Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Inventory Items

Inventory Items

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Inventory Items

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 An Inventory Item could be either a Product or Material.  A product could be something that you sell, such as a Milling Block.  A material would be an item that is used in making a product, such as gold or porcelain powder. All of the items defined in the item maintenance is what you will be able to keep record of by depleting or adjusting inventory amounts.    


In order to be able to enter all details on this form, please make sure you have data entered on following tables:

1.Shades -> Path: File > Global Settings > Global > Products & Tasks Lists  > Shades  

2.Products -> File > Global Settings > Global > Products & Tasks Lists > Products

3.Units of Measure -> File > Global Settings > Global > Inventory > Units of Measure

4. Item Type -> File > Global Settings > Global > Inventory >Item Type

5. Item Category -> File > Global Settings > Global > Inventory > Item Category

6.Shades -> File > Global Settings > Global > Products & Tasks Lists  > Shades

7.Vendor -> Tools > Inventory >Vendors


Navigation: File > Global Settings > Global > Inventory > Inventory Items

V12 - Inventory - Inventory items

Inventory Items form

Inventory Items are displayed. Use Query to see All Records Products or Material record.

hmtoggle_arrow1Add Product

hmtoggle_arrow1Add Material

hmtoggle_arrow1Transaction Log

hmtoggle_arrow1Edit Item

hmtoggle_arrow1Remove Item


See Also:

Settings for more options.

Inventory Management