Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Quick Books

Quick Books

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Quick Books

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DLCPM provides full integration with QuickBooks. If customers would like to utilize the Inventory system in QB, there are several requirements that must be met. This tab provides the necessary data fields to enable the inventory system. All Accounts must be a valid account number in QB. DLCPM does not add or alter the GL Accounts in QB but uses them when syncing the products and invoices.



In order to be able to enter all details, please make sure you have data entered on following tables:    

File > Global Settings > Global > Laboratory Lists >GL Accounts


Navigation: File > Global Settings > Global >  Products & Tasks Lists > Products > Select product > QuickBooks tab


V12 - Products and Tasks Lists - Products - Quick Books tab

Products form - QuickBooks tab        

1.Enter Values in each field

2.Click Save.

Please Note:

GL Account is Sales General Ledger Account

COGS stands for Cost of Good Sales Account which means how much did this product cost the lab.

Values defined here must exist in QuickBooks prior to performing the Transfer option.


See also:

Products for more options