Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Add a new Customer

Add a new Customer

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Add a new Customer

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Before you start adding Customers into DLCPM database please make sure you have valid data entered in following forms:                    




Adding a new Customer:

1.To add a new Customer:

Click on New Customer icon in the left menu panel

V12 - Add New Customer - Navigation 1

Add new customer navigation

or click on the New Customer button on the left menu of the Customer form

V12 - Add New Customer - Navigation 2

Add new customer navigation

To open the Customers form either:

Click on the Customers icon on the left Menu tab

Or navigate to View > Customers

Or press F3 key on your keyboard

V14 - Customer - form

Customer form

or click on New Customer in File menu

V12 - Add New Customer - Navigation 3

Add new customer navigation

or simply click CTRL+F2.


2.The Add new Customer form will open

V12 - Add New Customer - form

Add New Customer form

3.Enter all necessary details in the Add new Customer form fields


Customer ID, Invoicing Lab, and Local Route or Carrier are the only mandatory fields, but it is better to enter as much information as possible.

Auto Generate Customer ID is very useful for entering Prospects rapidly during trade shows. If this option is enabled, the Customer ID will automatically be generated based on the last name plus a system sequential number. i.e. "Brown - 1005".

Customer can be Active or Prospect or both, but cases can be entered only for Active customers.


4.You can check during the creation process if the customer is already entered:

V9 - Check duplicates by practice names - check if the Practice name is already in the database

V9 - Check duplicates by last name and zip - check by last name and zip code for any duplicate information

V9 - Check duplicates by office pfone - check duplicate by Phone

5.Before clicking Save, you can update the Billing information by clicking on V9 - Update from shipping info. This will automatically populate fields where information was inserted so you won't have to re-insert this information.

6.Click Save when everything is set and the new customer record will be created.


Note: Once the customer is created make sure that the Phone Number and E-mail address fields are filled in so the customer can be contacted at any time with a single click on the icons next to these fields.

There are also three options under the Customer menu to contact the customer by phone:

Dial Office Phone

Dial Cell Phone

Dial Other Phone

By Clicking on the E-mail icon, the Send E-mail form will open with the From and To fields populated. The From field will have the user's email address and the To field will  populate with the selected Customer's email address. The same will occur if the Send E-mail option is clicked under the View menu when customer form is opened.    


See also:

Add more customer related information

To see more details about sending emails please read the Sending Single Email directly to an address topic.