Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Product Price

Product Price

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Product Price

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Usage: The Product Price is set using different settings made in application. Below is the order in which product price is determined.


1.Purchase Orders - Selling products that are on a Purchase Order is a way of offering special prices. Adding a product to a PO and changing its price on this form will not affect the actual price of the product. Details of how to add a product to PO and change it's price: Customer > Settings >Purchase Orders

2.Customer Prices Lab ProductID Price - The Customer Special Prices form was designed to allow users to sell products with different prices depending on the customer, without changing the default Product price. It also allow setting a product with a special price discount. The discount will be automatically applied each time the product is entered onto the case. This allows for companies to display the special price the customer is receiving through the form of a discount versus displaying the special price. Please Note: Each of these settings will have effect ONLY for the selected customer. The Customer Settings form is not available unless a customer is previously selected. Navigation: Customer > Settings > Special Prices

3.Customer Prices Lab ProductID Discount - Please read here how to add the discount.

4.Customer Prices -- ALL -- ProductID Price - Please read here how to add the discount.

5.Customer Prices -- ALL -- ProductID Discount - Please read here how to add the discount.

6.Customer Prices Lab Type Discount - Please read here how to add the discount.

7.Customer Prices Lab Group Discount - Please read here how to add the discount.

8.Customer Prices Lab Category Discount - Please read here how to add the discount.

9.Customer Prices Lab Department Discount - Please read here how to add the discount.

10.Customer Prices -- ALL -- Type Discount - Please read here how to add the discount.

11.Customer Prices -- ALL -- Group Discount - Please read here how to add the discount.

12.Customer Prices -- ALL -- Category Discount - Please read here how to add the discount.

13.Customer Prices -- ALL -- Department Discount - Please read here how to add the discount.

14.Catalog Products - Catalog Products option allows users to create multiple Catalogs like Dentist, Lab, or University Prices. For each Catalog, you will then add the Product and Prices. Product Prices set here do not affect the prices set in the master product list. Navigation: File > Global Settings > Global > Products & tasks Lists > Catalog Products

15.Product Currency Prices: Navigation: File > Global Settings > Global >  Products & Tasks Lists > Products > Settings

16.Products: Navigation: File > Global Settings > Global > Products & Tasks Lists > Products > Products Tab


See also:

How to add Product to a case