DLCPM offers several ways to find one specific customer or a group of customers that have some type of information in common.
Navigation: Depending on the information you have and what you wish to search for, you may use the following search methods. These search methods can be used individually or combined:
1. Find field on the customer form.
2. Click the Browse option.
3. Select a query from the Query drop down list.
4. Advanced Search under the top Customer menu.
5. Find Customer under the top Customer menu.
Customer form with available search methods |
Find Customer menu |
Find field on the customer form:
1.Enter keyword(s) in the Find field. Search customer using Find field 2.Press the corresponding button to perform the search. You can choose between: Customer ID, Customer ID wildcard, Last Name, Phone, Practice, Account Number, E-Mail, Address 1+2, City, State, Zip Code, License number and Case Number. 3.All records that match the entered search criteria will be displayed in the grid. 4.To search for records within the current query check the Search Current Query checkbox, enter a value in the field, and click on the search icon. For example, if you wish to find all customers from a specific state, enter the state code in the Find field and press the State button. Please Note: Users can set the default table used for searching customers in File > Personal Settings > Customer View > 'When finding Customer, Enter Key Searches By.' You can choose between: Customer ID, Last Name, Practice, Account Number, Phone, E-Mail, City, State, Case Number, or Doctor Number. |
1.Click the Browse button to open or close the grid where all customer records are displayed. Browse to see the customer records in grid 2.Once the grid is displayed you can filter customer records by entering data in the column headers or navigate through records using the next and previous page buttons. |
1.Several queries are available to choose from. Query 2.Select the desired query from the drop down list. 3.If there are records found, they will display in the grid. Click the Browse button if the grid is not on the screen. Please Note: In File > Personal Settings > Customer View users can set: •Default Customers Query - This query will be set by default each time you log in. •Alert user when no Customer records in Query - Check this option to display an alert when no record is returned after selecting a query. |
1.Navigate to the top Customer menu > Advanced Search.
2.Enter the values to search for. 3.Click Search. 4.The Advanced Search form will close and the search results will display in the grid. Click the Browse button if the grid is not on the screen. |
See also: