Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Version 10 New and Enhanced Features

Version 10 New and Enhanced Features

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Version 10 New and Enhanced Features

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**Please note: to fully utilize DLCPM, we require screen size of 1920 X 1080 or higher Resolution.**


V10.12.10 Release Notes - October 13, 2017


When viewing payments from the Billing Accounts, the payments were not displaying.  This has been corrected.

When a case is set to local delivery, the Ship Date was not respecting holidays and weekends.  This has been corrected to ensure when a due date is selected, the correct Ship Date will be set.

With the QuickBooks integration, certain changes to the customer record was not flagging an update during the next Sync of QuickBooks. This has been corrected to ensure that any changes to customers will prompt to update during the next QuickBooks Sync for Customers.


V10.12.9 Release Notes - August 25, 2017


The Reference number sent to credit card merchant processor Payeezy will now be at least 6 characters. DLCPM currently sends the CustomerID which in some cases may be less than 6 characters.  Payeezy requires at least 6 characters to qualify for L2 rating transaction.


When maintaining catalog products prices in Global Settings using the Edit Product List option, the edited price was not saving.  This has been corrected.


V10.12.8 Release Notes - August 22, 2017

Edit Carrier Pickup:

Save and Cancel buttons have been added next to the Pickup Notes section of the Edit Pickup form when editing a carrier pickup from the Pickups Manager.


Shipping Manager:

The shipping Scale selection has been removed from the lab Shipping Carrier tab in Global Settings. New options have been added in Create Shipment to support since the shipping scale device is computer specific, not user or lab specific.

There is a 'Select Scale' checkbox option for users to select a device for the first time, or if the device has changed

The 'Read Weight' will prompt to select a device if one was not selected before on that computer (not user specific) on previous shipments created

**Please note:  If there is an existing scale device listed in the selection, do not select a bad device.  Selecting an invalid device can cause DLCPM to continue to wait for the device to respond and lock up your computer.



When creating shipments through Fulfillment Manager, the lab Shipping Carrier check box option in Global Settings 'Print shipment label receipt' was not applying correctly.  This has been corrected.

When a shipment that was created which included pending fulfillments was selected to be voided, the fulfillment record was not getting updated with the void.  This has been corrected.


V10.12.7 Release Notes - August 7, 2017

Record Locks Enhancements

A new option has been added to the Administrator menu for 'Release All Software Locks for User'.  The Drop Locks action will drop all locks for the selected user and shutdown the user's active sessions.

**Please note: Releasing all software locks for a user may result in loss of unsaved data.

Release Locks now writes up to four logs.  The Drop Lock records are written to the Customer Log for  Cases, Calls, Payments, and Shipments.  For every Release Lock and Shut Down Request a record is written to the System Log.


Customer Web Portal:

Shipping Products are now populating directly to cases submitted from the Customer Web Portal.



When creating a FedEx shipment and selecting to use the hold location feature, there was an issue with the integration and the city which was causing an error. This has been corrected.



V10.12.6 Release Notes - July 19, 2017

Record Lock Enhancements

When users log in, DLCPM is now checking to see if there is are pending record locks for that user (Cases, Calls, Payments, or Shipments).

If there is no connection to the server with a record lock, the user is logged in normally.

If there is another connection to the server with a record lock, the user will receive a Record Lock error message: "You have existing record locks from other DLCPM Sessions.  In order to login to DLCPM the other sessions will be forced to shutdown and all unsaved changes will be lost.  Are you sure you want to continue?"

        Selecting 'Yes' will allow the user to login but will shut down any other open session.

If the Auto Logout option is Enabled, the system will check for any pending record locks.  If there are pending case or payment locks, the auto logout option will be disabled and the user will receive the following Auto Logout message:  "Auto Logout disabled. You have existing Record Locks (Cases, Calls, Payments or Shipments)."

Please note: As a result of these enhancements, the Release Software Locks menu located in the Administrator menu at the top of the toolbar has been removed. Users can simply logout and log back in to release the open locks.


FedEx Integration - Hold Location Feature

In order to support this feature, we were required to use the new version of FedEx API. When a shipment is created, we now request the Location ID from FedEx and in turn send it back to FedEx.



When using the Campaign Query for sending out a broadcast email, images embedded in the email were omitted from the email. This has been corrected so that any embedded images display in the email when using the Campaign Query.





V10.12.5 Release Notes - July 7, 2017

DDX Integration

The integration with DDX has been enhanced to transfer the Product Invoice Notes to DDX when Syncing the product.

Please note: Since there is no Lab associated with the product until the case is entered, the transfer can only include notes assigned to “ALL” which means that lab specific notes are not Synced.


Multi-currency Environment

DLCPM allows for Labs to set certain customers to be billed in a different currency than the laboratory currency and the currency options have been enhanced:

When a payment is posted for a customer that has a different currency than the Lab currency, users have the choice to post the payment in the customer currency or Lab currency


Marketing - Broadcast Email:  

The Broadcast Email 'Send to:' has been enhanced with a drop-down with the following values:

All Configured Emails

Customer Main Email Only

Billing Contact Email Only


Performance Enhancement:  

This version update includes general performance enhancements, including the Catalog Product Saving routine performance.


Customer Portal Enhancements:  

A new drop-down has been added to View Cases which allows filtering by Practice Doctor.

On Submit RX, users can now add multiple products directly from the Products tab without having to navigate to the 'Review' tab

The Ship to Address 1 line will now display as a column in the View Cases grid as well as in the View Case Details panel.

When posting payments, the error message text has been enhanced for when the merchant processor returns failed transactions. The following error message text will display: 'There has been an error processing the payment. Merchant Response: '



In some cases, the practice doctor task preferences were not displaying consistently on the case Notes & Instructions tab.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions, the past due balance merge fields were not displaying correctly when an email is sent using the Broadcast Email option.  This has been corrected so the past due balances display correctly and with two decimal point values.



V10.12.2 Release Notes - June 7, 2017


General Enhancement:  

This version update includes general performance enhancements and stability updates


Global Settings - Calls:  

A new check-box has been added 'When adding Notes to Calls linked to Cases, Share with Technician by default' which will share those new notes with the technicians through Technician Bench application



In some cases when editing and rescheduling a case, if a product ID was changed when saving the case the product ID was displaying with the original product ID. This has been corrected so that the new product selection displays accordingly.

In previous versions, Production Tasks were not respecting the checkbox option for 'Ignore product QTY (flat rate). This has been corrected so that when this checkbox option is checked, the flat rate is calculated.

In certain scenarios, when editing a case and changing the due date, the Due Date Reason was being cleared upon rescheduling the case. This has been fixed.

Users reported they were unable to print statements without SMTP email fields in the Global Settings configured.

Please note: users may only select to Print statements, or Print Only on Re-Process Statements if the SMTP email fields are not configured. All other process options for Statements require the SMTP Global Settings to be configured.

Under certain conditions, when configuring credit cards in the customer settings, the AutoPay checkbox option was getting cleared.  This has been fixed.

In previous versions, the case number was displaying incorrectly on new case follow-up calls.  This has been fixed.

In certain situations, debit memos were not displaying correctly in post payment. This has been fixed so that debit memos from any pay period will display correctly on post payment.

In previous versions, when users posted a credit adjustment with a decimal this may have resulted in a rounding error. This has been corrected.


V10.12 Release Notes - April 26, 2017

Local Pickups:

Customer Settings has been enhanced with additional check box  for AM Pickup. This option would allow schedule AM or PM pickups independently. Previously, by setting the Customer to Local, it assumed AM pickup.


Task Preferences:

A new button to View Task Preference Images on the Case Edit, Schedule Page.


EasyRX Integration:

EasyRX integration for Ortho Lab is completed. As part of integration, a new Service called "EasyRX Update" has been added to the Automation Services to update EasyRX. If your lab would like to send update when case is received and shipped, this service should be enabled. (EasyRX integration requires DLCPM API. Please contact Magic Touch to order it)



V10.10.7 Release Notes - April 5, 2017

QuickBooks Sync Enhancements:

In certain situations, if there were old invoices prior to using the QuickBooks integration with DLCPM with the same Invoice # in DLCPM, during the QuickBooks transfer those invoices were not transferred over. This has been enhanced and the QuickBooks transfer will recognize this and transfer the invoice correctly.

In certain environments, when an old invoice was found in QuickBooks with the same invoice # in DLCPM, the Invoice was duplicated in QuickBooks.


Customer Web Portal:

When a customer is submitting a case, if there are multiple addresses on record for that customer, there will be a link called 'Change'. This option will allow for the customer to pull up the available addresses and select for which address the case will be set to. Only doctors with a full shipping address will display from the change selection. This means that addresses missing any of the following information will be excluded from the selection: Address1, City, State, and Zip Code.

When a customer submits a case, the Portal will remember the last product ordered and will display on the next case that is submitted. On Submit RX, the drop down menus for RX Type, RX Category, and Product will remember and will display on the next Submit RX.

Please note: These options will remember and are designed to provide a template however customers will still be able to make changes to the selections that will automatically populate.


Record Locks:

Record locking is now enforced when posting Credit/Cash Adjustments, Delete, Void, and Refund Payments in addition to standard Payment and Credit options.

Please note: Error messages have been modified to reflect the above change.


General Enhancements:

A new Service has been added to monitor the Notification System for improved stability.

A new dialog has been added to warn users if there is excess resource usage. This will prompt the user to safely save their changes and exit the program.

Please note: If this message appears, we recommend users report this to Magic Touch Software Support Team immediately.

The Catalog Product maintenance previously took about 2-3 minutes to load if the database had more than 2,000 products. This has been optimized for faster loading speeds.


Case Edit:

A new 'Articulator' field has been added to the Case Entry/Edit form.


Global Text Search:

Under the Tools menu at the top of the toolbar, the option for Global Text Search, has been enhanced with two new menu options available in the 'Search In' drop down menu. Users may now use the options Customer Search to allow searching in Active Customers, Prospects, or all Customers.


Tools - DDX Pending Requests:

DDX Pending form has been enhanced to allow viewing the new requests as well as processed requests. A new button has also been added to Unlink the existing DDX customer and to make available to be linked to another Customer.


Employees - Tasks:

Employees Task page now has a new option for users to add all Tasks to a selected Employee.

Please note: This option will only add the tasks, no pay rate will be assigned to the tasks with this option.



In previous versions, if the production method was changed on a case labs would have to manually reschedule the case.  This has been corrected and users will now be prompted to reschedule the case when the production method is changed.

When releasing the software locks for Shipments, the prompt to confirm has been corrected to display the appropriate action.

The Customer merge option when transferring related records from another customer, all customer preferences were not being pulled over.  This has been corrected and the customer preferences will transfer.  

Please note: The following information is transferred when using the customer merge option: Customer, Product, Task Preferences, Department, Product Group, Product Type, General Instructions, Personal Notes, Invoice Notes, Accounting Notes, and Statement Message are all included in customer merge.

Previously, in order to provide users the ability to add or modify Invoice notes, the user must also have the policy to Invoice cases as well.  This has been enhanced so that the two application policies apply on their own separately.  


V10.10.6 Release Notes - March 13, 2017


Driver RX Scanning Enhancement:

Two radio options have been added to the RX Scan form for Driver Pan and Depot Location:

Driver Pan - allows for drivers to scan the RX numbers in order to keep track of the cases that they unpack upon delivery to the lab

Please note: drivers may only scan for RX numbers once. If a driver attempts to scan the same RX number, they will receive a duplicate scan error for that RX

Depot Location - is the option availability for keeping track of the collection facility. This option will allow for drivers to scan the RX numbers and select from the new Location drop down menu to track the cases from pick-up all the way to the lab.

Please note: drivers may only scan for cases as many times as desired but for only one location. Drivers may not scan for one RX for the same location



On the standard work order, when task preferences are displayed in the Case Tasks section only under the corresponding task and the entire text is displayed.

When using the shipping integration, the package level drop down menu on Process Shipment has been corrected for FedEx Ground shipments marked with COD to create shipment without error of invalid Packaging Type.

In the Shipments Created tab of the Shipping Manager, the section for Invoiced Cases without Shipment was not refreshing correctly. This has been corrected so users may add invoiced cases to an existing shipment accordingly.





V10.10.5 Release Notes - February 3, 2017


QuickBooks Sync - Payments:

During the QuickBooks transfers for payments, if the distribution of a payment changes after a payment has already been transferred to QuickBooks, there will be notes in the memo field in the payment in QuickBooks. The notes will display  ‘Synced' and list the date of sync to let the user know that during the QuickBooks transfer, the distribution was prompted to updated.


Record Locks:

Logic has been enhanced so that when the same user is logged in from two sessions, records locks are never cleared.


Customer Form:

A new option has been added to the customer form search option for *Customer ID which will allow users to perform a wild card search for customer ID.



When adding an Affiliation under the Related Info tab on a customer record, an error was received.  This has been corrected and Affiliations can now be successfully added to a customer.

When performing a specific combination of reschedule, adding & deleting products on a case and selecting the option to adjust task pay rate for completed tasks, certain tasks were resulting in duplicates. This has been corrected and the correct tasks are scheduled.  




V10.10.4 Release Notes - January 19, 2017


Adhoc Print Invoices:

Under the Accounting sub-menu of the Customer menu at the top of the toolbar, there is a new option called 'Adhoc Print Invoices' .This option allows users to select a collection of specific invoices to print or email them to the customer.  When a user selects this option, there are two different formats that are provided to choose from:

1)Invoice List - This list is a statement style list of invoices on one page

2)Invoice Form - This list is the actual invoice form similar to option for combined invoices.  

With this new option, the following areas have been modified:

Global Settings - Edit Lab - Forms tab has been modified with two new report form options for Adhoc Invoice List and Adhoc Invoices

Global Settings - Edit Lab - Lab Templates tab has been modified with a new entry for Adhoc Invoices to be used for the email option

System Templates folder has a new e-mail template for Adhoc Invoices


QuickBooks Sync:

There have been reports that sometimes duplicate invoices or payments have been transferring over to QuickBooks from DLCPM from the QuickBooks transfer. To eliminate this issue, the QuickBooks Sync module now performs the following steps:

DLCPM will check QuickBooks for every invoice and payment

If a duplicate is found, the record is no longer transferred and DLCPM will mark the record as transferred

In the event that the duplicate record is found in QuickBooks, a log will be written to Audit Trail of the Invoice or Customer log

When payments are transferred over to QuickBooks, the payment reference number in QuickBooks is now the same as the Payment number in DLCPM, instead of the check or credit card number. The check or credit card number of the payment will be placed in the Memo field of QuickBooks and this has been modified for increased reliability of the payments transfer.

Please note: that the QuickBooks Sync module now will be slower than before due to the additional verifications being performed during the transfer.

A warning for QuickBooks Sync has been added to alert users to make sure that all forms in QuickBooks have properly been closed before the sync is initiated. The warning also advises that if the QuickBooks is set in a Multi-User environment, users must ensure that all other users have successfully logged out QuickBooks before processing with the sync.


Global Settings - Laboratory Settings - Forms:

There is now a new entry on the Forms tab for 'Invoice for E-Mail'.  This form is only used when a user selects to e-mail an invoice or estimate to a customer.

Please note: if a Customer has a special invoice form defined in the customer settings, the special invoice form will take precedence over this.


Statement & Payments:

A warning has been added that will alert users on creating statements if there are any payments that have a status of Pending


Case Edit:  

On the Product sub tab when accessing a case record, when a user selects to edit the Product Invoice Notes a record in the Audit Trail will be created for tracking purposes



Under the View menu at the top of the toolbar, the option for View Failed emails has been renamed to 'Failed and Pending E-Mails'. This view now has 2 separate tabs, where users can view both failed email and pending emails



In the Sales Person field in CRM Lists section of the Global Settings, the field is now limited to 30 characters instead of 40.  In previous version, Sales Person field was allowing users to exceed 30 characters which resulted in an error

When creating a Sent for TryIn case, the Default Due Time set in the Case Dates tab of the Case Entry section of Case Options was not being set accordingly on cases.  This has been corrected and on Sent for TryIn cases, the due date time will be set to the Default Due Time


V10.10.3 Release Notes - January 5, 2017


Tool Loan:  

The option to add Tool Loans directly from a case has been added in the following screens:

Case Finder

Edit Case

Accounting - Print / Process Statements:

The Print & Process Statements form has been enhanced.  A new radio option under the selection for Print Statements called 'Customers Only' has been added, and the checkbox option for 'Include Billing Account Statements' has been removed. The checkbox option for 'Include Billing Account Statements' has been removed and the first radio option for 'Customers and Billing Accounts' has been enhanced to include Billing Accounts by default. With this change, the option for 'Customers Only' will allow for users to print & process statements for only customers in the event users would like to exclude billing account from print & process.

Administrator - View System Log:

A new note area has been added in View System Log which will display additional feedback for the log currently selected.  View System log is primarily used for Login, Logout, QB Sync, Global Settings changed flag, and when Statements are created

Default Carrier Pickup - Customer Portal:

For clarity, the option previously located in the management console listed as, 'SchedulePickupRestrictToCustomerLab' has been reworded to 'UseThisLabAccountSettings'. This is to make it clear that the lab entered in the field below is the lab's account and credentials that will be used for all pickups regardless of the service center (Invoicing Lab) selected on the pickup.

Please note: The service type of all pickups scheduled will be set to the Default Service Type set in the Shipping Carrier Account of the Global Settings only if the checkbox option for 'Allow Only Default Service Type on the Web' is checked. If this option is not checked, users will be able to select which service type desired when the pickup is requested.  

Submit RX Case - Customer Portal:  

The Required Days field on the Portal Options tab of the Product maintenance section is now used in the calculation of the Requested Due Date field on case submission.


When editing and selecting catalog product lists for Catalog Products in Global Settings, the products for the selected catalog were displaying inaccurately and required a refresh.  This has been corrected so that the products for the selected catalog display correctly checked when editing the product list.

When viewing payment distribution from the customer Accounting page, or from the Customer Payments Manager, columns were not sorting correctly.  This has been corrected.

When maintaining Preferences in the Laboratory Lists section of the Global Settings, the system was allowing for users to add too many characters in the preference name field causing an error when attempting to save.  This has been corrected and the field length is limited to the correct amount.

When requesting a pickup from the Customer Web Portal, the service type was scheduling with the lab's default service type regardless of configuration, instead of the service type that was selected on the pickup at the time it was requested.  




V10.10.2 Release Notes - December 12, 2016


STILL Capture Image: In prior versions, the capture image feature used Video Capture while taking a snapshot. This method would only allow Video capture with highest resolution of 1080. The STILL capture image would allow to use the actual resolution available with a given camera device.

Personal Settings:

In the General section, there is a new option to enable this feature and also set percentage (%) of quality. The higher the %, the larger the file.

Once enabled, an alternate form similar to what was displayed in prior forms will open to capture images.

***Please note the following:***

1.High resolution capture requires much larger disk space and will behave slower in capture & view. For example, a 30K Image in standard capture will result in 8+ MB of image size. Please keep this in mind before enabling this feature.

2.Users should not enable this feature for standard 720 or 1080 Camera as it would not improve the picture quality.

3.A new .Net component is used for STILL Capture and requires .Net V4.x to be already installed. Most systems starting with Windows will have the .Net installed already.

4.Due to high resolution capture, 1 gig of ram is required for image processing and the desktop must have at least 4 gig of ram.

5.Windows XP and prior versions of Windows are not supported with this feature.



On the My Calls and Departments Calls forms, there is a new column available called 'Last Note Date'. This column will display the date and time of the last note that was added onto the call.


Global Settings - Case Options:

On the TryIn Invoicing tab, there is a new options under the 'When creating a new TryInCase' section:

Set Due Date to Blank

Please note:  This option is backward compatible.  When creating a new TryInCase the original Due Date will be retained.  For a blank Due Date, this option must be checked.



In previous versions, windows were not always opening as maximized in accordance with users' Personal Settings. This has been corrected.

Removing text from fields on the customer form by using the keyboard combination, Ctrl + C and Backspace was not triggering the Save button. This has been corrected so that Save will activate accordingly.

The call notes were disappearing from the Call Notes grid when clicking on the row multiple times. This has been corrected and no longer disappear when clicked.

When creating a carrier shipment, the shipment date on cases was incorrectly getting set to two days in advance to the current day's date. This has been corrected so that the correct date of the shipment is set when the shipment is created.

Cases in the Sent for TryIn status are now consistently displayed with the pliers case icon and cases in the Invoiced for TryIn status are displayed with the dollar sign icon.


V10.10.1 Release Notes - November 15, 2016


New ePop system for Technicians and Drivers:

A new ePop system has been implemented for both Technicians and Drivers subscribed to our newest web applications, Technician Bench and Route Manager:

o Under the CRM Lists section of the Global Settings for Shipping: Route Drivers maintenance there is a new field for Password which is the password that is required for Drivers in order to log into the Route Manager.

o Tools menu at the top of the toolbar - Send ePop Message form now has two additional radio options for Technician and Driver. When using this option, the message is considered a general ePop and it will be displayed once the Technician logs into the Technician Bench.

o The Add Pickup form now has a new checkbox option to ePop the Driver. When this option is selected, the Driver will receive the message upon accessing the Route Manager.

o When accessing the right-click menu on a case there is a new option to ePop a Technician. When this option is selected, the ePop message will be linked to the case and will pop up when the Technician logs into and selects the case to work on from the Technician Bench.

Please note: If you would like more information on Technician Bench and/or Route Manager, please contact our Sales team at


Upload/Download Images & Attachments Operation Enhancements:

If there are multiple files in repositories, there is a new option for 'Download All' which provides users the ability to download multiple files at one time

On the download form from Save As, an option has been added to choose a folder to save the files to and the location now defaults to the user Documents folder

There is now a progress report form for both upload and download so users may view the status

Progress Report Form:

Digits are displayed in K instead of bytes (Example: 134K instead of 134980)

Speed is displayed as K per second (Example: 5.1K per second)

Enhanced speeds when uploading or downloading STL or uncompressed files 2 to 3 times faster than in prior versions


Global Settings - Products & Tasks Lists - Production Tasks:

On Add or Edit Task when the Minutes option is selected for task duration, a fraction of a minute is no longer supported and the decimal point no longer displays. During the upgrade process, all task durations that are configured with a fraction of a minute will be rounded. As a result, for example: .5 minute is rounded to 1, 2.5 minutes is rounded to 3 and .4 minute is set to 0.


Personal Settings - General:

There have been reports that certain Windows 10 Users are unable to export reports due to a security configuration on Windows 10. To resolve this, a new option for 'Use DLCPM PDF Writer to export Reports' has been added and is checked by default for all users.


Customer Settings - AutoPay:

When enabling and configuring AutoPay for a customer for the first time, the Process Payments Starting date by default, will be set to the first day of the following month. Upon saving users will receive an AutoPay confirmation message  which will display: 'This Customer will be charged < selected balance type > on < selected date >  Are you sure you want to continue?'

Please note: Users may select to change the Process Payments Starting date to a date different than the first date of the following month.

Users may edit existing AutoPay configuration for a customer and will not receive any confirmation message upon saving.


General Notes Enhancements:

Users may now access a right-click menu in all Notes sections throughout the application.  Options include the following:






Select All

In addition to the right-click menu option, users may now use common keyboard strokes in all notes sections for the options listed above as well. (Example: CTRL+C for Copy)


Invoice Case:

When Invoicing a case, users will no longer be prompted "Are you sure you want to Invoice this Case".  This message has been removed and the case will be invoiced immediately with no further prompt.


Case Preferences:

The case preferences has been enhanced to display the departments with better formatting. In previous versions, all preferences from all departments were added under the department preferences and there was no way to know which  preference belonged to which department. This has been enhanced for clarity.


Employees - Tasks:

On the  Tasks tab, there is a new option to 'Copy Tasks to another Employee'.  This option will allow users to copy assigned tasks from one employee record to another.



When entering a case from the left hand panel side bar option, if the case was set as a local case the Ship Date time was setting based off of the Carrier cutoff settings. This has been corrected so that the Local cutoff time will be set for local cases entered from the left hand panel side bar option.

When configuring a customer's Autopay settings for eCheck, users were experiencing an invalid error message when attempting to save requiring a credit card on file. This has been corrected and users no longer receive the invalid error message.

When ePops are sent to drivers, the message will now include the Customer (Doctor Name).

When selecting to change the due date of the first task in the schedule and reschedule all subsequent tasks, the subsequent tasks' due date were incorrectly clearing. This has been corrected and when this option is used the subsequent tasks are rescheduled instead of cleared.

In previous versions, when users would attempt to add taxes to the Product Taxes tab of a product that was not marked as a Taxable product, a server error would populate only. This has been enhanced and an error message will display the following text: "This Product is not Taxable. If you continue the Product will be Taxable. Are you sure you want to continue?"

When a case is invoiced for Try-In and a new case is created the date in is now set to the current day's date versus inheriting the date of the original case. Also, the due date of the new case will now be blank versus inheriting the due date from the original case.


V10.9.5 Release Notes - October 4, 2016

Performance Enhancements:

Client Improvements: Enhanced speeds when opening forms and loading records

Technician Manager:

o Case Location scanning module has been enhanced with increased speeds for scanning

o When scanning for Case Location, if there are invalid cases scanned users will receive an error message with details of the invalid scans


Global Settings - CRM Lists - Shipping:

In Carrier Service Types Maintenance, when adding or modifying a Carrier Service Type, the following check box option has been added:

o Exclude Weekends and Holidays - If this option in enabled, weekends and holidays will be added to the number of required days for shipment


Global Settings - Case Options:

On the Case Entry Case Dates sub-tab, the following check box option has been added:

o Calculate Ship Date based on Carrier Service Type - When this option is checked, the ship date will calculate according to the properties set on the service type selected. The properties on the service type are:

oDefault Ship Days

oExclude Weekends and Holidays

Please note:  If the option in the Case Scheduling tab of the Global Settings for, Calculate Ship Date based on Tasks is enabled, the ship date will change regardless of this setting.


Billing Accounts:

'Go To Customer' button has been added to Billing Accounts form


Customer Portal:

When a pickup was scheduled from the portal, the address was not getting set on the pickup.  This has been corrected.



 Previously, if a user ran a report and click on any object and hit Ctrl+C, then clicked on the X or Close button, users would receive an error forcing the user to close the application

 On the tasks history tab, the create date and created columns are now populating when a task is rejected in the event the product is deleted or if the quantity changes

On edit task, the QC Rating drop down menu and QC Date field are only available when the selected task has been completed

In previous versions, if users did not select a practice doctor when scheduling a pickup or if the practice doctor did not have a name, the doctor name defaulted to “Shipping Department”. As a result, when the driver was sent a text with the pickup information, the body displayed the doctor name as 'Shipping Department'.  This has been corrected.

Users were able to enter a value below or above the the Minimum and Maximum quantity set on a product, when the values were set to the same number.

In View System Log under the Administrator menu, the Date column was sorting as a number instead of as a date.  This has been corrected.

On the Case Validation tab of the Global Settings, when the option for 'Require Reason when Cases are rescheduled' is set, a Reason was not required when using the right-click option for 'Change Task Due Date and Reschedule'. This has been corrected and a reason is now required when using the right-click option to reschedule.



V10.9.2 Release Notes - August 9, 2016

Global Settings - Case Options:

On the Case Validation tab, the following check box options have been added:

o Require Reason when Due Date is changed (Not applicable on case entry)

oRequire Reason when Cases are rescheduled (Not applicable on case entry)

oAutomatically calculate Due Date from Ship Date when left blank

Please Note: On the Case Dates tab of Global Settings Case Options, the following is how the Due Dates will be calculated:

Carrier: Ship Date + (Number of Days defined in Carrier Service Type)

Local: Ship Date + # of days defined in Global Settings


Laboratory Lists - Reasons Maintenance:

In the Reasons maintenance, there are two new check box options:

o“For Due Date Change” - this option allows for the Reason to be used when a new due date is selected on a case

o"For Re-scheduling" - this option allows for the Reason to be used when a case is rescheduled

Please note: These check box options do not apply on initial case entry


Case Edit:

Under the Processing Dates, there is a new drop down menu under the Due Date for “Reason for Change:”. This drop down menu captures a reason for why the due date was changed and is also listed in the case Audit Trail.

Please note: this drop down menu is only available when the due date is changed on Case Edit

On save, if Due Date is changed and the reason is left blank, DLCPM will require the user to select a reason before saving.

Please note: this requirement relies on the settings configured on the Case Validation tab of the Global Settings

On case edit, if the due date was previously changed the reason will display. However, when a new due date is selected the drop down menu to select for a new reason will display


Case Entry (Left panel option):

A new search option has been added for Case #. This option allows for users to enter a case number in the find field and retrieve customer records by Case number.



Global Settings - Accounting:

On the Accounts Receivable tab, there is a new check box option to require a reason when posting Debit/Credit Adjustments and Credit Memos



When posting a payment, the Authorized By field is now required.

Account Number in eCheck is now encrypted similar to Credit Cards



The following modifications have been applied in Lockbox:

Display the account number in the FIND field followed by the name (if provided by PNC)

Display the invoice number and amount paid by a given payment on the right panel (if provided by PNC)

Search by Invoice Number (if provided by PNC)

Display eCheck name when creating payment


Global Settings - Edit Lab:

Under the Merchant Accounts tab of the Laboratory Settings, there are three new check box options to hide or display:

oeCheck Number

oeCheck Type

oeCheck ID

Please note: these options are only applicable to posting eChecks


Global Settings - CRM Lists - Shipping:

In Carrier Service Types Maintenance, we now use the 'Default Ship Days' field for Ship/Due Date conflict resolution. For example, if the service type is ground and it is set to 3 days, the due date must be 3 days after ship date.  Otherwise, an error message will be received.  


Customer Form:

A new search option has been added for Case #. This option allows for users to enter a case number in the find field and retrieve customer records by Case number.



Administrator - Utilities:

A new option has been added to encrypt the existing eCheck account number if one existed from the past.




V10.8.5 Release Notes - June 10, 2016

Major Performance Enhancements:

Speed has been improved significantly when working in forms with grids. For example, forms such as the case finder, customer form, etc.


Calls & Notes:

On call edit, there is a new radio option has been added to the Alerts & Notifications section to allow users to Notify another user or group.

On call edit, the option for Share with Customer is available. In previous versions this option was only available on call entry.


Case Communication:

If a call is related to a case and the share with customer option is activated, the case Audit Trail of the related case will display a record with the call number when the email is sent.

If the call is not related to a case and the share with customer option is activated, the Customer Log will display a record with the call number when the email is sent.

If the Case Communication template has case related merge fields such as Patient Name, Case Number, they are displayed as "NA" when call is not related to a Case.


Batch Scanning:

A notification will display during Batch Scanning to warn the user if the case number recognition fails.

Please note: If the user ignores the display and continues with batch scanning, the warning message will be removed until the next failure occurs


V10.8.4 Release Notes - May 19, 2016

Major Performance Enhancements:

All DLCPM forms have been optimized to open faster on second and subsequent access. This has especially improved system start-up when opening the Customer form.


Grid Columns:

To arrange the column order or hide a column, simply right click on the column header or right click on the grid and select "Set Column Order Menu".  On the column list, users may hide a column as needed. In favor of the new options, please note that drag columns is no longer supported.

Due to changes in the column order format, upon this upgrade, all grid size and order will reset to default.

Incoming Shipments:

The check box option to include inactive customers has been enhanced to mark customers back to active when selected.


Related Products:

In prior versions, when a user remakes a case, the related products prices were set to the default price, not the related product price. This has been corrected to take the related product price accordingly. This option is not retroactive for the older cases and will only work with new cases.


Case Entry/Edit:

On the 5. tab for Follow Up Call, when the option to create a follow-up call after save has been activated, the user will now set as the default user. In prior versions, when this option was activated the assigned user would remain blank.



V10.7.5 Release Notes - April 8, 2016

System Admin Program - Application Policies:

A new Category has been added called "Case Tasks". In this category, a new application policy has been added called "Mask Pay Rate". Members of this policy will see asterisks in the grids where pay rates are displayed.

*Please note the following regarding this new application policy:

Users with access to the Global Settings will see the pay rate everywhere in the configuration

Users with access to Complete, Reject will still be able to see the rate

This policy only impacts the following grids:

Case Finder Tasks sub tab

Case Finder Tasks History tab

Customer form Tasks tab

Customer form Task History tab

Schedule tab on Case Entry/Edit


Customer Complaint Manager:

The Complaint List report has been enhanced to use DLCPM standard report dialog prompt instead of old Crystal Report prompts


Case Finder:

The Tasks grid will now save the grid column position when changed through the Case Finder


Tool Loan:

The select customer form has been changed to allow selecting a Customer or Practice Doctor from the list. Previously, DLCPM was only allowing users to select a customer

The doctor number has also been added to display next to the Doctor name


Case Entry/Edit:

If a practice doctor is changed on a case, the new practice doctor number field updates to the corresponding doctor

When crediting a case, the practice doctor number is transferred and displayed on the credit case. Previously, the practice doctor number was not transferring over to the credit case

When selecting to Remake a case, all images and attachments that have been saved on the case that is selected for Remake will transfer over to the remake case


Pickup & Delivery Route List:

When selecting to run the pick up and delivery route list, a drop down menu has been added for pickups which allows users to select between AM or PM pickups


Accounting & Lockbox:

The Lockbox menu is now available under the Accounting menu from the top of the toolbar. This module will always be blank and requires custom development by lab based on specific configuration and data exchanges with a lab's bank.

The settings and configuration for the Lockbox module is located in the Accounting section of the Global Settings.

Please note: Lockbox is a method of collecting checks by the bank. When labs send out statement, there is generally a voucher to remit payment which is sent directly to the bank. The checks are processed a the bank and an electronic transaction file is created. The custom development that is required for this module requires DLCPM to download such files and process the payments according to the bank's specifications. For information on how to request custom development for this module, please contact Magic Touch Software Support Team at 800-714-6490 or via Email at:


Accounting - Payments:

On post or edit payment, there is a new option called "Attachment" which allows for users to attach an image or file to the payment. Using this option users may also view an existing attachment on a selected payment.

Please note: Users may only upload one image or file to a payment. If a user uploads an image or file to a payment which already has an image or file uploaded, the previous image will be overwritten.


V10.7.4 Release Notes - March 14, 2016

Month-End Autopay:

This new feature allows users to configure customers' autopay settings to be charged on their credit card right before creating statements for month end. To configure a customer's setting and run this option, users must complete the following steps:

Check the new check box option called 'Include in Month-End Autopay only' on the Auto Pay section of the Customer settings.

Please note: Once activated, this option will replace the frequency settings of Auto Pay and will only run when the menu option for "Process Month-End Autopay is selected"

Before creating statements, run the new option for "Process Month-End Autopay"

To run the Month-End Auto Pay, locate the new option under the Accounting Menu called "Process Month-End Autopay". This menu option is only visible to users with proper Accounting access on their user properties.

To ensure this option ran successfully and all credit cards are processed, users can check the status of the Autopay Service located in the Automation Server or simply wait until the message box is cleared

After the above steps are completed, users may continue with creating statements and during the process of creating statements, DLCPM will check to see if there are any customers set to Month-End Autopay only and still have a balance. If there are customers which still have a balance, the user will receive a warning message with the option to proceed in create statement.


Personal Settings:

Under the General section of the Personal Settings, a new option has been added for users to set a default preference when posting payments. Users have the option to set the default page to: Cash, Check, eCheck, Credit Card or Direct Deposit.


Product Tasks:

A new property has been added when adding or editing Product Tasks called "Never combine or eliminate this task". This option allows for users to set which tasks should be excluded from eliminating or combing duplicate tasks as defined in the Global Settings



When selecting the option Schedule for scheduling a case, ad hoc tasks are now included in the schedule. Previously, those task(s) were left as-is and were not rescheduled with the rest of the schedule.

Scheduling is ordering tasks by Task and Product Order to keep consistency for duplicate tasks when either option to combine or duplicate tasks is set


Case Alerts:

If on case entry there are any alerts, users may create a new alert based on the existing alert(s). Additionally, there is a new option which allows the user to copy the notes from the existing alert(s) to the new alert. The newly added alert will be then linked to the new case entered.



In the E-Mail section of the Global Settings, there are new SMTP setting options for TLS & SSL under the connection security drop down menu.


Case Edit:

If a case has been prepaid but not yet invoiced, the 6. tab for Invoice & Totals on case edit will display the total Pre-Payment amount.


Schedule Deliveries:

The schedule deliveries option under the Shipping menu at the top of the toolbar will no longer allow to schedule deliveries if a case is not set to Local Delivery regardless of having route set or not.  Additionally, a log is created for when this process is performed and will display in the audit of the case.


Reset Password:

The Reset password option will no longer allow for users to set a blank password.


Customer Form:

The following main search options on the customer form now perform a CONTAIN search instead of searching left to right. The syntax has also been changed for optimization.

Last Name


Practice Name



License #


Calls/Call Notes:

All Calls/Call Notes pages now have option to view notes as grid or notepad. If the grid view is selected, there is a new right click menu to Print/Not Print notes on Work Order. The menu option would change depending on which view the record is set to. Additionally, “Print on WO” column has also been added to the grid for display.



When a customer is placed on or removed from COD status, users will now receive an option to update all Open Cases according to the option being enabled or disabled

Please note: If a user selects not to update all open cases based on the changes made to COD status, all existing cases will remain as-is and the change will take effect for cases entered after the point of change.



For incoming calls, when customer phone number is not found the CTI screen pop up now offers a check box option to associate the telephone number with the selected customer instead of doing it automatically. This will prevent unwanted telephone numbers to be automatically linked to a customer by mistake.


Customer Shipments:

When COD Shipments are created, a log is be added to the Customer Log indicating COD Shipment was created along with the total amount of COD and break down for Cases and additional COD amounts.

When COD Shipments are voided, a log is created in Customer Log indicating the COD Shipment was voided


Customer Web Portal:

Customers will now see the Tooth Chart in color displaying the selection of individual teeth and bridge on case submission.

On Case Submission, there is a new option for customers to mark the case as a Rush case. Upon accepting the case in DLCPM, the case is automatically marked as a rush case. Customers will also see a custom display message in red text for the Rush option that is configured in the Management Console of the web portal.


Technician Manager

Major speed increases have been developed to optimize scanning throughout different modules.

Other General Enhancements:

When multiple search options are selected on the Case Finder, speed has been improved while searching

Splitter added in several forms to allow notes container to be re-sized


Alerts and Email templates:

There have been some enhancements and cosmetic changes to allow more flexibility. There are several templates used for alerts and emails. Some templates are used directly by client like Email Invoice and Estimate. Others are used by Job Processor and Automation server like Statements, Inbound Cases & Shipment, Credit Card Receipt, and Nightly Alerts and Invoices.


When sending Email from Client, the respective template and its subject is displayed and user may change them as needed. Those used by Automation Server had no option to set the Subject.


When selecting alert template from Lab Setting, the respective Subject from the template is now displayed. Users may now change the Subject as needed. The subject may be different from the one defined in the template or user may blank it out.

If Template Subject is blank, system will automatically generate an appropriate subject. The format of the Subjects are described below.

Some templates like Statement or Credit Card Receipt require generating a PDF file. The file name is composed by using the Subject plus some unique identifier. Example of file format is show below.

These changes would allow International Customers to define the Subject in local language.

All date fields are formatted according to the country code of the Lab. i.e. USA, France, Germany

Daily Alerts has been renamed to Nightly Alerts. Those templates currently used are not impacted and will function as-is.

Daily Inbound Cases and Shipments has been renamed to Inbound Cases and Shipments. The existing templates are not impacted.

Daily Invoices has been renamed to Nightly Invoices and the existing templates and Jobs are not impacted.


Default Subjects if one is not provided with the template:

Credit Card Receipt

Credit Card Receipt from XXX where XXX is the Lab Name


Case Communication

Case Communication from XXX where XXX is the Lab Name


Inbound Cases & Shipments

Case Summary for XXX from YYY where XXX is the date and YYY is the Lab Name


Nightly Invoices  –  One file

Invoices for XXX from YYY where XXX is the date and YYY is the Lab Name


Nightly Invoices – Separate file

Invoice (XXX) where XXX is the Invoice Number

If the Subject is defined by the template, (XXX) is automatically added to the Subject.


If template requires a PDF file to be generated, the format is as follow:

Subject_XXX_YYY where XXX is a random number and YYY is the date. For example, if the Subject is “Nightly Invoices”, the file name attached to the email will be “Nightly Invoices_1234_03-10-2016”. The date format is also localized according to the Lab country.



V10.6 Release Notes - December 22, 2015

Scheduling System, Multiple Pans

In Previous versions, cases with multiple pans were scheduled, the Tasks were ordered by task sequence. This would cause similar tasks in different pan to appear next to each other. In certain situations where Vital to Scan was set, tasks from different pans could not be scheduled at the same time.

There is a new option on Scheduling page for “Schedule by Product Order, then Task”. This option will schedule the case in order which the products are entered and within the Pan Number assigned to each product.


Scheduling System, Multiple Pans, Combine or Eliminate Duplicate Task by Pan

A new option has also been added to eliminate or duplicate tasks within a Pan. This means if the same task is found in different Pan, it will not be combined.


Complete & Reject Tasks:

Reject Task option now has a new check box “Print Reject Slip” which will print a report with rejected task and other info. This option is not available when rejecting multiple tasks.

Complete Task now has a new check box “Print QC Accept label” which will print a standard mailing label. This option is enabled for when completing a QC Tasks.

Case Tasks History page now has 2 menu option to print Reject Task Slip and QC Accept Label if needed after the task is completed or rejected.


Carrier Shipments, Returns, and Pickup Labels:

For increase performance, processing for all 3 labels have been offloaded to the server.

In addition to defining the logo and receipt label, for each lab, you may also define Customer ID or Account Number bar code. This bar code will be printed vertically to the right of the logo and may be used with Incoming Shipment feature when the cases arrive.

When printing the Receipt tab on the shipping label, a new option has been added to print the label at the bottom. The default setting will print the receipt at the top of the label.

Novea France Shipping Carrier has been added


Automation Services:

A new option for maximum allowed time has been added to each service. This will ensure the service is returned within a reasonable time. (Do not change this setting unless instructed by MTSI Support team)


Schedule Pickup & Pickup Manager:


When Scheduling Pickup, the Customer address is now displayed.

If Practice Doctor is selected, the address will reflect the practice doctor address if applicable.

Pick up manager now displays the address field from the pickup instead of the main customer address.

For local delivery, the practice doctor address will be printed on the route list.

For Carrier Shipment, the practice doctor address is also used.

Note: when selecting practice doctor, user must check the box for “Use Practice Doctor Address instead of Customer address”


Shipping Manager:

Shipping Manager grid shows COD Amounts (total charges of the invoices)

Create Shipment shows COD Amount for All COD Invoices plus additional COD Amount of the customer

A new grid has been added to the customer shipment to display Tools Loan to be shipped with the invoices. If tools are shipped from Tool Manager, they will not appear on this list.

A new right click menu option to “Exclude/Include” has been added to the invoiced cases to allow excluding one or more invoices from the shipment. This would provide a way to hold some of the invoiced cases for future shipping.

A new Date field has been added to create shipment. This date will be used for Shipment Date. This option would allow labs to create shipment after hours and set the shipment date to next day.

A new tab has been added to the Shipping Manager called Shipping Charges. This tab displays the estimated shipping cost from the shipping carrier for each shipment that is created.


Batch Invoicing, Local Routes:

Batch Invoicing Form now has a new check box to schedule delivery while invoicing. This will eliminate the need to create shipment for local deliveries.


Fulfillment Shipping:

A separate Carrier expense account may be added to be used for fulfillment and marketing shipment. This is accomplished by simply adding a new lab called "For Fulfillment" or similar name with different credential. This lab may then be used for marketing shipments.

When adding Fulfillment, a new drop down for “Shipping Lab” has been added.

In Campaign Manager, when adding Response, the same drop down is available.

When Creating Shipment in Fulfillment Manager, we also added this drop down.

A new Lab called Fulfillment may be added with credential for UPS and FedEx to be used for fulfillment shipments.

During create shipment, select this lab as the Shipping Lab and DLCPM will use the credential for this lab to create the shipment.


Pickup and Fulfillment Manager:

Pickup Manager Drop down added Invoicing Lab

Fulfillment Manager added Shipping Lab


Volume Discount:

This feature has been enhanced to allow date range for the Volume Discounts both at the global level and customer settings. If the start or end dates are left blank, the date range is not enforced.


Customer Alerts

When adding a new case and the alerts pop up, users now have the option to create an alert based on the current alert. When the cases is saved, a new alert is created linked to the case.

Merchant Account:

Merchant accounts are no longer available in Global Settings and they are moved to the Lab Settings.

If a Merchant account has been configured in Global Settings, it is automatically transferred to all invoicing labs during the upgrade.


Lab Settings:

Merchant accounts are now configured here instead of Global Settings.

A new drop down has been added to use the credential from another lab. If multiple invoicing labs have been configured, users will need to set up one lab and have other labs to read the same credential using this option.

A new check box has been added to the Pick-up & Delivery tab to automatically create Carrier pick-up reminders based on the scheduled days. (The actual pick-up must be created by staff using the pick-up manager)


Add Edit Lab:

New Merchant “Payeezy” has been added

eCheck option added (Currently only available for CardConnect & Payeezy)


Post Payment for Customer & BA:

The current Merchant name is now displayed

For CC payment, if no Merchant available, there will be a warning on the screen

If eCheck supported for the Merchant, a new tab for eCheck is displayed


Credit Card and Auto-Pay:

If eCheck is support for selected Merchant, eCheck will be available to set up similar to credit card

In Auto-Pay, user may set up eCheck for Auto-Pay if Merchant is supported.


Auto Clock out:

A new job called “Auto Clock Out” has been added. Once activated, it will clock out the employees who didn’t clock out that day. The job is scheduled to run at 11:00 PM. If user decided to run this on the next day, they should consult with MTSI to configure the settings.

A new column called “Auto Clock Out” has been added to the time clock grid to display the date and time when system clocked the user out.


System Admin Program: Groups

A new group has been added called Job Alerts and when users are assigned to this group, they will receive both an Email and Epop notification whenever an automated job fails.


Warning: Scheduling this job while employees are working during the day or night shift, will cause the system to automatically clock them out. Care must be taken to choose the right time.


Customer Special Prices:

Added a new check box to update the Price and Expiration date for the target customer if the product already exists.


Customer Form:

Accounting page now has a new field for COD Amount. This is an additional amount to be added to the total charge of COD Invoices.


Billing Account:

Billing Account form has a new tab at the bottom “E-Mail” which will display the emails sent when Statements are processed and E-Mail statement is selected.


Case Edit:

COD check box has been added on the Case which is inherited from customer when new case is added.

Pan Number added to the Schedule Page of Case Edit

Medicaid ID and & Authorization field added to Case Edit

In Case Edit, when adding alert, the “Common Notes” button is available now.


Case Finder:

Pan Number added to the Task page of Case Finder

Case Finder, Alerts Queries now follow the “For Production” check box. If a given status is set to “For Production” those cases are included. If not, they are not included.


E-Mail Template:

“Make Copy” option has been added to the Email Templates

Laboratories, Alert Templates now has 2 new options. If set, email Invoice and Estimate will use the respective template & Subject of the template.




Global Settings:

A new option has been added to Global Settings, Case Options, Case Dates. "For Local Routes require XX Days for delivery". This is used to determine if there is a due date/ship date conflict. We currently require 0 days for local and 1 day for Carrier.

Scheduling Tab, “Combine & Eliminate duplicate Tasks by Pan”. If combined or eliminate is selected.

Scheduling Tab, new check box “For Multiple Pan Cases, Schedule by Product Order then Task”


Policy Applications:

New Policy Application Category “Shipping Manager” has been added with 2 policies

Allow Access to Shipping Manager (Previously Invoice Case policy was used). Those with Invoice Case policy will inherit his new settings.

Shipping Manager COD to allow user to removed, add, or Edit COD amount during shipment.

Customer Settings, Lab Settings Policy. In previous releases, the default lab settings on Practice Info page did not follow the application policy for Lab setting allowing user to edit this section.

Starting with V10.6, users will not be able to edit the default setting on the Practice Info. tab unless they are member of member of "Lab Settings" application policy.


Tool Manager:

A complete system for labs that may loan tools to their doctors. The tools are to be returned on a specified date and if not returned, doctors will be invoiced for the tool.


1.On the main Form, Tools Menu, a new option is added called “Tool Manager”

2.Tool Manager is very similar to Cases page where labs can add a Tool and Tool Products.

a.A given tool loan record may have multiple tools

b.A tool loan may be linked to an existing case (not required)

c.Return date is required

d.If not returned, customer will be automatically Invoiced

e.Once a Tool Loan is invoiced, the Invoice number will be displayed.

3.On Case Finder and Customer Cases page, a new tab is added for “Tools Loaned”

a.Labs may add, edit, or delete Tools directly from this page

b.If tool loan record is added from here, it is automatically linked to a case

4.On the Customer Menu, added a new option for “Loan Tool”

5.On the Product form, a new check box called “This Product is Tool” has been added

6.When entering a new tool loan, only product with the box checked for tool are displayed

7.On Customer Settings, Lab Settings, Misc. page, a new check box “Never invoice for un-returned tools” has been added. If this box is checked, the customer will never be invoiced even if they tools are not returned by the return date.

8.A new Job called “Auto Invoice un-Returned Tools” has been added. This job is set to run every day at 8:00 PM but must be activated by Labs.

9.Added a second parameter to the job for Tool Loan to send ePop to members of a group with the list of Case Numbers that were invoiced. It defaults to the "Server Alerts" group but it may be changed to whatever group they want.

10.Tools may be returned for the entire loan or individually by tool loan product.

11.Query Tools Invoiced Today

12.Query Tools Invoiced Yesterday

13.Query tools Due to Invoice Today

14.Print Delivery Slip

15.Print Returned Slip

16.Print Invoiced Tools


Other General Enhancements:

Add/Edit Pickup will now display a red label if the customer is Inactive

Translucency & Shades now display a message that TL requires shade. If no shade is defined, TL will be removed.

Copy/Paste multiple lines into a non-memo field will now convert the text to one line removing the line feed.

Apply Credit to a Case at time didn’t enable the Save button.

Call Edit when re-Scheduling was setting the Status to Pending, it now respect what they had in there. If they choose “Completed”, it will revert back to Pending unless the completed check box is checked.


Technician Manager:

A new option namely “Scan by Case & Pan” has been added. This option would allow technicians scanning tasks for each pan independently.


Customer Portal:

While on View Cases page, a new option called “New Inquiry” has been added. This option allows Customers to create a call which will appear on their record and in the Web Call Manager.

Labs may reply to this Call by entering notes and clicking on Share with Customer box.

Call Type Maintenance has been modified to select the call types to display on the web

This option is disabled by Default and may be Enabled from the Management Console


V10.3.3 Release Notes - September 11, 2015

New Feature: Print Server

This new option will redirect all report output to printer to a separate process. The printing will be performed in a separate process resulting in reducing the print time. This option is primarily designed for Remote Servers which requires additional printing time and generally not beneficial for Local Area Network. Users should compare the times by enabling and disabling this option.


The following areas are some examples that would benefit from Print Server option:

During Case Entry when operators need to continue on to the next case rapidly without waiting for printer

Batch Invoicing where operator would need to quickly scan the cases to invoice and move on to the next batch without needing to wait for printer as each case is invoiced.

Printing multiple reports without waiting for one to print before moving to the next report.


Please Note: Print options that are not generated from a Report are not supported with this option. For example, Shipping Manager and Mass Print options are not a report and not supported.


New Feature: Scheduling Options

On Case Edit users now have the ability to edit Task's due date directly on the grid. Selecting to change a task due date will also automatically schedule all subsequent tasks. The menu option is found on the Right Click menu or Ctrl+R hot key. This option is also available on the Task Page of Customer form and Case Finder without a need to edit the Case.

A new field "Skip Days" has been added to the "Start Next Day" feature. This field allows for users to specify the number of days to skip if the Task requires more than one day to complete. This option is available while editing a task on Case Edit, and on Task Edit on Product Tasks for a product.


Customer Form

On the Practice Doctor records, Prefix has been added. When selecting doctor name during case entry, the Prefix is automatically added to first & last name.


Case Edit, Improvements

On Case Entry, the ship time was by default reducing the Ship Time by 1 minute, this has been removed.

Shipping Lab drop down menu has been added to the Shipping Tab. The shipping Lab is automatically set based on the Global Settings but can be changed by the operator.

Select alternate Shipping Address grid has been modified with additional columns.

When a case is invoiced, users have the option to change the Shipping Lab set on a case using the Actions menu without having to un-invoice the case.

When using the ALT hot keys to stamp the Work Order notes, the combination has been changed to Ctrl+M to resolve a conflict found where Alt+P was used to navigate to the Products tab.

If a product is deleted on a case, all related tasks would become orphaned resulting in a pay rate of $0 for those tasks. In this situation, DLCPM will attempt to find the pay rate to apply to these orphaned tasks.


Automation Server

A new Automation Service has been added to update DDX Procedures


Computer Telephony Integration, Improvement

The CTI integration has been modified to support European phone number format for dialing and incoming calls


Global Settings, Case Options

On the Lab Templates tab of the Laboratory settings, there is a new option available for users to set a Billing Account template.

A new option has been added when entering a new case and invoicing to automatically print the Local Shipping Label

On the Case Entry and Case Invoicing tabs, the options have been redesigned for a cleaner look


Create & Process Statements

The options for Print/Process have been redesigned for clarity. There are two new options available in order to re-process:

Print Only

E-Mail Only


Personal settings

A new check box to Enable the Print Server has been added.


Report Menu

A new option Print Server Queue has been added. If Print Server is enabled, user may Pause, Resume, View list of previously printed reports. Another option would allow users to Re-Print the previously print Jobs.  


Please note: The print queue history will clear once the user has logged out.


Technician Manager

There is a new option available called "Process & Log out" available in all scanning modules. This option allows for technicians to scan work and log out of the current scanning module after the scan has been completed.

Clock In / Clock Out features has been redesigned to display all time clock events as well as Production and Non-Production time worked

When Technicians are scanning using the Scan by Multiple Tasks module, a new notification has been added to alerts the technician if he/she is scanning and completing an Absent task

QC Task now provides an option to print Acceptance label or Reject report depending on the QC Status. The label can be affixed to the Invoice or WO and reject report can be placed back in the Pan before returning the case back to production.


Please note: An absent tasks comes as a result of a user changing the product on an existing case without rescheduling the case leaving tasks orphaned from any product line.


System Admin Program, Application Policies Improvement

Some of the application policies that provided access to left side bar modules have been separated with new policies:

1. To access the “Automated Services”, you must have “Admin – Automated Srvs” Policy right, otherwise the option is disabled.

Automation Server, user need membership to “Global - AutoServ” which is the same policy used for Global Settings.

Job Management, user needs membership to “Global - AutoServ” which is the same policy used for Global Settings.

Collection Calls, user needs to be member of “Accounting” Group.

Retention calls, user must be member of “Admin - Automated Srvs”

2. To Access Marketing section, User must be member of “Marketing” Group.

E-Mail Templates, needs to member of new policy “Marketing – Email Templates”

Broadcast Email, needs to be member of new policy “Marketing – Broadcast Email”

WordPro Documents, needs to be member of new policy “Marketing – WordPro Documents”

Mass Printing, needs to be member of new policy “Marketing – Mass Printing”

Campaign Manager, needs to be member of new policy “Marketing – Campaign Manager”

Please Note: To preserve users current configuration, all new policies defined under #2 are automatically given to those who are a member of the Marketing application policy.


Performance Improvements

When using the Quick Completion option, if a user was not properly set in an Employee Technician record, the error message was not clear. All error messages regarding the configuration of Users and Employee Technicians link have been improved for clarity.

Please Note: Quick Complete does not verify if the current user is or is not capable of completing the select task


When auto-increment searching for Product entry is allowed, users reported the tab to next field not working properly. This has been fixed so that the focus is on the next field


Customer Settings, Improvement

The check box option for "all Invoice for the day in one PDF file has been enhanced to display the sub option for "Send separate PDF files for each invoice" only when the main option has been activated


DDX, Improvements

A new option has been added to the Automation Service to Sync the DDX Procedures with DLCPM. If a given procedure is deleted by DDX, they will also be deleted in DLCPM.

The case sync has been enhanced to delete the case in DDX if deleted in DLCPM

The product sync has been enhanced to track the changes. This will help removing the product from DDX if the procedure is removed on a given product in DLCPM

DDX provides the teeth numbers in FDI format. The case sync has been modified to convert and store the teeth numbers to US format based on the Lab Settings


Export Customers, Improvements

This option has been redesigned allowing for users to create and save export templates for future use. Each template can be edited, deleted and run at any time.

The field for selecting a file location has been improved so that users may search through the desktop to select a location instead of pasting the pathway

When selecting columns for export, there are up and down options available for users to be able to specify the order of which the columns will export

On the export template,  up and down options have been added for users to be able to specify the order of which columns will export


Billing Accounts

A new feature has been added for Billing Accounts called 'Show Log'.  This log allows for users to review logs on one billing account or all billing accounts for the following:


Payment Receipts


On Billing Account payments, a new grid has been added which will display the following for each selected payment:

Total payment for each customer

For each customer payment portion, a breakdown of which invoices were paid with the payment amount

When selecting to email a statement from Billing Accounts, instead of a blank email form, the user template will populate



Shipping Manager

When creating COD Shipment with FedEx will now generate additional label for FedEx to use with return envelope. UPS does not require this label.



User may now ePop the Case Info from the Case page to a user or group.


V10.2.7 Release Notes - July 06, 2015

Customer Web Portal

The manufacturing Preferences have been extended to Customer Preferences, Instructions, and Product Preferences

Customers may configure any of these 3 Preferences for Customer, Instructions & Product.

During Case Submission, customers have option to View Preferences.

During Case Submission, if enabled in the Management Console, Customers can have option to edit the preferences for that specific case. If Edited by the customer, DLCPM will not re-read the preferences during the Case Acceptance process and will preserve any modified preferences.

Please note: All of above options are disabled by default and may be enabled in Management Console.

Forgot Password only allowed 20 characters and it has been extended to 50.

Fulfillment items requested online did not appear in the fulfillment manager in DLCPM. This has been resolved.

Create Statement unnecessarily created PDF files for customers with zero balance and no activity. This has been enhanced to add the necessary records but not to create empty PDF files.


Technician Manger and Customer Web Portal: Improvements:

Improved performance with Internet Explorer browser

Enhanced to support International extended character set with file names on uploading and retrieving


DLCPM Enterprise Improvements:

When the Personal Settings Case Option to keep a case open on save was checked, credit cases were not properly saving. This has been corrected.

With the Global Setting to require enclosures upon saving a case was activated, then deactivated, DLCPM still required user to enter Enclosure.

In certain conditions, if enclosures were added onto a case, the validation was not allowing users to save the case until the enclosures tab was accessed. This has been corrected.


V10.2.4 Release Notes - June 18, 2015

Customer Web Portal

The manufacturing option under the Preferences menu has been separated into two sub-menu options. One option is for Default preferences (which display customer default preferences) and the other menu option displays Product Preferences  (which are derived from the Products tab of the Preferences section of the customer settings in DLCPM).

Please note: The option in the management console to access this menu must be enabled for users logging onto the Customer Web Portal to access the preferences.

When selecting the Product preferences, users have the ability to add, edit, or delete a preference for products. Similarly to default preferences, all of the product preferences match what users in DLCPM can review in the Product tab of the Preference section in the customer settings.

Please note: There are two options in the management console which must be enabled in order for users logging into the Customer Web Portal to View and Add/Edit Preferences

On Case submission, a new option has been added called 'Review Instructions'. During Case Submission, customers will have the opportunity to review their Default and Product Preferences.

In addition to reviewing the preferences on Case submission Customers are able to edit the preferences for that Case.

Please note: There are two options in the management console which control whether users are able to view and/or edit the manufacturing instructions during case submission.


DLCPM Client Update

The following corrections has been applied to this build.

View Preferences, if the preference value was not entered, this option did not always show some of the preferences.

Practice Doctors sometimes did not refresh correctly.

Purolator label did not print correctly dues to changes made by the Carrier

Case Location no longer allows entering invalid location that is not specified in the list

Technician Manager was enhanced to display more detailed error message

Create Return Label now only displays the supported Carriers instead of all Carriers

Adding Debit Adjustment would now allow selecting GL Account. Previously, this option was only available for Credit Adjustments.


System Admin Program, Application Policies

A new application policy has been added for 'Dashboard Access' which will provide users access to the Dashboard  option located on the left hand panel side view.

Please note: This application policy must be added to Users or Groups accordingly - upon receiving the Version 10 upgrade, this application policy is not automatically granted to all users by default.


* Note about Technician Manager:

We strongly recommend using Chrome. When using IE on desktop or tablet, the Compatibility View on Intranet must be unchecked (turned off). Technician Manager will not function in compatibility mode. Simply click Setting, click on "Compatibility View Settings" and un-check the box.




V10.2.3 Release Notes - June 12, 2015

Global Settings

In the Reasons Maintenance of the Laboratory Lists section, the option for Credit Reason has been changed to Credit and  Adjustments

When posting Adjustment, the Reason drop down is now available for Debit Adjustments as well as Credit Adjustments

In the Scheduling tab of the Case Options section, a new check box option has been added underneath the option for Calculate Ship Date Based on Tasks for "Do not alter Ship Time". When this option is activated, the last task of the case will be scheduled to follow the Default Ship Time set under the Case Dates sub-tab of the Case Entry tab


Customer form, Accounting tab

The View Credit Cards option has been redesigned to open a form which will display all credit cards on file for the selected customer.

Please note: Users must have the proper security rights in order to view this option. There are two separate application policies which can grant users rights to view the full credit card number, or just the last four digits


System Admin Program, Application Policies

There has been a new application policy added called "CustCredCardView" with the description "View Partial Credit Cards" which allows users to access the View Credit Cards option on the Accounting tab of the Customer form


V10.2.1 Release Notes - June 5, 2015

Personal settings, Case Options

A new check box option has been added to display the Case # when users Save & Close or Save & Exit. (This option is deactivated by default)

A new check box option has been added to automatically open the customer form when adding new case from the sidebar (This option is activated by Default)


Global Settings, Case Option

A new check box option has been added to Display the Warranty Info. (This option is off by default)

Please note: Since this option did not exist in prior versions, all cases appeared to be without a Warranty causing confusion. In the future, if your lab wishes to provide our Support Specialist team with the formula for Warranty cases, our technical team can update prior cases with the correct info so this option is more accurate.

Under the General tab, there is a new check box option to Notify users to refresh their sessions when the Global Settings are changed. This is a very useful feature so if an Administrator user modifies a setting, users do not need to log out and log back in. All active users will receive notification and instruction to click OK to refresh their session.

Under the Calls section there is a new check box option for “When adding New Call, Default user to Customer CSR Advisor”. This option will default the user assignment for all calls for a customer to the CSR Advisor.

Under the Case Validation tab there are two new check box options to “Do not allow saving the case if Ship Date fall on Weekend or Holidays” and “Do not allow saving the case if Due Date fall on Weekend or Holidays”

Under the Case Dates sub tab of the Case Entry section, there are two new options to set a default Ship Time and Due Date Time upon case entry


Case Edit

While editing a case or adding a new case without selecting the Customer, (F2) key has been added to customer look up which will allow users to select a customer. This is the same list that comes up automatically when cases are added from the side bar.

The “Save & Close” option on Case Entry/Case Edit has been changed to “Save”. If the check box option located in each user's Personal settings for “When editing a case, keep it open on Save” is checked, if the user selects 'Save' the case will save and all post processes are done, the case remains open.

Multiple Products option on Case Entry/Case Edit has been modified:

There is a new option called "Add New" which will allow users to add a product  instead of selecting it from the list on the left hand side. This product selection is similar to using the add single product.

There is a new option available to create folders within the My Favorites select. Users can add products to user defined folders that will display when the My Favorites section is selected to display. This allows users that are working in different department to organize their favorite products according to the product for the respective department.

In previous versions, the Multiple Products form has always been slow on the first load and also slow as the operator switch between the radio buttons. In V10, this form and all options have been optimized for faster load times. Also, once the list is loaded for the first time, it is cached for future use.


New Case from left hand sidebar

If the option to automatically display the customer look up list is activated, and the check box is set to pre-load the list, the cursor is now positioned on the top grid. In previous versions, the cursor was always going to the Find field.


Mass Printing

If a Query is used, there is a new check box option called “This is a collection letter”. With this option enabled, the mass print will exclude customers with “No Collection Letter” check box checked on their customer form.

Please note: If this new option is selected, the record count will change to count only the customers that do not have the "No Collection Letter" check box checked.


Broadcast Email

If a Query is used, a new check box option called “This is a collection Email”. With this option enabled, the broadcast email will exclude customers with “No Collection Letter” check box is checked on their customer form.

Please note: If this new option is selected, the record count will change to count only the customers that do not have the "No Collection Letter" check box checked.


Technician Manager

When processing tasks, the error messages have been improved to provide more information to show if the task is not on the case, why and if completed, who had completed the task and when.

When processing tasks, the status bar will be display with a short message using 3 different colors:

Green: all tasks were processed successfully

Red: no tasks were processed

Yellow: some tasks were processed successfully and some were not


Customer Form: Improvements

If users click on X to close the Customer form while maximized, in prior versions the system would take a long time to open the form again, in V10 we have optimized the time to load the form faster.

In prior versions, the Global, Personal and Customer settings were not caching which was causing longer reload times, in V10 the forms are not caching so reload times have been optimized for speed.


Epop History

When viewing epop history, the epop message now displays in the message column



V10 Release Notes - May, 15 2015

Performance Improvements

The following forms have been improved especially after the first time use:

Customer Settings

Case Finder

Add / Edit Case

Minor improvement in Customer Form


Campaign Manager

This module has been re-written for additional functionality:

Define Binder, Literature, WordPro Documents

Track responses from magazine ad and other marketing methods

Create fulfillments for Responses

Process fulfillment items from Fulfillment Manager

Customers tab changed to Members and a new button called X Remove All has been added.

Removed the Calls and Correspondence tabs.

Added 4 new tabs; Campaign Literature, Responses, Products, and Log

Ability to add a Starting Date and End Date to a Campaign

New checkbox, Restrict to Members Only


Live Stats

There is a new tab added for displaying live stats for Product Types


Notepad Text Boxes

New option called Stamp which allow users to automatically date and time stamp certain notepad text boxes. The option has been added to the following notepad text boxes:

Work Order Notes

COD Notes

Collection Notes

Credit Hold Notes


Merchant Accounts

Card Connect Merchant Credit Card Processing previously known as for Marathon has been added.


Task Preferences

Customer Preferences now offers a new tab to define preferences by Task

Each task may also include images

The preferences could be specific to a product or all products

Options to add multiple tasks, single task is also available

Tasks Preferences are printed on the Work Order by each task

Please Note: Customers with a customized Work Order would need to request modification to print the Task Preferences.


Discount / Coupon Usage Restriction

The Discount codes under Settings have been modified to configure the number of times a given discount can be applied. (Setting it to 0 means no restriction)

When applying discount, system will count the previously used discount for the customer and will prevent the user from applying such discount.


Customer Default Discount – Lab Specific Settings

A new option to “Start Counting after” dropdown has been added to the default discount. This will configure whichever default discount has been selected to start at the point of activating this discount instead of the initial creation of the account.


Debit/Credit Adjustments

Users are able to select a GL Account for which they would like to create the Debit or Credit adjustment for when transferring those transactions over to QuickBooks or exported to other accounting software.


Work Order Batch Scanning

There is a drop down list available during work order batch scanning for Department. This allows users to select to scan for a selected Department when scanning for work orders

All files scanned are now being saved in PDF format which will reduce the file size to conserve space

Note: All existing scanned files will remain in the format that they were originally scanned in. Moving forward, all files will be in PDF format


Customer Settings

Two new options have been added to easily navigate to multiple customers directly.

A new button to select a different customer

A new button to Display / Hide customer browse

A new option has been added to the "Alerts and Notifications" section to Send separate PDF files for each invoice. When this option is activated, all invoices will be sent to the customer with each invoice as a separate PDF file.


Customer Settings: Autopay

If the Fixed Amount is selected, there is a new check box option, 'Apply only if Total Balance is greater than or equal to the fixed amount'. When this option is activated, the fixed amount set for Autopay will not run if the customer's total balance is less than the fixed amount.  


Text Search Engine

This module will be able to search for a given text in the following areas,

Customer info, Practice Doctors

Calls & Notes


Correspondence & Email

*Please note: When notes are added into areas which the search can pull up information for, it takes an estimate 1-5 minutes for the added text to be indexed to show up in the search results. Please allow for this time before attempting to search for notes just added into a record.


Main Customer Form

The Scores tab (Page 10) has been moved to a sub-tab under Marketing called Overall Case Scores

The Practice Info tab has been moved to its own tab

Two tabs on the main customer form have been reordered.

0. Customer

1. Practice Info

Remaining pages have remained the same

There is a new field called Phonetic that has been added to capture how a customer's name is pronounced

On the Cases tab, when on the sub-tab for Tasks, users may Delete, Complete, and Reject Tasks using a multi-select option using Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click.

View Preferences link has been added to the sidebar menu of the Customer form, to allow for a quick READ-ONLY view of the selected customer's preferences.

The following conditions will create a log when performed through the customer for form:

a)Active checkbox is changed

b)Prospect checkbox is changed  

c)Source field is changed


Global Settings

Under General section, there is a new checkbox option for 'Use Practice Doctors Master' - which will activate the option to add practice doctors independent of the Customer. With this option activated, a given Doctor may be linked to multiple accounts.


Users will now have the option to change the Product ID on a product even though the product has been used on a case.

Note: The user will receive a warning message that the product has been used on a case with its existing Product ID


Cases Options

Surcharge & Surcharge Reason option has been added

When adding products to a case, there is a checkbox for this option

Cases, Case Products, Case Finder now display the Surcharge

Standard Invoice Form will now prints the Surcharge & Reason

With this option, there is also a new maintenance option in the Reasons section of the Global Settings, to set a reason as a Surcharge Reason.

Please Note: Customers with customized invoice form would need to request modification to reflect Surcharge.

Case Preferences format has changed for better clarity. In Version 9, the Preferences are all combined under their group – without knowing what product the preference is for.  In version 10, preferences are displayed by Product & Description first – with the Preference underneath the Product. The same logic is also applied to Department, Type, and Group preferences.  


Customer Fulfillments

There is a new Track  option to the Fulfillments sub-tab, to give users the ability to check status of a fulfillment shipment that has a tracking number.



There is a Payment Method drop-down menu that has been added for record keeping purposes.

There has been Extended Aging Summary fields added for 120, 150, and 180 past due.

When posting payment, if a user checks the credit card option, the checkbox option for  “Use Credit Card on File” is automatically selected.

 *Please note:  This option this will only apply if the customer has a designated default credit card.


View Payments

There is a new option for Email Receipt, has been added to the View Payments window.  This will provide the capability to email a payment receipt directly from the View Payments window.


Case Finder

Ship to State column has been added

Surcharge column has been added

Patient Appointment Date column has been added for those times when a patient visits the Lab for customizations….i.e. Custom  Shade

API Source column has been added.  This will show where a Case was generated from, i.e. Customer Portal, Lab, etc...

Quicker load times for Case Finder

A new option has been added to the sub-tab for Tasks called Quick Complete. When users select this option, the highlighted task will be marked as completed by the user that is currently logged on to DLCPM.

Improved loading time for:

Case Finder

Opening Cases


New Re-Schedule Case Feature

Drop down menu called Reason to Re-Schedule has been added to the Reschedule Case window.  The reason for reschedule will be displayed in the Audit Trail, at the end of the Description.

New option in Custom Schedule to allow scheduling the tasks at a certain point leaving the previous tasks untouched.


Case Edit

Number of days since last case is displayed

New Patient Appt.: scheduling option

API source added under the Misc. Options section

Two new buttons that allow you to view images of the product and product preferences.

New checkbox that allows to Print Case Label on Save located under the Misc. Options section

Surcharge Reason column has been added in the Products grid

A Warranty checkbox option with an Expiration Date drop down added. Users can mark a case to set a warranty and specify an expiration date for the warranty offered.

When remaking a case, the warranty status is now displayed including “No Warranty”, ”Warranty Expired”, or “Under Warranty.”

On the schedule tab, users may delete tasks using a multi-select options to delete multiple tasks at one time

In Case Edit, all read-only notes like instructions, RX comments, web comments, remote instructions have been grouped into one container on the left hand side with multiple tabs.

 *The Work Order Notes and Delivery notes sections are located on the right hand side available for edit.


Under the Tools menu at the top of the toolbar, there is a new option for'Add metal to cases'. This will allow for users to be able to scan certain cases and easily/quickly add metal products without having to navigate through Case Edit.


Fulfillment Manager

3 new fields have been added:

1)Shipped By


3)Delivery ID

There is a new “Include all” checkbox option. When selected, it will automatically complete the fulfillments. Also, it will update the Carrier, Service Type and Tracking

Fulfillments are now offer time stamp for user who completed the fulfillment


Case Images & Attachments

New field/column called Description has been added.  

New checkbox called Web Link has been added to allow for adding a URL.  This is handy for Labs that store documents/images offsite.

When a URL is added, the View button will change to Open Link thus allowing the user to go directly to the URL.


Personal Settings - Alerts

New Alert preference in the Settings > Personal > Alerts called “When creating Calls, automatically alert the User”, along with a drop-down menu to choose the notification method has been added.



Added new field called, Talked to: to the New Notes: window.  This has also been added to the Work Order if Call notes are displayed

When adding a new Call, this field will default to who has been chosen in the CSR Advisor field of the Customer form.  If CSR Advisor field is blank, the field will default to the Current user.

Contact Method: is now displayed, along with the Customer’s information in the My Calls & Department Calls forms.


Volume Discount

New checkbox on the Products form called Allow Volume Discount.  Volume Discount will be calculated by the total amount of Products in a case and not include the total taxes any longer.


Application Policies

New security Application Policy called Invoice Cases for a customer on COD has been added.  With V10, all existing users that have the Invoice Case policy will be given this policy.

New security Application Policy called Release Soft Locks has been added.  With V10, no users have been given this policy.  This will be up to the Lab Admin to decide who should have this.


File Menu

Under the File menu at the top of the toolbar, there is a new option for 'Lock Session'. This option when activated performs the following actions:

Releases the client license

Notifies the notification server to not receive any epops

Please Note: Upon logging back on, the user will need to enter their password in order to re-activate their locked session


Shipping Carrier

In the Laboratory Lists settings, under Shipping Carrier there are 3 new options:

1)Select logo

2)Print shipment label receipt

3)Print logo

Please Note: The required label sizes are 4 X 6, 4 X 8 for logo, 4 X 9 for receipt

All carrier label files are converted to PDF format


Case Status

The following status' are no longer available in Case Edit to be manually set:

a)On Hold - this option is only available by checking the On Hold checkbox

b)Cancelled - this option is only available by checking the Cancel checkbox

c)Invoiced TryIn



Shipping Manager

A software lock has been added to warn users that someone else is creating the same shipment.

Shipment color will be Red if locked by another user

3 new columns added; Locked By to show who is creating shipment, Practice Name, and Customer Name

A new grid has been added to display fulfillment items

A new button is added to view fulfillments

A checkbox option has been added to include all items in the shipment.

When the shipment is created, if this check box option is checked, all fulfillment records are updated with Tracking #, Carrier, Service Type, and Completion info.

If the shipment is Local, the Route and Delivery ID is updated.

The message that would display in the Message Center of the shipping manager regarding the select customer's fulfillments has been moved to a separate section underneath potential cases to bundle. In this sections, users can select the View Fulfillments options and when selected the fulfillment manager will open.


Shipping Menu

A new option has been added to Create Return Labels.

This provides bulk printing of return labels to send to the customer for inbound shipping.



Added 2 new windows to the Campaigns window – Responses & Literature

Campaigns sub-tab has a new look.

3 new sub-tabs – Campaign Responses, Literature, and Overall Case Scores


DAMAS Procedures, Equipment Maintenance & Repair Log

New Damas Documents section has been added to the Damas Procedure tab in the Lab settings

Ability to create equipment repair log, add images, documents, scan documents, and link a document to a URL.



QB Inventory Sites has been added to the Global Settings/Laboratory Lists section

If a Product is discontinued in DLCPM, it will be set to Inactive in QB’s


Time Clock maintenance

New “Insert Activity” button has been added to the Employees Time Clock Maintenance window.  Allowing the ability to insert a break, i.e. Lunch break, if an employee forgets to clock out for lunch. This option will split the time clock record to 3 new entries.


Pickup & Shipping Service Type

Pickup Carrier and Service Type have been added. Customers now may have different Carrier for shipment and pick-up.

When scheduling Pick-up, the new field is used for Carrier. If blank, shipping Carrier is used.



UPS Pick-up Service Code

This option will dictate the method UPS will handle the pick-ups depending on the negotiated rate. DLCPM always used type 9 before.

Main section from the left hand panel side

A new option for a Global Text Search has been added. This will perform a text search globally through all records within CPM.

Dashboard option has been added. This will bring up a reports view of multiple reports for work that is in production for the day.


Technician Manager

This module has been completely re-written with a new design

Ability to check out tasks

View images and attachments

STL files may be viewed directly from Technician Manager

Technician are able to print their own Payroll report


Customer Portal

STL files may now be viewed directly from Customer Portal


Export Reports option under Tools menu

This option has been re-written to allow saving the exports performed for future use. The new export form now displays a grid of the export definitions and several buttons to maintain and run.

In addition to CSV format, Excel format has been added. When exporting notepad fields, Excel format is recommended


Automated Services

In V9 and older, there was one automated job in the Job Management section for the alert options for send both cases received and shipped and also send daily invoices. In V10, this job has now been separated into two jobs:

One job is to send cases received and shipped nightly in .PDF format - this option is in the Customer Settings section of Once at the end of the day called: Cases Received and Shipped

The other job is to send all invoices daily .PDF format - this option is in the Customer Settings section of Once at the end of the day called: All Invoices for the day in one PDF file