Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

View Cases

View Cases

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View Cases

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Navigation: Main > Cases > View Cases

View Cases - navigation

View Cases navigation

Following form displays:

View Cases - form

View Cases form

To submit a case:

1.Following navigation path open View Cases form.

2.Once in the View Cases page, you can:

Viewing Customers’ Answers: show that the customer had already answered the survey.

Filter by Doctor or View all

Sort cases by any of the available columns

Drag and drop to rearrange the order of the columns

Export the current list of cases

View case details View case details

hmtoggle_arrow1View Case Details:


Please Note: The Delivery column will outline the latest activity on the case regarding delivery status. Please see below the key on the different values and what those values indicate:

Fabricating: This means the has not been invoiced and the case is still in production

Preparing to Ship: This means the case has been invoiced but it has not yet been shipped

On its way: This means the case is invoiced and an outbound shipment or delivery is pending.

Delivered: This means the case has been marked as successfully delivered.


See also:

Customer Portal


Case Evaluation