Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Volume Discount

Volume Discount

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Volume Discount

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This option provides a method to automatically create Credit Memo or Credit Adjustment with option to preview. The process is fully automated and takes place when creating statements.The Volume Discount will not apply to the customer until this option is enabled.


Navigation:       File > Global Settings > Global > Volume Discount  

Note: If you are unable to see this option, you would need to add it to your user under the application policy.


V15 - Volume Discount

Volume Discount menu



Set up Volume Discount:

1.Enable Volume Discount option and the you may:

Determine how the sales are calculated:

Calculate Total Sales by Dental Group - this option will look at the Dental Group which the customer is assigned to. It will then take the sum of the sales for the entire group and qualify the group for the discount. Each customer in the Dental Group will receive a credit based on the type of discount applied in the Edit Volume Discount Detail menu. Once the group hits the threshold for the discount, each customer will either receive a percentage based discount for the total of all invoices within the period. If the Flat Rate amount is chosen, all customers in the group will receive a discount for the Flat Rate defined.

Exclude Customers with any Past Due Balance - if selected, then this option will exclude customers with past due balance.

When Calculating Sales, Subtract: Credits, Remakes, Past Due Balance or Current Balance. If you decide to subtract credits, remakes, and past due balances from the total sales, check the respective checkboxes. You can subtract all, none, or any.

When Creating Invoices you can either Create Credit Adjustment or Create Credit Memo. Determine if you would like to create a credit memo which requires a product to be selected or simply create a credit adjustment. Please note that credit memos are always included in all sales and credit reports whereas credit adjustments are for accounting purposes and will never be included in the sales and credit reports.

Generate Volume Discount Credits during Month-End Autopay process - if this option is checked, then the discounts are posted before customers are charged.

Please note: This option only applies to customers set up for Month-end autopay frequency. All other volume discounts are applied during the month end process (Create New Statement).

AutoApply to Oldest Invoice(s)

oAutoApply to Oldest Invoice(s) within the current Statement Period - if selected, Volume Discount credits will first be applied to the oldest invoices in the current statement period before older statement periods.


Once the Volume Discount is enabled you have access to the Volume Discount Details. Volume Discount Details will allow you to create as many volume discounts as you like and each can have their own matrix.

hmtoggle_arrow1Add Volume Discount

hmtoggle_arrow1Edit Volume Discount

hmtoggle_arrow1Delete Volume Discount

hmtoggle_arrow1Add Volume Discount Details

hmtoggle_arrow1Edit Volume Discount Details

hmtoggle_arrow1Delete Volume Discount Details


Click Apply on settings form if you would like these changes to take immediate effect or click OK to save and close the Settings form.


See also:

Volume Discount in Customer Settings