a new case, navigate to the "Images & Attachment" tab. On the Case list or Case Finder, look for a new toolbar button.


Report Center

When launching reports, the Crystal Report parameters are replaced by built-in interface. This provides a greater flexibility and major improvements to allow selecting the values like Customer ID, Product ID, Group, Type, and other fields from the drop down menus.



 Global, Case Options, Case Entry, General tab has a new checkbox to check for ALL possible duplicate cases during case entry. If this box is checked, all Hold, Cancelled, and Sent for Try-In cases for the customer will be searched. The search is also performed immediately as a new case option is selected. If this box is not checked, the search will be based on the patient names. The search is performed after the patient names are entered.


Application Policy

A new application policy has been added under the Customer Portal Category. To edit the Customer Portal Credentials, user must be member of this policy. Additionally, the password is protected at all time. Users are no longer allowed to see the password but with this policy, they can change it.


Billing Accounts

The billing accounts form now displays full aging balances on the right panel.

A new grid on the bottom, lists the aging balances broken down by customers.

A new Auto-Pay option is available to setup Auto-Pay similar to regular customers.

Post Payment option is added to allow posting payments for all the customers for a given Billing Account.

Show Log option allows viewing the Auto-Pay payments and other information.


Production Features

Product Tasks: A new grid has been added to display the products that are associated with selected Task.

Add Metal: A new menu option called "Add Metal" has been add to the case lists. Users may now add metal to the case without opening the case. If the case is already invoiced, users are allowed to enter the weight with $0 price. If the case is not invoiced, users may add both Weight and the price. You will also find a new toolbar to perform the same function.

Cases: A new field for Sales Person has been added to the case. During the case entry, the sales person is automatically assigned to the case from the customer record. This field is read-only unless user has sufficient security to change it.

Change Invoicing Lab: A right click menu has been added on the Case grid. User must have security right to change the lab name.

On case entry screen, a new checkbox has been added for "No Shipping Charge". If checked, user will not be allowed to select the shipping product. The customer shipments will also display warning if user attempts to add shipping charge to the shipment.


CRM Features

File, Settings, CRM, Customers now has a new option to create a list of predefined Email Subjects. This would allow user to select common subjects when sending E-Mail. Users may still type their own Subject line.

Call Direction: When entering a new Call or Notes for a given Call, a new drop down has been added to specify if the call is Outbound or Inbound.

Email Template: User may now enter the desired subject and attach files to the template. When sending email using one of these templates, the Subject will automatically display and the files are automatically attached. The FROM address is also saved and restored.

Auto-Update Starter Kit Date: A new checkbox has been added to the fulfillments option to automatically set the starter kit date when that item is shipped. The date will be set to today's date.

Calls Related to Cases: All calls grids now have an option to open related case from the right click menu. Additionally, My Calls and Department Calls have a new menu option on the left panel to perform the same function.