Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Pickup Manager

Pickup Manager

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Pickup Manager

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The Pickup Manager form displays details about the existing pickups records. Searchable fields are displayed on the form header followed by the customer information for which the pickups were created for. The customer's details will change when a pickup for a different customer is selected in the grid.  

Having the customer's info displayed, you may Call or Send email to the customer directly from this page by clicking either of these V9 - Call - Telephone V9 - E-mail - envelope icons.


Please Note: Configuring a few prerequisites are required to add or update a pickup record. Please make sure that you have the correct data entered in following forms before continuing:  


Route -> Path: File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Shipping > Routes

Carrier -> Path: File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Shipping > Carriers

Route Drivers -> Path: File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Shipping > Route Drivers

Delivery Zones -> Path: File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Customers > Delivery Zones

Drivers -> Path: File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Shipping > Route Drivers


Navigation: Shipping > Pickups Manager  


V12 - Pickup Manager - navigation

Pickups Manager navigation

V12 - Pickup Manager - form

Pickups Manager form



Pickup records can be displayed based on the selected query and at the time these pickups were scheduled. For example if you wish to see the pending pickups in the last month select Pending Pickups in the query drop down field and select the dates in the Show Pickups Scheduled From and To accordingly. All pickup records that meet any criteria specified will be displayed in the grid. Also you may select pickups of a specific Invoicing Lab.


Available operations:

1.V9 - Add - short - Add - This button allows adding new pickups for a specific Customer. For more information please review the Create Pickup section.

2.V9 - Edit - short button - Modify - This button enables the user to update a selected record. For more details please review the Update Pickups and Local Deliveries topic.

3.V9 - Delete - short button - Delete - This button will delete the selected pickup record.

4.V9 - Print - Print Pickup Slip - This button prints a pickup label for the selected pickup record.

5.V9 - inform driver - Inform Driver - This button will send a message to the driver. A new form will open and the appropriate driver can be selected.

6.V9 - ePop driver - ePop Driver - This button will send a message to the driver. A new form will open and the appropriate driver can be selected.

7.V9 - Dispach - Dispatch - When you select a Pending Pickup and click this button the pickup status will change to display Dispatched.

8.V9 - Complete Selected - Complete selected- When you select a Pending Pickup and click this button the pickup status will change to Complete.

9.V9 - Batch Complete - Batch Complete- Instead of completing a pickup one by one, you may click this button to complete the entire batch of pickups shown in the grid.

10.V9 - View Customer - View Customer - Clicking this button will open the customer form and will display all information related to the customer that corresponds to the selected pickup.

11.V9 - Close - Close - This button will close the Fulfillment Manager form.


See Also:

Pickups on Customer form