Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Add a Product

Add a Product

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Add a Product

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This feature is designed to create a record for each Product by entering the unique ProductID. This is the only mandatory field on this form. All other data and settings are optional and can be entered on creation or later while editing a product from the list. Also you can enter Production Tasks  information to the selected Product.


Navigation: File > Global Settings > Global > Products & Tasks Lists > Products  


To Add a product:

To add a product you need to follow three steps, but usually additional details are necessary to make desired operations with these products. Follow related topics to read more about available settings and operations.

1.In the Product menu on the left side of the form click Add New button

V12 - Products and Tasks Lists - Products - Add new Product

Add New Button on Products form

2.Enter an unique value that identifies this product in ProductID field.

3.Click Save

V12 - Products and Tasks Lists - Products - Save

Save Button on Products form


At this point you have added a Product to the database that has only its ID defined. All other options on this form can be added and modified now or later.


Tabs and available operations:


Change Product ID

Currency Prices

Assign Translucency and Shades to Products

Product - Portal Options

Product Tasks

Related Products


Product Taxes

Sales Distribution

Product Invoice Notes



API Products

Tasks by Employees


Catalog Description


See also:
