Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Version 11 New and Enhanced Features

Version 11 New and Enhanced Features

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Version 11 New and Enhanced Features

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V11.9 Build 3200 Release Notes – Released April 10, 2019 Enhancements:

The credit card processing integration with the merchant processor has been enhanced to retrieve and display the correct error message.


Reports Enhancements:

The standard Open Item Statement for Billing Accounts has been enhanced to allow for customer account grouping by Customer ID.

The Volume Discount text displayed in the Billing Account Combined statement has been enhanced to display 'Credit: Volume Discount' for clarity.



Customer Portal Enhancement:

Previously, when scheduling a pickup through the follow up prompt on case submission, the prompt displayed text for the user to Schedule Pick-up with a Carrier even though the customer's default pickup method was set for local.  The prompt has been corrected to only display Schedule Pick-up when the account's pickups settings are set to local.



In previous versions, there was a display issue on the Billing Accounts E-Mails tab, where Queued status emails were not updated once emails were sent.  This has been corrected.

When viewing General E-mails, an error previously populated while adjusting the date range and using the filter column.  This has been corrected and users are able to use both the date range and filter columns for searching through e-mails.


V11.8 Build 3200 Release Notes – Released April 4, 2019


Overall Application Enhancements:

Major performance enhancements affecting every single upload and download speed including but not limited to images, attachments, templates, server document, etc has been included in this update.


Customer Portal Enhancement:

Previously, the maximum quantity value set in product maintenance was not respected when adding products to cases submitted through the customer portal.  This has been corrected.



In previous versions, customer statements were printing in color regardless of the selected printer settings when processing statements.  This has been corrected.

The Departments marked 'For Call Manager' are designed to display only on call forms. In previous versions, when selecting to create a call through the 5. tab Follow up Call on Case entry/edit, the Department drop down menu was displaying all departments. This has been corrected so only Departments marked 'For Call Manager' display.



V11.7 Build 3150 Release Notes – Released February 12, 2019



In previous versions, when using the Add Multiple Products form during case entry or edit:

Product Materials which were set to automatically populate onto the case alongside the product, were not added to the case.  This has been corrected.

Related Products were populating onto cases correctly with the their parent product, however when the main Product was selected for edits, the related product was replaced with the product ID of the parent product. This resulted in a duplication of the parent product and the related product no longer on the case. This has been corrected.

When selecting a related product on case entry or edit, typing a tooth number or selecting a tooth from the tooth chart was resulting in the teeth numbers displaying incorrectly. This was occurring only with certain combinations of clicks and navigation within the selected products section.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions, the doctor Prefix was not added to cases submitted through the Incoming Shipment feature which caused the same doctor to be grouped by two names on month-end statements.  This has been corrected.


Reports Monitor:

In previous versions, the Reports Monitor was automatically releasing the DLCPM client license.  This has been changed and upon launching the reports monitor, DLCPM is no longer releasing the license. In order to release the license, users must use the keyboard combination of ALT+TAB and exit DLCPM.


V11.7 Build 3140 Release Notes – Released February 7, 2019


Data Audit Trail:

Under the System section of Data Audit Trail under the Administrator menu at the top of the toolbar has been enhanced to include the Print Option that was selected during Statement Process.


System Templates:

The following system merge fields are now available and can be added or modified in any existing system templates for automated emails:




Case Edit/Entry Enhancement:

In previous versions, users were able to enter invalid information in the teeth number field on product entry. This resulted in the client crashing when attempting to populate the teeth field located on the 1. General tab of case entry/edit. In the event there is still invalid teeth number information existing in cases, the function which pulls the teeth numbers on products to display in the Teeth field has been enhanced to prevent the client from crashing.


Customer Portal Enhancements:

Customer Portal Management Console:

A new property has been added the File Upload section called 'HideSubmitAttachmentsRepostiories'.  This property will hide the selected repositories in Submit Case and Submit RX when selecting to upload attachments to cases. The accepted values are: Model Scan, Digital Impression, Design, Photos & Attachments.

Please note: If a user configures to hide all repositories, one repository will still remain visible for Photos & Attachments for customers to upload images and attachments on Submit Case & Submit RX.

The following properties have been removed from the Management Console as they are no longer supported:

Case Settings - AlternativeUploadModule

System Settings - DisableAccountRetries



V11.7 Build 3135 Release Notes – Released January 28, 2019



Previously, the shipping carrier Purolator was not accepting and printing the weight on the shipping labels.  Purolator requires the weight for each package, along with the total weight to be submitted.  We were sending the total weight.  To correct this we are now setting the number of packages to one, the weight for the package, and the total weight.


V11.7 Build 3130 Release Notes – Released January 7, 2019


Credit Card Processing:

Users are restricted from adding a credit card on file with a blank cardholder name in both the Customer and Billing Account Settings

Users are restricted from posting credit card payments for Customer or Billing Accounts if the credit card holder name is blank

When processing through the merchant processor Payeezy, the system will truncate the cardholder name to the max of 30 characters.

Please note, the maximum 30 characters in the cardholder name is a Payeezy requirement.


Inter Company Credits:

The following fields have been added to Inter Company Credits:

Credit Reason - This field is required when the Global Setting validation option for 'Require Reason when Posting Debit/Credit Adjustments and Credit Memos' is enabled

Adj GL Account - This field is optional and not required to be set


Reports Monitor Enhancements:

Overall functionality and stability enhancements have been implemented to the reports monitor feature. In order to use the Reports monitor feature in this version moving forward, it is required to have the new CR Viewer Runtime installed.

Please note, users must download the Report Monitor Runtime located under the Help menu.



In previous versions, shipping products were not added automatically when accepting cases submitted via Incoming Shipment. This has been corrected.

An issue existed with related products and cases submitted through the Customer Web Portal where the overwritten related product price was not populating on accept and save. This has been corrected and submitted cases populated the correct related product price on accept and save.

Previously, when selecting certain fields for case log in Advanced Export, the export was not exporting data. This has been corrected and a new table for Case Audit Trail has been added which will allow for users to select from the correct fields.

Please note: The Case Audit trail may not be used as a base table. In order to pull from certain case audit trail fields, Cases must be the base table. The audit trail can then be selected as a field for export.


V11.6 Build 3120 Release Notes – Released December 18, 2018



The following changes have been made to the Audit Trail in Case Finder and on the Cases tab on the customer form when a case is placed On Hold and off Hold:

When case is placed On Hold, two log entries are added

Type: Status Changed

  Description: Status Changed from 'status' to 'On Hold'

Type: Hold Status

  Description: Case Placed on Hold (The note section shows the selected Hold Status and Reason text)

When a case is removed from On Hold, one log entry is added

Type: Status Changed  

  Description: Status Changed from 'On Hold' to 'status'



In previous versions, the Teeth Numbers field was not validated when adding case products.  Now, when adding a product or multiple products to a case, the single or bridge numbers are verified.

In previous versions, when editing a case and changing a Product ID, related materials remained displayed on the case Materials tab but were removed upon saving the case.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions, the task Duration radio options for Hours and Minutes were disabled when adding a Production Task in Global Settings.  This has been corrected.

Previously, when using the shipping option Dispatch and Schedule with Chronopost, a duplicate dispatch request was sent to the carrier.  This has been corrected.


V11.6 Build 3105 Release Notes – Released December 4, 2018


Global Settings - Case Options:

There are two new options added to Case Options in Global Settings.  

1.Located on the Case Validation sub tab of Case Entry in the section for 'Do Not Allow Saving the Case if:' is a new option, 'Date In is more than X Day(s) in the future'. By default this new option is set to 10 days.

2.Located on the Invoicing main tab, there is a new checkbox option for: 'Do now allow Invoice Date beyond X Day(s) in the future'. By default this new option is set to 10 days.

** Please note, any value less than 1 day will automatically be updated and set to 10 days without warning.


Pending Customers Requests:

The DDX Pending Requests option located under the Tools menu at the top of the toolbar has been removed and replaced with Pending Customer Requests.

The DDX Practice ID column has been removed. The following columns have been added:



oPractice ID

A new field for Arklign Practice ID has been added to the customer Practice Info tab.


Global Settings - General:

A new checkbox option 'Use Compression for Document upload and download' has been added to the General section in Global Settings.

Please note: regardless of whether this checkbox option is checked or not, the server will skip compression for known zip files such as .zip, .z, .jpg, .jpeg, .tiff.

When adding Case Photos and Attachments, the 'Do not use Compression' checkbox default setting will be based on the new checkbox option set in Global Settings.



An option for searching for customer by Zip Code was added for Customer Search and Select Customer for Case, now extends to Practice Doctor.

On Case Edit, a prompt has been added to confirm closing the case without saving when closing the form from the top right corner.  If there are no changes that have been made on the case to save, there is no prompt.



The Index option under the Help menu has been updated to open the new secured Help link.


Billing Accounts:

When the combined statement option is not checked on the properties of a Billing Account a combined statement warning message has been added to indicate to user that a statement will not be generated for the billing account.



Located on the customer Accounting tab under the Billing Options section, a new checkbox option 'Exclude from AR Reports' has been added. Enabling this option will exclude the customer from displaying on the Accounting- Receivable reports.


Load Schedule Assignment:

On the Load Schedule Dashboard, various corrections and enhancements have been implemented in the dashboard views for clarity.


Customer Portal Enhancements:

Customer Portal will now convert the month and day to double-digits if the current culture setting has the date pattern set to single-digit month/day.

Submit Case / RX Case:

The Case Number column width has been increased in the Select Case form used in the case finder to select cases for Remake Case and Adjust Case.

The options for Remake Case and Adjust Case now preserve the initial case's shipping address.

When submitting a case through Submit RX and using either Remake Case or Adjust Case option, users were receiving an error message.  This has been corrected.

When changing the Practice Doctor address on case submission through Submit RX, the new address was not saving.  This has been corrected.

Invalid tooth numbers are no longer allowed in Submit RX Case.

The height of the Review Case Instructions window in Submit RX Case has been increased to eliminate vertical scroll bar.

Cases / View Case:

Practice Doctor selection in View Cases now correctly selects all cases if the same practice doctor has multiple addresses.


Customer Complaints:

Overall design improvements have been made.

In previous versions, the Edit/Delete button under Return Enclosures section on the Evaluation tab of Customer Complaint Investigation form was not functional. This has been corrected and the edit button now enables the free text box allowing the user to manually edit enclosures until the form is saved.  



In previous versions, Inventory Purchase Orders could be saved without selecting a Vendor.  Vendor selection is now required on each purchase order created.

Previously when sending emails, the CC field was not set and instead, a separate email was sent for each recipient. As a result, the CC recipients were not displayed when viewing emails from Customer Correspondence.  This has been corrected and one email with the copied recipients is correctly sent and can be viewed in Customer Correspondence.

In previous versions, an error was populating when printing a customer check payment receipt or Billing Account payment receipts. This has been corrected.  

Previously, in certain situations Load Schedule Assignment was assigning tasks to Technicians when the task was marked as Exclude from Load Schedule in Employees Tasks.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions, Incoming Call Notifications displayed customer information of deleted customer records when calls were received from a doctor linked to a deleted record.  This has been corrected.

An issue related to two grids on the same table refreshed at the same time was causing emailed statements to send to the incorrect email address when re-processing failed emails. This has been corrected.

When editing credit adjustments, users were previously able to save a credit adjustment with a zero amount when closing the credit adjustment window and clicking 'Yes' to save changes.  The amount field is now restricted when there is a distribution.

In previous versions, the Resolved By field on the Status tab of the Customer Complaint form was defaulting to the current user instead of user that was selected and saved.  This has been corrected.

The Completed Date on the case Tasks History tab was previously displaying the date the user completed the task rather than the Complete Date selected during Complete Task.  This has been corrected.

Previously, Route Manager was reading the Delivery Notes from the default lab instead of the invoicing lab if one was defined.  Also, when scheduling a case, the notes were read from Customer Settings instead of the Case.  This has been corrected.

Previously on case edit, when a Product ID which had a related product on a case was changed to another Product ID that also has a related product, the new Product IDs related product was not being added to the case.  This has been corrected.  A prompt has also been added giving users the option to delete the original related product from the previous Product ID.  

Previously, product lot numbers were copied over to Remake and Duplicate cases.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions, an error message displayed when crediting an invoice with a total amount greater nine digits.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions, a QuickBooks Sync error was encountered in certain scenarios for refund invoice adjustments. QuickBooks does not allow refunding a credit card payment that has a full payment distribution. In order to prevent the error and allow for the refund to transfer over, the refund adjustment will be posted in QuickBooks as a Check Refund, although it is for a credit card refund.




V11.5 Build 3054 Release Notes – Released October 12, 2018


Query Security:

A new option has been added under the Actions menu in Advanced Query for ‘Open Query Security’. This option is also accessible from the main Administrator menu at the top of the toolbar.

By default, when a new Advanced Query is added, it is added to the System Query Policy and automatically made available to all users.  Please note the following in regards to Query Security:

oAll Users are able to access the query

oIf security is not applied from Query Security, access remains as-is

oIf groups are added to Query Security, the System Policy is ignored and the query is only available to the members of the designated group(s)

oWhen setting Query Security, it is not necessary to drop security cache or exit the program.

oIn the Customer form, click on the Query refresh icon to view queries added

oIn Case Finder, click on the Reset button to view new queries added


Customer Record:

Previously, commas were not allowed in Customer ID when adding a new customer or changing a Customer ID.  This has been enhanced to allow commas.



The following columns have been added to the Pending Calls tab on the Customer form:

oCall Status

oPan Number


Incoming Shipments:

A new drop-down for Invoicing Lab has been added to Incoming Shipments allowing user to select the lab that the case is for.


Help Menu:

An option has been added for ‘Download QuickBooks Integration’ and when selected the QuickBooks installer will launch.


Avatax Online Tax Integration:

Avatax now posts invoices as a quote instead of Invoice.  The upload online tax service automated job then posts the quotes as an Invoice.


Customer Portal Enhancements:

On Submit Case/RX, when adding or editing a product and manually entering a value that is not a tooth number the tooth chart will not populate any selection.

When selecting the option to Order Supplies, the fulfillments field has been trimmed to 90 characters.


Technician Bench Enhancements:

My Bench:

A horizontal scroll bar has been added to the case grid.

The following columns have been added to case grid:


oNext Task Due

oLast Location

Updating the Case Location now updates the Last Location column in the grid in real time.

My Bench loads all records into the case grid with a vertical scroll bar.  Additionally, pagination and fixed height has been removed.


Route Managers Enhancements:

The Route list is no longer ordered by customer count and is based on Route name only.



In previous versions, printing Tool Loan Slips resulted in an error. This has been corrected.

Previously there was an issue with CTI not restoring DLCPM when minimized.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions, there was an issue when creating credit invoices after month end process was run but before the next calendar month. The issue occurred where the credit case distribution was not setting the apply date to the next period.  This has been corrected.

When accepting a web case and changing the customer ID at the same time, the address was not updating correctly.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions, when the On Hold flag was removed from a case, the Hold Status and Hold Reason fields were not getting cleared.  This has been corrected.

Previously, users experienced errors when using queries with date parameters.  This has been corrected.


V11.5 Build 3040 Release Notes – Released September 10, 2018

System Admin Program – Application Policies:

A new administrative application policy has been added for 'General Emails' which allows for users to view the General Email form. General emails are located under the View menu at the top of the toolbar.  

**Please note, this application policy will need to be set; it is not added to users by default  

A new checkbox option has been added to the Settings tab of User Properties in the System Admin Program to ‘Restrict access to DLCPM Online’.  If this property is checked, the user will not have access to log into DLCPM Remote Access. If the user attempts to log into DLCPM Remote Access, the user will receive the following message: You are not Authorized to login to DLCPM Remote Access at this time. Please contact your network Administrator.

** Please note, this feature is designed for laboratories with an active subscription to DLCPM Remote with Enterprise


Help Menu:

Disconnect User - A new option has been added to the view Active users on the Help > About form.

**Please note, this option is only available for users that are a member of the Administration group**


General E-Mails:

The following columns have been added to General Emails form which is located under the View menu at the top of the toolbar:

Linked To  - This column will display the table the Email is linked to. For example: An email sent to a Vendor for an Inventory Purchase Order will display 'InventoryPOs'

Link ID – This column will display the ID of the record the email relates to. For example: An email sent to a Vendor for an Inventory Purchase Order will display the Purchase Order Number


Inventory Management - Purchase Orders:

The following columns have been added to the Purchase Orders grid in the Inventory Management option under the Tools menu at the top of the toolbar:  

Created On – This column displays the date the purchase order was created

Created By – This column displays the user that created the purchase order manually

Please note: If the purchase order is generated automatically, this column will display ‘Job Processor’


Global Settings - Inventory:

A new field for 'Cost' has been added to the Inventory Items maintenance in Global Settings.  

When adding an inventory item from Active Products, this field will default to Product’s set Cost (user may change the cost)

When adding inventory item from Materials, the cost field will default to zero and the user may set the cost

When manually creating a Purchase Order, users can change the cost field accordingly

When a Purchase Order is generated automatically, the cost field will be used to determine the unit price.



A new checkbox option for ‘Do not use Merchant Processing Integration’ has been added to Merchant Accounts tab when editing Global Lab settings.  If this option is checked, no errors will be displayed when:

Saving the Lab settings Merchant Account settings without valid credentials

When configuring a customer for Autopay

When posting Credit Card payment to a customer account

When posting Billing Account Credit Card payment

This option should only be used for laboratories that do not use the credit card integration offered with DLCPM Enterprise but would like to track autopay customers and credit card payments.

*Please note: payment options will be disabled in the Customer Portal with this option checked.


Outsource to Vendor: (New)

When configuring Production Tasks, Product Tasks and Case Tasks there is a new option to set the task as an Outsourced Task. This option allows for laboratories to specify when certain tasks are completed by outsourced laboratories or locations

On case entry or edit, users are able to set the outsourced vendor when adding or editing case tasks

Under the Tools menu at the top of the toolbar, the submenu for Batch Processing now has a new option called Outsource to Vendor. The option contains the following functionality:

Update a case log when a case is outbound to an outsourced vendor or if the case is received inbound from an outsourced vendor

The inbound or outbound Tracking # is available for entry for record keeping purposes

Case status will be updated to selected status when marked as outsourced to a vendor

A packing slip is available to print when setting the outsourced vendors on cases

When using the outsource to vendor option, the Case Audit trail log will update with the date and time the case information was entered from this option

Please note:  In order to use the outsource case to vendor option, there must be a task(s) scheduled on the case that is marked for outsource to vendor.  

When a case is scheduled, tasks will now have the Outsourced flag and Vendor ID set where applicable.

Load Schedule Assignment will disregard any tasks that are marked as an Outsourced task and those tasks will not be assigned to technicians.

In the Forms tab of the lab settings, there is a new dropdown option to set a specified form for the Outsource Packing Slip

For cases that are marked outsource to vendor, a new print option is available to print the Outsource Vendor Packing Slip individually for the selected case. This new print option is available from the Case Finder and the Cases tab on the Customer form.

When right clicking on an individual task, there is a new option to Print Outsource Packing Slip

A new cases query is available in the Case Finder under the “Open” folder called “Cases with Pending Outsource Task”


Customer Alerts:

In the Alerts and Notifications section of the Customer Settings, the Email address field now displays in a multi-line (taller) format allowing for users to easily see multiple email recipients

When creating Report Jobs in the Job management section of Automated services, when the report job is configured to send automate via email, the address line now displays in a multi-line (taller) format allowing for users to easily see multiple email recipients.


Global Settings - Products & Tasks Lists:

The following columns have been added to Production Tasks maintenance and the Product Tasks tab under Products maintenance:

Added On

Added By

Modified On

Modified By

The Unit Value column has been added to Products maintenance grid

When adding or editing materials related to a product, there is a new checkbox option for ‘Auto-Add when Product Is added to the Case’.  If the option is checked, the material will automatically be added to the case.  If this option is not checked, the material will not be added automatically and any material can be added manually.  In order to stay backwards compatible from previous version, the box is checked by default for all existing product materials.


Global Settings – Case Options:

Under the Case Entry General tab, there is a new checkbox option for ‘Sort Teeth Numbers on Save’.  If enabled, teeth numbers entered on products and cases will be sorted in numerical value if the teeth number values are in pure numeric format.  

Under the Case Entry Case Validation tab, all case entry options have been regrouped for an improved layout

Under the Case Entry Case Dates tab, there is a new checkbox option for ‘When Due Date is changed, Always Calculate Ship Date from Due Date & Carrier Transit Days’. With this option configured, when a user changes the case Due Date, the Ship Date is re-calculated and automatically changed.

Please note: This new option does overwrite the configuration under the Case Scheduling tab to calculate ship date based on tasks. This means that tasks will no longer be calculated and changed based on the due date of the last task in the production schedule.

Under the Case Entry Case Dates tab, there is a new checkbox option for ‘Recalculate the Due Date’ when accepting cases submitted from Customer Portal.  When this option is checked, the case Due Date is re-calculated when accepting a submitted case from the Customer Web Portal.  If this option is not set, the case Due Date is left as-is.

Please note: If the case Due Date is blank, upon accepting and saving a case, the Due Date will always be re-calculated.  The calculation is based on the default number of days in advance set in Global Settings.

Under the General tab, there is a new check box option for “Send Alert to Customer when CustomerID is Changed (Similar to New Case if Enabled)”. This option functions similarly to the customer specific alerts on case entry, edit and invoicing. An emailed alert will be sent to the customer that their customer ID has been changed.



Global Settings -Auto-Generate Customer ID: (New)

Under the General section there is a new checkbox option to ‘Auto-Generate Customer ID using sequential number’ along with an edit box for ‘Next ID’ to specify the next sequential starting number. This option has the following functionality when activated:

When creating a new customer, the current checkbox option for Auto-Generate Customer ID in new customer is hidden since the ID will now generate for the configured sequential number in the General section

The next sequential number specified in General will be used for each new customer created for their CustomerID

Please note: If a user configures this field with a number that is lower than the last assigned Customer ID, the next sequential number based on the last assigned ID will be given.

As new customers are entered, upon opening the General section of the Global Settings, the Next ID field is updated to the current value for the next available sequential number

If a user selects to change a CustomerID, the user will be notified that the Auto-Generate CustomerID option is enabled and only the next available ID will be assigned. Users will not be able to manually enter the CustomerID.

Please note: Customers that are deleted will still be considered in determining the next available Customer ID.


Global Settings -Report Monitor

Under the General section there is a new option to run the Report Monitor during a set time frame.  



When editing a case, the current case status in the Status section on the case header will display in large, blue and bold text

The Shipping tab on Case Entry/Edit, a case may have more than one incoming Tracking Number.  For example, a doctor sends a missing part for the same case.

The tracking number field has been increased to a total of 120 characters length to accommodate capturing multiple tracking numbers

If there is no previous tracking number, users may type in the field

If there is a previous tracking number, that number will be preserved and the field will be disabled

Two new options for ‘Add’ and ‘Clear’ for the tracking number field will display

On the customer look up form on case entry, a new search option for Zip Code has been added to allow for users to search customer by Zip code


Cases Scheduling:

When backwards scheduling, start next day and durations will be compressed starting from the last incomplete task to the first available task

When forwards scheduling, start next day and durations will be compressed starting from the first available task to the last incomplete task

Please note: If there are multiple tasks with more than one start next day, the compression will follow the backwards and forward scheduling as noted above and reduce each task sequentially by one day on each reschedule.


Case Finder:

Under the Case Finder Case Queries in the “Open” folder, there is a new Query called “Cases with Pending Outsource Task” which allows for users to view cases that have a task marked for outsource that is not complete

In the Case Finder under the Case Queries “Invoiced” folder, there is a new Query called “Failed to upload to Online Tax Service” which allows users to view cases that have failed to upload to the tax services that is set up to use the integration


Images & Attachments:

The following enhancements have been made to Images & Attachments on Case Edit and Case Finder:

New button ‘Copy from another Case’ which will copy all attachments from another case to the current case

Renamed buttons, i.e. Scan Document to Scan, Capture Image to Capture

A new query has been added for ‘Cases with Attachment’.  When using the Copy from another Case option, this query is used to display only cases that have existing images and attachments. This query is also available under Common cases query in Case Finder.


Inter-Company Record:

Customer Accounts can now be identified as an Inter-Company record with a new checkbox added on the 5. Tab for Accounting on the Customer form. This option can be used exclusively for labs taking advantage of the multi-lab environment that may send work from different internal locations. In the event that invoices and balances are generated, labs have the ability to view open balances and post credit adjustments logging as an Inter-Company credit.

Under the Accounting menu at the top of the toolbar there are two new options:  

Preview Inter-Company Open Invoices: This option will produce an Intercompany Unpaid Invoices report

Generate Inter-Company Credits: Selecting this option will generate one credit adjustment for each customer account that is marked as an Inter-Company account. The credit adjustment total will total to the sum of all unpaid invoices and applied the distribution to each invoice.

Please note: If the customer account has existing unapplied payments or credits, an error message notification will generate instructing the user to review the account activity and first apply the unapplied transactions before generating the Inter-Company credit adjustment.


Email Templates:

Users can now drag and drop images and attachments into an email template

All common images types will work and there is no hardcoded restriction for file size

Please note: If a user attempts to insert a large file it may require time for the system to paint it and/or the system may crash as a result of running out of memory. It is advised that a normal image file should range at about 10-30K.


Practice Doctors:

Practice Doctors can be marked inactive with the new Inactive checkbox when adding or editing records in Practice Doctors Master.  Once a Practice Doctor is set to inactive, the selection will no longer display on the list of available practice doctors on case entry and edit.

A new column to display for ‘Inactive’ has been added to Practice Doctors Master form and the Practice Doctors grid found under the 2. Tab for Related Info on the customer form.

On case entry, when searching for a customer, users now have the ability to double-click from the Practice Doctor section to select the practice doctor and proceed with case entry.



When saving a check or eCheck payment a warning will display if:

The check # field is blank

The check # entered is a duplicate of an existing payment posted on the customer account


Incoming Shipments:

The Patient Last Name field will highlight in yellow to alert users when creating an incoming shipment case for a patient with previous case history.

A button has been added to the Incoming Shipments form to view the patient case history and when selected, a Case Finder form will open filtering to only the case history found for that patient.


Update Shipping Information:

A new checkbox option has been added for ‘Update Case Tracking Number (if blank)’ to the Update Shipping Information on the Local Shipments form. The case tracking number will update as well as an audit trail log for tracking purposes. This option can be used if for example, the laboratory has a bundle of cases that are shipped via a carrier to another location where from there drivers will make the delivery to customers.



When editing an existing pickup, Pickup ID will now display in parenthesis next to the header for Customer Information & Pickup Address.

When selecting to edit a pending pickup, the ‘Pickup for Lab’ dropdown menu is now enabled allowing users to change the lab selection.  


Global Settings – Load Schedule:

A new checkbox option to ‘Assign By Case’ has been added to the Load Schedule tab under Case Option in Global Settings. Activating this option will configure Load Schedule Assignment to assign tasks to the same technician or team that receives the first task assignment in a production schedule.

Please note: Load schedule assignment will still consider technician capacity when attempting to assign the entire case to one technician or team.

A new field has been added for ‘Allow assignments to exceed capacity by X minutes’. This field allows for users to define a number of minutes that the Load Schedule automated assignment will exceed every technician’s capacity.


Load Schedule:

On the Unassigned tasks tab of Load Schedule view, two options have been added:

Force assignment on tasks – this option will allow for users to force the system to assign the highlighted task in the event it was left unassigned due to task or technician capacity

Undo last assignment – this option will remove the assignment that the user just forced. This option is available in the event the incorrect technician was selected on the previously forced case or if the task should not have been force assigned

On the Load Schedule Dashboard, various enhancements have been implemented in the dashboard views for clarity


Customer Complaints:

The following enhancements have been made to the Customer Complaints module:

Products that are marked as discontinued will display when selecting products on a complaint to allow to enter a complaint for previous cases when the product was inactive

When registering a complaint, if the case is linked to a remake case, the field for ‘Remake Of’ will populate and the ‘View Case’ option will enable allowing the user to review the remake case

When a complaint is registered for a case that is linked to a remake case, a new column for ‘Remake Of’ will display the remake case number from Customer Complaint Manager grid

On the Evaluation tab, the Evaluated by field is now a checkbox option and when a user initiates the option, the current user is set on save. The date field is automatically generated when the users saves the complaint. Users may not make any manual changes to these fields.

Please note:  If a different user and time should display for record keeping purposes, the checkbox option may be removed, saved and the appropriate user may check the option and new values will generate

The following enhancements have been made on the QA Review tab:

The Risk analysis fields have been renamed for clarity.

The QA Authorization is a checkbox option which when checked will automatically populate the current user upon save only.

A section at the bottom has been added to view, create and modify Call Notes. Users may also print the call details, case audit and combined notes.

Please note: These options are only accessible when a complaint is related to a case


Statement Finance Charges:

When calculating finance charges on create statement, the process has been modified to exclude any unpaid Finance Charges from previous periods when calculating the new finance charge.  This has no impact on the aging or statement and only affects the way the finance charge is calculated.


QuickBooks Integration:

The QuickBooks integration (Enterprise) has been enhanced to allow for users to transfer the patient name into the Invoice Class field in QuickBooks. Please note: QuickBooks only allows 30 characters in the invoice class field. When the patient name is transferred along with the invoice, only the patient last name and first initial is transferred up to 30 characters.


Job Processor:

When creating automated report jobs, the Week Start Day parameter was set for Monday and Week Last Day parameter was Sunday. Please note: these parameters have been changed to Sunday for first day of the week.


Carrier Shipment – During Invoicing:

When the Global Settings Shipping option was set to During invoicing versus the Shipping Manager, the shipment was not correctly set as COD for COD customers. This has been corrected so that when the invoice or customer is marked for COD, the shipment is created through to the Carrier as a COD shipment.



In previous versions, users were able to type into the Lab Name dropdown on the Settings tab under Employees maintenance.  This has been corrected to require users to select from a drop down menu only.

General display issues found on the sub-tabs of the 5. Tab for Accounting on the Customer form have been corrected.

Various grid display issues throughout DLCPM have been corrected.

Previously, if the customer’s preferred tooth chart system was set to FDI, the teeth numbers were displayed in USA format on the case header of the General tab on case edit. This has been corrected so the display respects the customer’s settings only.

Previously, users received an error when setting multiple product Sales Distribution percentages for GL Accounts.  This has been corrected.

Previously, if a case was submitted from the Customer Portal for a Practice Doctor with a different address, the shipping address was not set correctly when the case was accepted.  This has been corrected to submit and accept the case with the address set to the Practice Doctor settings.

In previous versions, product preference images were printing on workorders for doctors without preference images set in customer settings. This has been corrected.

In previous versions, discontinued products were not suppressed when adding or editing a product list in a Catalog maintenance.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions, when using the online tax integration service, AvaTax was posting negative tax amount on credit memo invoices causing the total credit to be less by tax amount x 2.  This has been corrected.

Email Templates:

The Invoice template was using the server side merge field (\/[]) which is not supported in the client. The template was marked as a SYSTEM template and users were unable to add merge fields that are supported in the client.  This has been corrected.

The client was not able to read certain email templates properly and as a result was causing images in the template to display with a red x.  This has been corrected.

If a shipment is created and the Carrier is UPS or Purolator, when un-invoicing a case where the shipment was created, the user is prompted with the option to Cancel the shipment. Previously, when a user selected ‘No’, the shipment was not voided, but shipping information such as Tracking Number, Label File Name, and Shipment Date were removed.  This has been corrected so that the shipment is properly voided through to the Carrier.

Previously, when adding a new customer, if Carrier was selected before Invoicing Lab was selected an error was received.  This has been corrected by prompting the user to select the Invoicing Lab first.

In previous versions, users were unable to complete tasks from the Invoice Case module.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions, when adding a product using Multiple Product add on a case, overwriting a set flat rate discount resulted in incorrect discount amount.  This has been corrected.

Call Direction field in Call Directions maintenance in Global Settings Calls section under CRM Lists has been fixed to not allow more than eight characters.

In previous versions, queries with a number of dates was prompting for a date instead of the number of days.  This has been corrected.


Customer Portal Enhancements:

Make Payment:  

Validation for the Routing Number has been added on eCheck payments

The following check is now in place for lab Merchant Account Settings:  if ‘Do not use Merchant Processing Integration’ is enabled, the Make Payment option will be disabled on Customer Portal

Submit Case / RX Case:  

If Practice Doctor’s address is set to default address, the Practice Doctor address will now be used as default instead of the customer’s address

When submitting a case, an alert will display at the bottom of the page and/or alert the customer when products are added to the case that require a change in the case requested return date

When uploading files to the model scan, digital impression and design repositories, extra characters will be added at the end of the file names on save to ensure each file name is unique and does not trigger a duplicate file warning

Cases / View Cases:

Under the Practice Doctor dropdown menu, the customer account’s main doctor name has been added to the filter list.

Customer Portal Management Console:

The case setting default property 'RequestDateCutOffTimeDisplay' has been removed

The ship date cut off time is displayed on the Submit Case / RX module and is based on the 'RequestDateCutOffTime' property


Technician Bench Enhancements:

My Bench:

A new feature to Upload File(s) has been added and is accessed from My Bench

Cases grid in My Bench now uses horizontal scroll.  The following columns have been added to the grid:


oNext Task Due

oLast Location

Update Case Location updates the grid as well as the new column 'Last Location' in real time


Load Schedule Assignment setting under Technician Scanning now only controls the My Bench grid display.   With the option ON, the grid will display cases with tasks assigned to the technician logged in.  With this option ON, technicians are now able to also scan cases based on 'Allow access to tasks assigned to others' and 'Allow access to tasks not yet assigned' configuration which are both located in the Admin Settings.

A new option has been added in the Admin Settings under My Bench to 'Enable file uploads' which controls the new feature to Upload File(s).  This setting is OFF by default.  

A new option has been added in the Admin Settings under My Bench to set the file upload max size (MB) and it is set to 100 by default.




V11.2 Build 2760 Release Notes – Released June 6, 2018

Customer Form - Marketing:

A column for Constant Contact 'CC Status' has been added to the Campaigns tab of Marketing view on the customer form. This column corresponds to the column located in the Campaign manager which will show the status of a processed campaign in Constant Contact.


Shipping Manager:

A new checkbox option to 'Show Local Deliveries' has been added in Shipping Manager.  When unchecked, only carrier shipments are displayed. The checkbox status is a user preference which remains set the next time the Shipping Manager is opened.



The Technician tab has been removed from Equipment maintenance under Laboratory Lists in Global Settings. In order for a technician to complete an equipment task, the task must be associated under the equipment and under certain technicians. It is no longer required to have technicians associated under Equipment.


Credit Card Payments:

In previous versions, users were restricted from marking a pending credit card payment successful. This has been enhanced so that users are able to do so after the 24 hour merchant required waiting period of attempting to process that payment.


Advanced Query and Advanced Export:

The following tables have been added to Advanced Query and Advanced Export:


CMCampaigns - this table is for information from Campaigns in the Campaign manager

CMCampaignCustomers - this table is for customer information from Campaigns in the Campaign manager

CMCampaignProducts - this table is for product information from Campaigns associated to products in the Campaign manager

DailySales - this table is for daily sales information by invoiced cases which can display discounts, remakes, taxes and invoice sub totals

PracticeDoctors - this table is for information on practice doctors stored on file under the Related Info tab of the customer form

Driver RX Scanning Enhancement:

A new field for 'Incoming TN#' has been added to the RX Scan form.  When unpacking cases, drivers can scan the RX Number and Tracking Number if using pre-printed RX number barcodes.


Constant Contact:

Default Contact List field and 'Upload all customers to Constant Contact' checkbox have been removed from Constant Contact under CRM Lists in Global Settings. Each contact list will be created per each campaign that is synced to the account.

Instructional text has been added in the Constant Contact configuration settings for clarity on the Access Token setup. When the option to generate the token is selected, user will be directed to the Constant Contact portal. Once prompted for credentials, login to receive the token which will need to be copied and pasted in Access Token field.


DAMAS Equipment and Procedures:

A new checkbox 'This equipment is Out of Order' has been added to the Add/Edit Equipment form under DAMAS Equipment Maintenance in Global Settings. When any procedure runs, equipment that is deleted or out of order will be excluded.


System Admin Program – Application Policies:

New Customer application policy has been added which allows for users to edit the Office Hours defined on the customer form. By default, all users have access to this application policy and must be removed from any users that should not have access.


General E-Mails:

A new menu option has been added to the View option on the main form. Users can open and view emails  that are not linked to the customers within a specified date range.  This form can be filtered to display the following:

All Emails

Failed Emails

Pending Emails

Sent Emails        


In previous versions, when the case entry validation option 'Do not allow to Save the case if Due Date and Ship Date conflict' in Global Settings was checked, an exception error was displayed when using the right-click option to reschedule a case.  This has been corrected to display the proper Ship Date/Due Date error.

Previously in the Shipping Manager, users were unable to change the carrier on a shipment when selecting to 'Apply to all Shipments for this Customer' where shipments for the customer were both local and carrier.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions, an error message generated when printing an invoice from the case finder form that opens when selecting browse to relate a call to a case.  This has been corrected and the option to print from the toolbar is available for use.

Previously in Advanced Export, an error was generated when the last column name was moved using the down arrow on the Export Template form.  This has been corrected.

A correction has been made in Advanced Export on the Export Template form to clear the Export for Query field when the table is changed, as the selected query may have been table specific.


Tax Integration Correction:

Previously users were able to un-invoice cases and delete credits, if in the same period, that were uploaded to Online Tax Service, potentially causing incorrect taxation reporting by the service. The following corrections have been made:

oUsers are not able to delete a credit that has been uploaded to Online Tax Service

oUsers are not able to to un-invoice case that has been uploaded to Online Tax Service

oWhen attempting to delete or un-invoice a case, an error message will indicate whether a case is Locked. If the case is locked then a Lock Date and Lock Reason will display.

oLocks are enforced when uploading taxes




V11.2 Build 2723 Release Notes – Released May 18, 2018

Global Settings – Production Tasks:

The following columns have been added to the Technicians tab of Production Tasks maintenance under Products & Tasks Lists in Global Settings:


Exclude from LS - If the selected task for the technician is set to be excluded from automatic assignments

Has Custom Duration - If the technician has a custom Load Schedule duration for the selected task

LS Custom Duration - If the technician has a custom Load Schedule duration for the selected task, the duration will display in this column

Proficiency - The set proficiency for the technician for the selected task will display



A text display issue has been corrected in Reasons Maintenance under Laboratory Lists in Global Settings.

In the previous build, a new option to initiate searching for the customer's location in Google maps was added but did not support special characters in the customer practice name. This has been corrected to support special characters in the practice name.

The option to 'Import from Materials' found under the Inventory Items maintenance in the Inventory section of Global Settings has been enhanced to avoid duplicating manufacturers records.


V11.2 Build 2722 Release Notes – Released May 15, 2018

Global Settings – Load Schedule:

A new checkbox to Enable Load Schedule has been added on the Load Schedule tab of Case Options in Global Settings.  If this option is not enabled, tasks are not required to have a schedule date.  

A validation to check Global Settings compatibility with LSA has been added to Load Schedule Assignment Readiness found under the Administrator menu.

A validation to check if all tasks for products and technicians have duration has been added to Load Schedule Assignment Readiness found under the Administrator menu.

Load Schedule Assignment: Product Tasks – Copy Task Assignment:

A new option has been added on Edit Product Tasks in Global Settings for ‘Copy assignment from Task’. This option allows for labs using Load Schedule Assignment to copy the assignment from a previous task in a schedule to the same technician.

Laboratory Settings – Lab Templates:

A new field for ‘Send Email From’ has been added to the Add Alert Template form in Global Settings when editing a lab.  If populated, the email address will be used for all emails processed through Job Processor such as Nightly Alerts, Invoices, and Statements.  If this field is not populated, the system will use the Global Settings email address for alerts and the defined accounting email for statements.

Global Settings – Case Entry:

A new checkbox option to ‘Perform Case Pre-Process Customer Validation’ has been added to the Case Validation section of the Case Entry tab of Case Options in Global Settings.

***Please note, this option supports a customized case pre-process validation code and should not be enabled unless instructed by MTS Support Team.  

Linked Cases:

A new option to view ‘Linked Cases Chain’ has been added to the Linked Cases tab of Case Finder and Cases tab of the Customer form.  This option will display all linked Remake and TryIn cases in one section versus searching for each case individually.

Invoice Case:

A new Doctor field and column for Doctor Name has been added to the Invoice Case module.

Customer Form – Google Map:

A new Google Map icon has been added on the Customer form which will attempt to Search and Map the Customer Practice Name, and Address.


Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2:

By default, Java 1.8.x will use TLS 1.2 if available. To ensure TLS 1.2 is forced, we have also updated the AppServer in V11.2 Build 2672 or later.


Practice Doctor selection has been hidden on the General Instructions tab of the Preferences under Customer Settings as General instructions are not doctor specific and will display for all cases.

The following columns in laboratory Reasons Maintenance in Global Settings have been renamed:

For Adjustments renamed:  For Debit/Credit Adjustment

For Credits renamed: For Credit Memo

In previous V11 versions, in order to have a Reason available when posting an adjustment, the Reason needed to have the property ‘For Credits’ enabled.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions, Surcharges were not being handled in QB Sync Integration. A product line will now be added automatically to each invoice found with a product surcharge called ‘Surcharge’ after each product that has a Surcharge.

In previous versions, technicians without a flat or pay rate were deleted when using the Select Technicians and Pay Rates in Production Tasks maintenance on the Technicians tab.  This has been corrected.


Customer Portal Enhancements:

When a customer requests to order supplies, the quantity has been added to the email notification.

Previously on Submit Case / Submit RX, when selecting the Adjust Case case type, invoiced cases were not available when selecting the original case number.  This has been corrected.

The following property has been updated in the Customer Portal Management Console:

oUnder the Case Settings 'HideFieldsOnSubmitCase' which allows users to define certain fields to hide when a customer submits a case. Users may specify one values or to combine multiple controls, use ";" to separate the options. For example to hide Patient name, shade, coupon and sex fields you will enter the following: 1;2;6;8

The available values to hide are as follows:  

1 = Patient Name

2 = Shade

3 = Patient Chart #

4 = Remake Case

5 = Adjust Case

6 = Coupon

7 = RX Number

8 = Sex

9 = Age

10 = Digital Scanner

11 = RX Submission Method

12 = Products.


V11.2.2646 Release Notes – Released May 1, 2018

Shipping Manager Bundling:

Shipping Manager now provides ability to bundle shipment for multiple customers. This option still requires the customers to have the same Address, Carrier, Service type, and Shipping Lab. It is particularly useful if multiple doctors work at one practice but have a different Customer ID.

Below are the options associated with this new feature:

All processes in the Shipping Manager are based on the ‘Ship Customer ID’. Depending on the configuration, the Ship Customer ID may be the same or different than the Customer ID on the invoice.

Under the Misc. Info section of the 1. Practice Info tab on the customer form there is a new field for ‘Bundle Shipments with this Customer’. Users may select another customer to bundle shipments with this customer.

On the 3. Tab for Shipping Tab on Case Entry/Edit, the same option to ‘Bundle Shipments with this Customer’ has been added. When adding a new case, this field is automatically inherited from Lab Customer Settings. If it is blank, it will be set to the Customer ID the case is entered for.

The Shipping Manager will now use this new field (Ship Customer ID) to bundle shipments.

The Shipping Manager grids has a column which will display the Customer ID for each invoice. This is for users to know which customer the case has been invoiced for, separate from Ship Customer ID.

When bundled and the cases are set for COD, the total amount of all cases will be the COD amount.

If bundled customers are set to be charged an additional amount for COD, the sum of additional COD from all customers in shipment will be added to the COD amount.

Shipments are created for the Ship Customer ID and other practice names are ignored.

If users select to create a return label(s), the label will be printed coming ‘From’ Ship Customer ID.

Shipping Manager Enhancements:

When scanning a case number, if there is more than one invoice in a shipment, the focus is moved to the ‘Ignore Master Setting, Create multiple shipments for this Customer’ checkbox at the bottom of the form.  If users are not selecting to ship all invoices in the bundles shipment, simply hit the SPACE bar on the keyboard and the ignore master setting will be checked, and users may then hit F10.  Additionally, the ALT+I hot key has been added to mark the ignore master setting option as well.

If all invoices in the selected bundled shipment should be shipped, simply hit F10.

A new option has been added to the Shipments Created tab of the shipping manager allowing users to search by tracking number.

Case Entry:

A new option to Add Fulfillments has been added to the Case Entry/Edit form.  Users are now able to Add Fulfillments during case entry and case edit.

Invoice Description has been added to the grid when using the lookup button while adding a single or multiple product(s) to a case.

Global Settings - Inventory:

Under the Inventory Items maintenance in the Inventory section of Global Settings, an option has been added to ‘Import from Materials’.   This option will import the materials defined in the Materials maintenance section of the Products & Task Lists into Inventory.

Global Settings - Material Maintenance:

The Manufacturer fields and a checkbox to ‘Create or Update Corresponding Inventory Item’ have been added to the Material maintenance form under the Productions & Tasks Lists section of the Global Settings.

Global Settings - Edit Lab:

Under the General tab when editing a Lab in Global Settings, there is a new option for ‘Alternate Address for Local Routes’. This option supports for labs to define an address that is different from the lab’s default invoicing address for local cases to display on the local shipping label or invoice form.

Load Schedule Assignment (LSA) Enhancements:

Ship Date column has been added to the Cases tab of the LSA Dashboard.

Case Number column has been added to the Tasks tab of the LSA Dashboard.  

Previously, when a task was assigned manually, the LS Duration was not set.  

Now, when the assignment is changed, the LS Duration will be set in the following order:

1.If the selected Technician has a custom duration set for the task, customer duration is set

2.If the selected Technician does not have a custom duration, the duration set on the Production Task maintenance is set



‘Applied By’ column has been added to the Payment Distribution tab of Customer Payment Manager and Billing Accounts Payment Manager to show which user set or last changed the payment distribution.


Try-In Invoicing:

The following checkboxes have been added under the TryIn Invoicing tab of Case Options is Global Settings when selecting to ‘Invoice the Case and Create a new Open Case with zero amount’.  The option to not transfer is intended in order for this feature to be backward compatible.

When creating the new Case, do NOT transfer:

Products & Tasks

Case Documents

Notes & Instructions (including Work Order, Invoice, Delivery Notes)


Alternate Work Orders:

Existing logic for printing Alternate Workorders has been modified.  Currently the system assumed the Alternate Work Order form name is work order form name plus “_Alternate”.  This logic is still in place in order for this feature to be backward compatible.  Modifications include:


A new drop down for the Alternate Work Order form name has been added on the Forms tab of Add/Edit Lab in Global Settings. If Alternate Work Order form is blank, continue with old logic by concatenating the word “_Alternate”.

A new printer setting has been added for Alternate Work Order in Personal Settings under Printers. If printer for Alternate Work Order is blank, use Work Order printer.

On Case Edit, a checkbox for ‘Print Alternate WO on Save’ has been added under Misc. Options.

If the Case Entry option in global setting to automatically print work order or alternate work order when entering new cases is enabled, the check box will remain unchecked and unavailable.

If the Case Entry option in global setting to automatically print work order or alternate work order when entering new cases not enabled, then the checkboxes will be available.


Scheduling a pickup now trims the customer address to 32 characters.

Find (F2) hot key was not jumping to the Find field on the Customer form.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions, if a user accidentally scanned a case number multiple times in the Shipping Manager, a script error was generated.  This has been corrected.

On an existing case, if all current products were deleted and multiple new products are added after the deletion, users were receiving a duplicate ID error.  This has been corrected both on cases and web cases.

In previous versions, in order to add a shipping product to a specific case when creating a shipment, the ‘Add Shipping charge to first Case in the Shipment’ option had to be enabled.  The Create Customer Shipment form has been corrected and the option has is labeled ‘Add Shipping Charge’.  Once checked, the following radio button options are enabled:

oAdd Shipping Product to first Case

oAdd Shipping Product to Case #

Previously, under certain conditions when using the option to Overwrite Delivery Name for Carrier Shipment the form display ‘-1’ in this field after the case was saved.  This has been corrected.

Previously, the Case Due Date column on the Unassigned Tasks grid in Load Schedule View was not sorting correctly.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions, clicking and typing into the Tasks Calendar in the Load Schedule Dashboard then entering produced an error.  This has been corrected.


Customer Portal Enhancements:

The following properties have been added in the Customer Portal Management Console:

Under the Access Control section:



oUnder the Case Settings section there is a property for 'DisplayDoctorListForCases'.  With this property enabled, the Practice Doctors configured on the customer account will list in View Cases allowing the user to only see cases entered for a certain practice doctor.  This property is checked by default.

oUnder the Site System Settings there is a property for 'WelcomeMessage'.  The welcome message is where text can be entered to display on the home page. Users can merge together the following tags: {LabName}, {CustomerID}, {AccountNumber}, {DoctorFullName}, {OfficePhone}, {PracticeName} and {ShortAddress} or {FullAddress}. {FullAddress} the home page will display all address fields while {ShortAddress} will display only Address1, City, State.

Two new options have been added to the Pickups menu:

oSchedule Pickups

oView Pickups

The icon on View Cases pages has been changed to a magnifying glass to be more intuitive.

The description on the Alerts & Notifications section under Preferences has been changed to:

oAlert me of changes as they occur during the day

oAlert me once at the end of the day

In the Accounting tools, the description to make payments has been changed from 'Pay this amount' to 'Pay other amount'.

On View Purchases under the Accounting menu, all references to the word 'Sales' has been changed to 'Purchases'.

V11.1.12 Release Notes - March 13, 2018

Shipping Carrier Settings:

TNT integration has been modified to break up the doctor name to first and last name truncated to 11 and 19 characters respectively.

Shipping tab has been removed from laboratory settings and now displays for each Carrier.  

Under each Carrier on the Shipping Carriers tab in Lab Settings, there is a new button for Alternate Shipping & Pickup Address.  Alternate addresses can be set for outgoing shipments and incoming pickups.  If populated, the label FROM and TO will be created using these addresses.  If left blank, the lab address will be used.  Please note that Address Line 1 must be populated in order for the alternate address to be used.

Shipping Manager:

The Last Task Scanned column in the Potential Cases to Bundle grid in Shipping Manager now displays the Task Description instead of the Task ID.

Shipping Manager now displays the Service Type name instead of the Service Type code.

Laboratory Settings:

Under the General tab in Lab Settings, there is a new button for Alternate Address for Local Routes.

Materials Maintenance:

 Manufacturer, Mfg Part Number, Mfg Country, and Certification # fields have been added back to Materials Maintenance under Products & Tasks Lists in Global Settings.  These fields are also present in Inventory Items Maintenance.

When adding a material in Materials Maintenance, inventory can automatically be updated using the new option to Create or Update Corresponding Inventory Item.

Load Schedule Assignment:

Setting the Schedule Date is now required when manually assigning a task to a technician, team or equipment.  If a task is not assigned, a Scheduled Date cannot be set and saved.

Previously, although technician hours may be greater than 8 hours a day, LSA was assigning a maximum of 8 hours.  This has changed to respect their hours so if technician is set to 11 hours a day, LSA assigns 11 hours.


System Templates:

System templates for Daily Alerts have been renamed to Inbound Cases and Shipments.

Existing system templates for Daily Alerts remain, but can be removed manually.  Customized templates applied in Lab Templates are unchanged.


In previous versions, if a Practice Doctor name contained double quotes, selecting it during case entry would affect the address and alter the placement of other fields. This has been corrected.

In previous versions, if a case was submitted through Customer Portal and the customer had a default discount, when accepting the case, the discount was not being applied to discountable products.  This has been corrected.

Corrections have been made to Team View display issues in the Load Schedule Dashboard.

Schedule Pickup now trims the customer address to 32 characters for carrier pickups.



V11.1.11 Release Notes - March 6, 2018 Integration has been modified to fail a payment if the Approval Code is not received from the merchant.  The Transaction results tab for the failed payment will read 'Transaction received without approval. Please refer to merchant portal.'


Vertex Tax Integration:

Logic has been added to the Vertex Tax Integration to prevent updating taxes in the case where changes are saved to cases that have been invoiced in a previously closed statement period.  


Constant Contact Integration:

When setting up Constant Contact integration, Customer Support assistance is no longer needed in order to request an Access Token for your account.  A new 'Get Access Token' option has been added to the Constant Contact area of CRM Lists in Global Settings.  


Load Schedule Assignment:

The query for Unassigned Tasks in Load Schedule View has been changed to only show unassigned tasks for the current day's date and previous days.

The Technician tab in Load Schedule View now displays the task duration and time availability in hours and minutes instead of total minutes.


About Screen:

The logo and font on the About screen under the Help menu has been updated.


Customer Portal Enhancements:

Customer Portal Registration now allows for customers with multiple emails set on their customer record to register.

The comments field on Schedule Pickup form is no longer limited to 11 characters.

In previous versions, if the customer had a default Practice Doctor set, the authorization text on Submit Case and Submit RX was not refreshing to display the Practice Doctor name.  This has been corrected.


V11.1.10 Release Notes - February 27, 2018


Laboratory Settings – GL Accounts:

A new GL Type called Finance Charge has been added to GL Accounts maintenance in Global Settings.

Finance Charge Invoices now display the GL Account, if specified.  


Laboratory Settings – Discounts:

A GL Account has been added to laboratory Discounts maintenance under in Global Settings.



Medicaid ID and Med Auth # fields are now copied to the new case created during Credit Case, Duplicate Case, and Invoice for TryIn.  These two fields were not previously displayed on Credit Invoices and are now visible.



In previous versions, pickups scheduled after deadlines were defaulting to two days out.  This has been fixed and the following logic applies:  

oIf the current time is past the AM deadline, PM route is selected

oIf the current time is past PM deadline, AM route for next day is selected

oAM deadline, if not set, will be 11:59 AM

oPM deadline, if not set, will be 5:00 PM


Previously, there was a character limit causing the list of technicians available in the ‘Assigned to Technician’ dropdown on the Add/Edit task form to be cut off.  This has been corrected.

Previously, when editing a completed call then selecting a different status such as pending, the Completed checkbox remained checked. This has been corrected and now when editing a completed call the status dropdown is disabled until the user unchecks the ‘Completed’ checkbox.  Once unchecked, the status moves to Pending and the dropdown is enabled.

In previous versions, deleting a case attachment from a remake case was causing the attachment on the original case to be removed.  This has been corrected.



V11.1.9 Release Notes - February 16, 2018


Batch Processing:

A new checkbox option for ‘Set status to On Hold’ has been added to the Update Case Status form in the menu for batch processing.

Capture Image:

A Description field has been added when using the Capture Image option from the Images & Attachments tab on cases now.  

Case Finder:

A new column has been added to the Case Finder in order to support data conversions.

oRef. ID (Reference ID is the Legacy Order #)

oRef. ID 2 (Reference ID 2 is the Legacy Invoice #)


Case Preferences & Notes:

The Preferences & Notes sub tabs on the 4. tab for Cases on the Customer form and in the Case Finder have been redesigned with the following tabs (sections):

oWork Order Notes  (Work Order Notes)

oInvoice Notes  (Invoice Notes; Delivery Notes)

oPreferences (Customer, Products, and General Instructions; Task Preferences)

oPortal Preferences  (Web Comments; Web RX Preferences]

oRemote Preferences  (Remote Preferences (Applies to LabConneX Only))

Case Images & Attachments:

Splitters have been added to the Images & Attachments tab for cases on the 4. tab for Cases on the Customer form and in the Case Finder so the grids can be adjusted.


Start and end times as well as lunch breaks on the Employee working hours tab are now configurable in half our increments.

The notes column has been added to the grid in the employee Out of Office tab.

Load Schedule View:

The notes column has been added to the technicians Out of Office tab of the Load Schedule View form.


In previous versions, when the case option ‘When editing a Case, keep it open after Save’ was enabled in personal settings, there was a display issue with the due date and ship date when converting an estimate to a case.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions, the credit card validation prompted when processing a write-off through Billing Accounts.  This has been fixed so users are able to post a write off without any payment information entered.

The GL Account maintenance under Laboratory Lists in Global Settings now allows up to 100 characters in the GL Account field.

The TryIn Reason and PO Number fields have been removed from the Invoice & Totals section of Credit memos form. These fields did not apply to credit memos.

In previous versions, when the local route for a case was changed, the default route was displaying when using Schedule Deliveries or Shipping Manager.  This has been fixed.

Users were previously unable to remove Materials from the Inventory Item maintenance.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions, an error message would populate when users attempt to save Product Invoice Notes.  This has been fixed.

If an email was sent from a user with no email address configured on their user properties, in previous versions the 'From' field populated with the user name and <>.  This has been corrected so if the user has no email address, the 'From' field is populated by the automation server.

Users may have received an error message when attempting to build certain queries in Advanced Query Builder.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions, once a user selected a Type, Group, Department when adding a product during case entry, their last setting was being saved globally rather than for the current user.  This has been corrected.

Customer Portal Enhancements:

Each time a page is loaded, the portal checks for a valid Customer account registered with that customer ID.  The current user is logged out of the portal if any of the following occurs:

Customer ID is deleted

Web Access is disabled

Web User Name is different to what was used when logging on



V11.1.8 Release Notes - January 30, 2018

Global Settings - Case Options:

The Load Schedule tab of Case Options in Global Settings has two new radio button options which control how tasks are assigned in respect to Technician Proficiency:

oAssign from low Proficiency to high Proficiency

oAttempt to balance workload regardless of Technician Proficiency


Product Tasks:

A new checkbox option has been added on Product Tasks and Edit Case Task for 'Assign this task only on due date'. When this option is set, load scheduling will not assign a task before the task due date.

Customer Portal Enhancements:

When a customer requests to order supplies, the quantity has been added to the email notification

When a customer requests a pickup, the pickup #, pickup date, pickup period, and pickup notes have been added to the email notification

In default manufacturing preferences, customers now have the ability to enter a custom value text on single selections

The main Preference menu will be hidden from view when all of the following sub-menus are disabled under the Access Control section of the Management Console:

Alerts & Notifications

Accounting Preferences

General Instructions

Manufacturing Preferences

On submit case or submit RX: When entering a Remake/Adjust Case the Patient info (First Name, Last Name, Sex, Age, Patient Chart) will be copied into the new case form.

On submit case or submit RX: Uploading files for repositories Design/Scan/Digital will add 5 random characters at the end of the file name to ensure files with the same file name but different content are not overwritten.

A new print icon has been added to the View Pickups grid to print labels when applicable.

The case status drop down filter in View Cases has been updated to read from values in Laboratory Lists in Global Settings.

The following columns have been added to the View Cases grid and can be hidden from the Management Console:

Attachment icon


Doctor Name



In previous versions, when creating a UPS carrier pickup, the Pickup Notes were limited to 11 characters in length.  This UPS Pickup Note character limit has been removed.

Pagination has been added to the Deliveries page of the Customer form.

In DLCPM Calls Calendar, system type calls such as Chairside or Web Calls will no longer show the calendar for the current user by default, but will show all calls.  Users may then check the box for their own user to filter out their own calls.


V11.1.7 Release Notes - January 16, 2018


AutoPay is now logged accordingly for Billing Accounts in the Type column when navigating to Show Log:

oAutoPay: For regular autopay and Process AutoPay Now option under Accounting menu

oAutoPay (Month-End): For Process Month-End AutoPay option under Accounting menu


Users are now able to add an estimate for an inactive customer; However, users are restricted from being able to convert the estimate to a case when the customer is inactive.


When searching for cases with the status of On Hold in the Case Finder while using F2 key, the 'What to Find' field was not highlighting the case number.  This has been corrected and when using the F2 key, the case number is highlighted allowing the user to immediately enter a new case number to search for.

In previous versions, when adding a new customer the 'Update from Shipping Info' option merges the Customer First and Customer Last name into the Contact field under Billing Information section. This was allowing the field length to exceed the limit which resulted in a user error when trying to Save the new customer record. This has been corrected.

The Mfg, Mfg Country, and Cert # columns were not populating in the Materials maintenance grid under Products & Tasks Lists in Global Settings in previous versions.  This has been corrected.

Previously, the columns with numerical values in Live Stats from the View menu were sorted by the first number then second number (1,13,2) rather than by value smallest to largest.  This has been fixed.

When rejecting multiple tasks and entering a percentage for the rejection pay amount an error was populating.  This has been corrected.


V11.1.6 Release Notes - January 10, 2018


Create pickup now behaves as follows in respect to AM/PM checkboxes on the Customer Settings:

oIf the current time is past PM Deadline, the pickup date is set to the following work day and enables the AM pickup

oIf the current time is past AM Deadline, it sets the PM checkbox

oOtherwise, it enables the AM checkbox

oDepending on AM or PM, the respective Route that is set on the customer settings is selected


Digital Design Approval:

       This feature is designed so laboratories can add an attachment to a case then send request for Approval to the customer.  Upon requesting a design approval, an email will be sent to the customer with a link to view the design file and approve. The link contains a special token and will log into the portal automatically without needing the customer to manually log in.

There are several steps to setup this feature:

oNavigate to the E-mail Template Manager under Marketing and copy the template to another folder before editing. Users may make any desired changes to this template accordingly.

***Please note in this template, it is imperative that text within any brackets must remain the same. Edits made to the text within any brackets will prevent the template from merging the correct information in those fields.

oOn the Lab Templates tab of Laboratory settings in Global, there is a new option in the drop down menu called “Design Approval”.

oOn the Settings tab of Laboratory settings in Global, under the Customer Portal section there is a new entry to capture the Portal URL.

oIn Customer Portal Management Console, there is an option under the Alerts section for Case Document Approval. The user or member of the selected group will receive a notification when customer accepts or rejects the design.

oOn the Images and Attachment tab of the Case Finder and Customer Form, there is a new grid for “Design Approvals” that will display the requests for each document and if they were approved or rejected.

oTwo new notes areas have been added to display the lab and customer notes respectively.

oA new button and right click Menu options have been added to the case documents grids for “Request Design Approval”. This will open a form with the customer's email address filled in and an area for comments. The email address may be replaced and multiple emails may be added separated by a comma.


Chairside Calendar:

On the main sidebar navigation there is a new option for Chairside Calendar. Selecting this option with open a new window filtering only calls entered with the type for Chairside.

Under the View menu from the top of the toolbar there is also the same option which will initially show all Chairside Calls unless a user or department is otherwise selected to filter.


V11.1.5 Release Notes - January 8, 2018


AutoPay will now check for Address Verification checkboxes configured in the lab Merchant Account settings.  If not checked, AutoPay will not send the transaction to the merchant.


A new menu option has been added to the Administrator menu for Load Schedule Assignment Readiness. Warnings and critical errors will display with details where action may be required in order for tasks to be assigned.


Previously, when a Delivery was deleted, the Delivery ID was not cleared from the case.  This has been enhanced to:

oMark the delivery as deleted                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

oClear all cases included in the deleted delivery                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

oPopulate a case log for all cases in delivery                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

oPopulate a record in the Customer log indicating the delivery was deleted


Scanning – Case Location:

Scan Case Location now offers a field to enter a Tracking Number.  This field is only available if the checkbox option for Outsource lab is checked.

LXP has also been modified to provide the same Tracking Number field.

Customer Settings - Technician Preferences:

Practice Doctor selection has been added to Technician Preferences in Customer Settings.

Global Settings - Production Tasks:

The Task Type column has been added to Production Task maintenance in Global Settings.

Automated Services – Job Management:

A new job called ‘Scheduling Conflict Alert’ has been added and is used to send an ePop if there are cases where the last task due date is past the Case ship date.


There was an issue reported with invoicing cases after the statement period was closed while tax integration was enabled. This has been corrected.

The use of a colon in the Company Name or other fields caused to generate an error when attempting to process a payment.  This has been corrected.

On the FedEx tab of Shipping Carrier in laboratory settings was not saving the radio button selection for Dispatch Only or Dispatch and Schedule Shipment. This is corrected so the option selected is saved.


V11 Release Notes -  December 31, 2017

Constant Contact Integration

As part of the major Campaign Manager enhancements, users can now connect their Constant Contact account in order to transfer contacts from DLCPM customer base into Constant Contact.


Calls Calendar:

Under the View menu from the top of the toolbar is a new option to open the Calls Calendar. The Calls Calendar allows for users to view all assigned calls to either multiple users or groups. Users may view calls for a single day, work week, full week and month. New calls can be created from this form as well as patient appointments. Users have the ability to drag and drop to change call assignments and due dates.


Tax Integration

Tax Integration provides labs with the ability to charge the correct sales tax by assigning a tax code for each customer based on the city and state on the customer record.  The tax integration communicates with the tax company in order to retrieve the correct tax code when a case is entered and invoiced in DLCPM.


Data Audit Trail

Under the Administrator menu at the top of the toolbar, there is a new form which contains the following sections of data audit trail:

oConstant Contact

oLab ConneX


oCase Products


oCatalog Products


oCustomer Special Prices

oLab Customer Settings




The data audit trail contains audit logs of changes made by all users in the system in each section listed.

Data Audit Trail has replaced the ‘View System Log’ and ‘View LabConneX Log’ options which were located in the Administrator menu. The Data Audit Trail log will now display logs for tracking changes and activity in various areas of DLCPM.


Load Scheduling Assignment (LSA):

LSA is a process that will assign the tasks to qualified Technicians or Teams. DLCPM uses a “Genetic Algorithm” and Depth Level to create most optimal assignments which incorporates predefined technician availability, proficiency, lab hours, case due date, and other criteria. The Depth Level is the number of iterations that the system will perform which ranges from 1 to 10 with an optimal setting of 3. Please note, the larger the depth level, the longer process time.

There are a number of requirements for LSA to be most effective. Listed below are the most critical steps that must be set up in DLCPM before utilizing the LSA feature:

oBusiness Hours

oTechnician Hours

oTasks that can be performed by each Technician

oProficiency required for the Task

oCustomer Technician Preference, if applicable

oEquipment set up, if the certain Equipment should be included as part of LSA. (For example: Milling Machine)


Advanced Query Builder:

DLCPM has always provided a large number of built-in filter queries for Customers and Cases. As the laboratory industry evolves, laboratories may need more advanced queries for data mining and export purposes. Laboratories also may need to have the ability to create queries for all data available to analyze in the system. DLCPM now offers the option Advanced Query Builder with an ‘English-like’ interface to allow users to create custom queries. This feature has also expanded to provide a large selection of data sources such as Calls, Catalogs, Campaigns, Sales, and a number of other available data.


Advanced Export:

With the introduction of Advanced Queries, it has become necessary to provide a more robust Export feature. Unlike previous versions of DLCPM where users’ export was restricted to a couple of data sources, this new option now provides the ability to create a template for many data sources and the desired columns to export. The data sources expand to many more tables to pull different types of data from.


Inventory Management System:

DLCPM Inventory is designed to track consumables (materials such as powder) and items or products sold which are not part of the manufacturing process (for example, an implant screw). The inventory system utilizes the two existing parts of DLCPM namely Materials and Products to build the inventory items. The inventory items are depleted in two ways: 1. If the item is a product, the inventory is reduced each night via a specific automation job for all product materials on Invoiced Cases 2. A technician can check out an item defined as a material.

The DLCPM Inventory system also includes definitions for Vendors and Purchase Orders (PO). Labs may create a purchase order with desired Vendors and receive the PO to update their inventory count. The PO requests may be sent automatically to the Vendor as well.

Here is a brief list of Inventory Features and Functions:

oCreate list of Vendors

oCreate inventory item list from existing Materials or Products

oAssign preferred Vendor for each Inventory item

oGenerate and Receive Purchase Order(s)

oEmail Purchase Order to Vendor manually or automatically each night

oInventory Checkout for Technicians


Chairside Appointments:

Under the View menu at the top of the toolbar, there is a new option for Chairside Appointments.  When creating New Patient Appointments for customers, the records are saved as Call records which will default to the ‘Chairside’ call type.  



The Carrier Shipping Integration has been completely rewritten and enhanced.  The Shipping Carrier maintenance has been relocated from the Shipping Carrier Account in the Global Settings to the Laboratories maintenance under Laboratory Lists.

Two new drop down menus have been added under the Shipping Carriers tab of the Laboratory Settings. This will allow for users to set a default service type and package type for both UPS and FedEx shipments.


System Admin Program – Application Policies:

New Accounting Application Policy added which allows for users to Delete Payments

New Case Application Policy has been added which allows users to Delete Case Documents & Attachments

New Case Application Policy has been added which allows users to Complete Production Tasks

New Case Application Policy has been added which allows users to Reject Production Tasks



All GL account types maintained under the Laboratory Lists maintenance in Global Settings are now available for selection from the GL Account dropdown selection when posting credit and debit adjustments.  Previously, only GL Accounts defined as the type of Sales were available from the dropdown menu.



Users now have the ability to add an alert at the Customer account level, that would appear as soon as the customer record is accessed.  The following Alert options have been added:

oAlert appears when accessing Account via Customer Search

oAlert appears when you get a single result from the Customer Search

oAlert appears when you ‘Go To Customer’ from Case Finder List

oAlert appears when you ‘Go To Customer’ from Call Note


Invoicing alerts will now be activated when a case is invoiced for TryIn, when the TryIn Invoicing Case Option ‘Do not invoice the case, just change the status’ set in Global Settings. In previous versions, alerts would not populate when this Global Setting option is set since the user is not actually invoicing the case.

Customer/Case Alerts configured to notify user when the Accounting tab is accessed will now also notify users when selecting the Receive Payment option from the left sidebar.


Case Attachments:

The Case Images & Attachments tab has been enhanced to allow for users to add multiple attachments instead of being limited to 6 case image attachments at a time.

When selecting to remake a case, the ‘Transfer Case Attachments’ option is now automatically checked by default.



In the My Calls grid, a column for Pan Number has been added.

Under the right-click menu, an option has been added to complete the selected call.

A new checkbox option has been added under the CRM Lists section of the Global Settings, for ‘Call description can only be selected from the predefined list’. This checkbox option restricts Call Descriptions to dropdown value selection only instead of the free text box.

Under Call Entry/Edit, a new checkbox option ‘Print Last Call Note on Workorder’ has been added to Call Note Options.

From the Pending Calls tab on the Customer form, a column to display Call Status has been added to the main grid area.

On the right-click menu, an option to ‘Print All Calls for this Customer’ has been added. This gives users the ability to print all Call Notes from all Calls on a given case from the call grids such as customer Call & Notes grid, and the My Calls grid.

Regardless of which Call form or window users have open, access to the right-click menu options are now available:




oFlag this Call (Toggle)


oOpen Related Case

oView Related Case Images

oPrint this Call

oPrint all Calls for this Customer

oSet Columns Order


A new checkbox option has been added for 'When adding Notes to Calls linked to Cases, Share with Technician by default’. This checkbox option has been added to the Calls section in Global Settings.


Case Audit Trail:

The Case audit trail has been enhanced to include when the Allow Overwrite option on the case Notes & Instructions tab is used.  When a user selects to overwrite the preferences populated on a case, the following in logged in the Case Audit Trail:

oThe preference changes

oUsername of the user that made the changes

oDate & Time of when the changes were made

Due Date changes on cases when the right-click menu option for ‘Change Task Due Date and Re-Schedule’ is used is now logged in the case audit trail.


Case Entry:

Under the Case Entry section of Case Options under Global Settings, the Case Entry option for ‘Check all Open Cases for duplicates on New Case (Cancelled, On Hold, Sent for TryIn)’ has been revised. The revisions to this option provides the option to alert users on case entry only, or after entering patient name. The different case statuses have been separated allowing users to select an individual status or multiple statuses. This option has also been enhanced to now display the case count for Cancelled, On Hold, and Sent for Try-In cases found in the alert.

A new checkbox option has been added to the Case Dates tab of Case Options under Global Settings for 'When creating new case keep same Date In on "Save & New"’.

Under the Case Entry section of Case Options under Global Settings, a new checkbox option for ‘Automatically add time stamp to WO Notes’ has been added. When this option is activated, any users that adds notes into the Work Order Notes section of a case will have a timestamp automatically added.

On Case Entry, the Patient Appt. time field now defaults to 12:00 AM instead of the current time.


Case Finder:

The Preference subtab in both the Case Finder and the Cases tab on the Customer form now consistently displays the following fields:

oWorkorder Notes

oInvoice Notes

oWeb Comments

oRemote Preferences Instructions

oWeb RX Preferences

oTask Preferences


New columns for both ‘Teeth USA’ and ‘Teeth FDI’ have been added in Case Finder.

A new section for Reject Reason Notes has been added to the 7. Tasks History subtab in Case Finder.

Two new queries have been added to the Financial category in the Case Finder Cases Query dropdown:

oCredit Adjustments

oDebit Adjustments




On Case Entry/Edit, a column for Production Lab has been added to the Products tab grid.

The Discount field on the 2. Tab for Remake & Discount is now a combo box and the discount code is validated when users hit tab or enter and also this field can be scanned by a barcode.

The Remake Reason field length on Case entry/edit of remake cases has been increased.

The Address Line 2 has been added to the Select Customer window which populates when entering a new case.

Users now have the ability to search by Customer and Practice Doctor Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 on the Select Customer window on Case Entry.

From the Shipping tab on Case Entry/Edit, users are able to select to ‘Overwrite Delivery Name for Carrier Shipment’.

Users have the ability to select to overwrite the task preferences for a case by using the ‘Allow Overwrite’ checkbox option which is available on the Instructions and Task Preferences sub-tabs of the case Notes & Instructions tab.

When cases are invoiced, users now have the ability to edit the Invoice Notes from the Actions option.  

Visual indicators have been added on the Tasks page for late tasks:

oGreen - Completed on or before task due date

oYellow - Completed late – after task due date

oRed - Not completed and the due date has passed

oNo legend (colorless) - Due date is in the future



Users now have the ability to Add Customer Complaints without having to relate the complaint to an existing case. Users can simply select the ‘Register Complaint’ option from the left panel of the Customer form.  The Case Number field will display ‘Not Linked to a Case’.

In previous versions, Customer Complaints read the product lot number only.  Customer Complaints has been enhanced and will now read both Material and Product lot numbers.


Global Search:

Additional information such as doctor name and account number has been added to search results display.

Users now have the ability to export search results into Excel spreadsheet file using an Advanced Export template.


Global Settings - Case Scheduling:

In the Global Settings there is a new option which when activated, the duration of tasks will compress in order for the last task of the schedule to meet the Ship Date of the case.


Global Settings - Products:

A checkbox option for ‘Allow Warranty’ has been added under product maintenance in Global Settings which allows for users to set a warranty at the product level.  The Warranty checkbox and Expiration Date field have been added on the Case Product form.

When editing a task from a product’s schedule, a new drop down menu has been added to set the task Department.

The GL Account field has been added to the Sales Distribution tab of Product maintenance in Global Settings.


Global Settings - Production Tasks:

Users now have the ability to add technicians based on their Department. There are filters for Employee ID, Employee Name, Department, and Lab that have been added to the Add Multiple Technicians to Task form. This option can be accessed from the ‘Select Technicians and Pay Rates’ option on the Technicians tab of Production Task maintenance in Global Settings.  

As an enhancement, pagination has been added to the Production Tasks maintenance form in Global Settings.

In the General section of the Case Entry tab of the Global Settings, an option for 'Always set payrate to zero when completing tasks on Remake cases' has been added.  When this option is checked, the Pay Rate field on the Complete Task form is disabled on remake cases, and still enabled on non-remake cases.



A Complete Date and time dropdown has been added to the Complete Tasks form.

When using the ‘Allow for rescan’ option, users are now able to select multiple tasks to rescan by using the Shift + click combination.


TAPI Application:

TAPI Application now displays additional customer information, including city.


Tool Loan:

A checkbox option for ‘Do Not Allow Tool Loan’ has been added to the Practice Info tab of the Customer form.  When this option is checked and a user attempts to add tool loans, an error message will display with the following ‘You cannot add Tool Loans for this Customer’


Customer Settings:

A new option for ‘Copy Purchase Order to Another Customer’ has been added to Purchase Orders section of the Customer Settings.

Two new checkbox options have been added on Add/Edit Special Pricesin Customer Settings:

oDo not allow to overwrite price – When check, this option prevents users from overwriting the set Special Product Price.

oDo not allow discount – When checked, this option prevents users from adding a discount on the Special Product.



A column to display case Hold Status has been added to the 4. Cases tab of the Customer Form.

The length of the Credit Hold Notes field found on the customer Accounting tab has been increased.

Customer Fulfillment information is now included when users select to use the menu option to ‘Transfer related records from another Customer’.

A new Customer Office Hours sub-tab has been added to the Customer Main tab.  Morning and Afternoon open and close hours can be set for each day of the week.

Customer Billing Account Information, including Billing Account ID, company, name, phone number, and email address are now displayed on the customer Accounting BA Balances & Notes sub-tab.


Customer Search Enhancement:

A new shortcut key of ‘Alt + b’ which allows users to search by Case Number has been added to the customer form.

The Customers View option ‘When Finding Customer, enter key searches by Case Number’ has been added in users’ Personal Settings.


Customer – Education Courses:

A new ‘Start Date’ field has been added to the Add Education Course form to indicate the date the course is scheduled for.

The Course Description and Course Location fields have been increased to allow for a 90-count character limit.

A new maintenance list section has been added to define Subject Codes. The maintenance for Education Courses has been added under the CRM Lists section of the Global Settings.


Practice Doctor:

When adding a Practice Doctor, a field has been added for ‘Exp. Date’ which is intended for the License # expiration date.



Three new checkbox options have been added to the Add Task form under the Update all Employee’s Tasks heading:

oApply selected Rate to all Tasks

oApply Customer Duration to all Tasks

oApply Proficiency configuration to all Tasks


When adding a task to an employee, there is a checkbox option called "Custom Duration" to change the units per day. There is no way to know if a given task should be customized without remembering what it was set to in Production Tasks. The values from production tasks are now displayed so it is easier to decide if customization is needed.

A column to search on the employee Tasks tab now returns results containing the text entered.

When adding or editing Employee Tasks, a Search Task window now allows for column searching.


Incoming Shipments:

Patient First and Last Name are now automatically capitalized when adding incoming shipments.

A checkbox option has been added to the Incoming Shipments to ‘Include Inactive Customers and Activate when Cases are Added’.


Shipping Manager:

A column for Last Task Scanned has been added to the Potential Cases to Bundle section of the Shipping Manager.


System Template:

The following system merged fields have been added to the system template Daily Alerts with Hold:

oShip Date

oDue Date

oPatient Appointment Date



Users now have the ability to select multiple statements when viewing and emailing statements from the customer Accounting tab.



When adding single or multiple products to a case, users can now use Alt + N to jump to the case Product Invoice Notes section.



We have made the following changes to allow multiple dispatchers to be able to handle their own route:

oIn the Routes section under Shipping in Global Settings CRM Lists, a dropdown list has been added for users to select the Dispatcher for that route.

oIn the Pickup Manager, a new dropdown menu has been added to filter the list by Dispatcher.

oWhen adding pickups in previous versions, there is a checkbox option for “Notify Shipping Manager” by Email/ePop. This has been changed to now read “Notify Dispatcher” and will now notify the Dispatcher for selected Route.

A new Email Address text box and Info Method dropdown menu has been added in the Route Driver maintenance under Shipping in CRM Lists Global Settings.  

A new option for 'Inform Driver' has been added in the Pickup Manager. When this option is selected, an email or text will be sent to selected driver based on Route Drivers settings.

Users now have the ability to add a Tracking Number on the Add Pickup form.  The Tracking # is enabled if the carrier is not a known carrier (such as FedEx, UPS) or Local Delivery.

As an enhancement, pagination has been added to the Pickups & Local Deliveries sub-tab on the Customer form.



A label has been added to the post payment form in red/bold text and is displayed if the customer is on Credit Hold.

Users now have the ability to print a selected invoice from the Post Payment screen.

The Payment Methods maintenance is now available in Customers under CRM Lists in Global Settings. In previous versions a standard list was only available for selection.


Customer Log:

Revision entry logs are now written to the Customer Log when Accounting Finance Charge options 'Apply Finance Charge' or 'Use Global Setting Rate' found on the customer Accounting tab under the Billing Options sub tab are enabled/disabled.


Global Settings:

A new 'Report Forms' maintenance section has been added to the Miscellaneous section of the Global Settings:

oWhen adding a New Report Form, a dropdown menu for Form Type is available. The content of this dropdown menu is to the list of all forms found on Forms tabs of Add/Edit Lab.

oThere is an edit box available for users to enter the Form name.

oA lookup list has been added for all the Form names to display their respective file name.



Users are now able to manually enter email addresses in the ‘CC’ field when sending emails.



Customer Fulfillments can now be prioritized when adding fulfilments with the new ‘Rush Request’ checkbox.  The ‘Rush’ column has been added in the Fulfillment Manager grid for view.


Outsourced Cases:

The QC Rating (Outsourced Cases) option has been relocated from the View menu to the Tools menu.


Volume Discount:

A new option to ‘Exclude Customers with any Past Due Balance’ has been added under the Volume Discount section of the Global Settings. When checked, this option will exclude any customers with past due balances that are setup to receive a volume discount.


Personal Settings - Printers:

Two new printers have been added in Personal Settings to accommodate newly added shipping integration:

oTNT Label Printer

oChronopost Label Printer


Merchant Accounts:

Credit Card integration has been implemented for two additional merchant processors and can be configured under Laboratories in Global Settings: – This integration has existed in previous versions but now supports the ability to void and refund transactions from DLCPM



Laboratory Settings for Customer Portal:

The Service Center Name for scheduling Pickup can be specified under the Customer Portal options from the Settings tab when editing a lab in Global Settings. When scheduling pickups, the service center name will display in the drop down menu. If this field is left blank, the full Lab Name that is set on the General tab will be used.


Automated Services – Job Management:

A new option has been added to mark a job as Custom. When selecting to mark a job as a custom job, this will prevent future updates to replace the job. Please note, System jobs may not be set as Custom.  

Two new columns have been added to the Automation Jobs grid:

oCustom Job – this column will display if the corresponding job has been marked as a custom job

oSystem Job – this column will display if the corresponding job is a system job


Common Notes:

The Common Notes maintenance in Global Settings has been enhanced to allow for users to create long formatted text as a common note.


General Enhancements:

A new option for 'Show Sidebar Main Menu' has been added to the View menu. Users are able to customize the view and hide the left sidebar.

The F11 hot key now provides quick access to open the Report Center.



Various spelling and text display corrections have been made throughout all applications.

The label on the case Follow Up Call tab under Create Alert has been updated to match the labeling on the customer form.

In previous versions, incremental searches on the case Follow Up Call tab did not behave consistently.  This has been corrected.

Hitting the space bar now activates the Call Type and Description fields on the case Follow Up Call tab.

Previously, users were sometimes unable to click through the multiple pages of customer query results on the customer form.  This pagination has been corrected.

Column sorting has been corrected in several grids throughout DLCPM.

When editing a pickup, the Service Type under Carrier Pickup now displays the code and description.  

The Date Column on the Calls & Notes tab of the customer form has been renamed ‘Due Date’ for clarity.

In previous versions, double quotation marks in the ‘Description’ field under Education Courses maintenance in Global Settings caused values to be saved in the incorrect fields.  This has been corrected.

The ‘Add’ button has been disabled on the Materials tab of invoiced cases.

When the checkbox option for ‘Enable Credit Card Payment’ is enabled on the Merchant Accounts tab under Laboratory maintenance in Global Settings, the system will check and validate for credentials upon Save.

In previous versions when typing text for search criteria, the Enter key, activated the query drop down menu instead of invoking the search.  This has been corrected.

Certain characteristics of Productions Tasks such as Vital to Invoice and TryIn Break Point were not inherited by default when tasks were manually added to a case schedule.  This has been corrected.

In previous versions the right-click option to Complete a call was not respecting software locks which allowed a user to complete a call while another user had the call open for editing.  This has been corrected.