Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

GL Accounts Maintenance

GL Accounts Maintenance

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GL Accounts Maintenance

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The General Ledger Accounts are used when Syncing the Products to QuickBooks. You have the option of using one GL Account for all of the products using File > Global Settings > Global > Accounting > Quick Books or specify a GL Account for each product. Once the GL Accounts are created here, you will be able to apply them to the products under the Product Maintenance.

Notes: This option will provide better financial reporting in QuickBooks and has no effect on the application's normal operations.


Navigation:   File > Global Settings > Global > Laboratory Lists > GL Accounts

V12 - Laboratory Lists - GL Accounts

GL Accounts Maintenance form

hmtoggle_arrow1How to add a new Account

hmtoggle_arrow1How to update a GL Account record

hmtoggle_arrow1How to delete a GL Account record


See also:

QuickBooks Master Settings

Product Maintenance