Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Schedule Deliveries

Schedule Deliveries

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Schedule Deliveries

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In order to schedule and/or update a delivery route for cases in bulk you may use the Schedule Deliveries option located in the Shipping menu.  


Navigation: Shipping > Schedule Deliveries      

V12 - Schedule Delivery - naviagtion

Schedule Deliveries


How to Schedule Deliveries?

1.Open the Schedule Deliveries form by following the navigation path

2.Scan the case barcode or enter the Case Number and click V9 - Add

3.The appropriate Delivery schedule will display in the grid

Please Note: You may repeat the above steps to add more Deliveries

4.Available option: V9 - Change Route button 2

Select the Delivery

Click on the Change Route button

Select the new Route

Click Save

5.Set Delivery Status as Pending, en Route or Completed.

6.Click V9 - Update

7.The Delivery route will be updated and removed from the list

Please Note: If you entered a wrong Delivery route, you can remove it from the list by selecting it and clicking the V9 - Remove button. If you wish to remove all deliveries you can simply click on V9 - Clear List

V12 - Schedule Delivery - form

Delivery Schedule


See also:

Complete Pending Processes