The second tab on the customer form is Practice Info. On this tab you can enter information about the customer's education, birthday, preferred tooth chart, set the web access information, and more. You can also check the customer's creation date, first case date, customer score, and see the list of all customers who belong to the same group.
Navigation: Customer > 1. Practice Info
Practice Info tab
1.First there are a series of options: •This Customer is a Laboratory - Check this option if this customer record is a Laboratory. •Do Not Allow Case Entry - When enabled, Cases cannot be created for this customer. •Do not Print Invoice when Invoicing - When enabled, the invoice will not be printed automatically when cases are invoiced. This will overrule the 'When Invoicing Cases, Automatically Print: Invoice' setting in Global Settings > Case Options > Invoicing. •Do Not Allow Tool Loan - When enabled, Tool Loans cannot be created for this customer. •Set all new Cases to Rush by Default - When enabled, the Rush option will be checked by default on new cases. •On Invoice, Print Alternate Description - When enabled, products' Alternate Descriptions will be displayed instead of their Invoice Descriptions on case invoices. •Do not assign CustomerID to Cases received from Hub 2.Birthday: •Month •Day 3.Education info is next: •Starter Kit Date •School Graduated •Date Graduated •License # •NPI # - National Provider ID - This field is available also for Practice Doctors. It is highly recommended that you require this info from your doctors. •Exp. Date of License •Do not allow Case Entry if License is Expired - This option will prevent adding new cases for the customer past the Exp. Date of their license. •AGD # 4.Account ID and Email Domain 5.Preferred Tooth Chart System - FDI or USA. 6.Show Warning when no Cases In... - Enter a number of days. If no cases were created during that time frame, a message will be displayed on the Customer form. 7.FDA Registration # 8.FDA Owner Operating # 9.DDX Practice ID 10. Security PIN 11. Customer Portal •Enable View Progress - When enabled, the customer will be able to view the list of tasks on a case and when they were completed. To preview how the progress is shown in Customer Portal, click here and view the Case Details. •Disable Access (Security Violation) - If checked, the customer's access to Customer Portal will be denied. •Login ID: ID used to log into the Customer Portal. •Password: Password used to log into the Customer Portal. 12. Customer Default Lab Settings: •Check the Local Delivery box if all deliveries performed for this customer are Local. •Lab Specific Settings - Clicking this option opens the Customer Settings > Lab Settings form. •Enter pickup hours in the Pickup From and Pickup To fields. •Check AM Pickup and/or PM Pickup if these are offered, then select the Routes. •Four fields specify Deadlines for AM/PM and Pickup and Delivery. This will assist customer service when scheduling pickups. 13. Shipment, Pickup and Return •No Shipping Charge - When enabled, the 'No Shipping Charge' option will be checked by default on new cases created for the Customer. •For Shipping: ➢ Carrier ➢ Service ➢ Package Type •For Pickup: ➢ Carrier ➢ Service ➢ Return Label Service Type ➢ All applicable Service Types will be available on the Web - When enabled, the Customer will be able to pick any service type for pickups. 14. Misc Info: •Production Lab - If no options are available to select, please make sure the info has been entered at File > Global Settings > Laboratory Lists > Laboratories. Make sure that the lab has the This Lab is for Production option checked, otherwise it will not be displayed in this field. •Default Catalog - If no options are available to select, please make sure the info has been entered at File > Global Settings > Products & Tasks Lists > Catalog Products. •Customer is restricted to this Catalog - When enabled, only the products included in the Default Catalog will be available. •Web Catalog - Select a catalog for the Customer Portal. If you select a catalog, the Customer Portal will display only the products included in this catalog. •Do not Bundle Shipments - When enabled, the customer's shipments will not be bundled. •Bundle Shipments with this Customer ➢ Add Customer by clicking on ➢ Remove Customer by clicking on ➢ Cases that meet the necessary requirements will be bundled with the selected customer's cases. •LabConnex SiteID 15. Dates of the customer's First Case and Last Case. 16. Date of the customer's creation is displayed in the Customer Since field. 17. Customer Score - Calculated based on Case Scores. To see case scores, navigate to Customer > 9. Marketing > Overall Case Scores. 18. Customer Performance 19. Dental Group - Displays a list with all customers that belong to the same group as the current one. 20. Revision Info •Customer creation date is displayed in the Added field. •Last update date is displayed in the Modified field.
See Also: