Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Change Product ID

Change Product ID

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Change Product ID

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Product Id can be changed very easily.  If the Product ID being changed has been used, all references will be updated.  Updating a ProductID may take several minutes depending on the database size and should not be performed during busy hours.


Navigation: File > Global Settings > Global > Products & Tasks Lists > Products > Settings


To Change Product ID:

1.Select the Product you want to update. To find a product please read this topic.

2.Click on V9 - Change 2 next to the ProductID field.

3.Enter new ProductID.

4.If you decide that you don't want to do the change just click Cancel and form will close. Otherwise Click OK and the record will be automatically saved with its new ID.


For more information about you to make updates to a product record please read this topic.


See also:
