Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Pickups and Local Deliveries

Pickups and Local Deliveries

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Pickups and Local Deliveries

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Local Case Pickup and Delivery Management has never been easier or faster to create, track, and complete for scheduled or routine local pickups for all of your doctors even while they wait on the phone. Once entered in the system it is so simple for your staff to view all requests in one central place while allowing the rest of your staff to instantly view any status changes.  



Before configuring any settings on this page please make sure you have already added the necessary prerequisites to the database such as:

Route -> Path: File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Shipping > Routes

Carrier -> Path: File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Shipping > Carriers

Route Drivers -> Path: File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Shipping > Route Drivers

Delivery Zones -> Path: File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Customers > Delivery Zones

Delivery -> Path: Shipping > Schedule Deliveries


Navigation: Customers > Customer tab > Pickups and Local Deliveries

V12 - Pickups and Local Deliveries

Pickups and Local Deliveries form

The Pickups and Local Delivery form has two main sections:

Pickup - This tab contains all existing Pickups. The Query in the header allows users to filter the pickups depending on the available query options.

Deliveries - Delivery records are listed in this tab and can be only viewed and deleted. Delivery records are created on Shipping Manager when the Local Delivery case is shipped.


hmtoggle_arrow1How to create a Pickup record manually

hmtoggle_arrow1How to update a Pickup record

hmtoggle_arrow1How to delete a Pickup record

hmtoggle_arrow1How to track a Pickup

hmtoggle_arrow1Pickup Slip

hmtoggle_arrow1Local Deliveries


See also:

Pickup Manager

Shipping Manager

Schedule Delivery