Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

New Follow-Up Call

New Follow-Up Call

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New Follow-Up Call

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This option  for Follow-up call allows you to automatically create a follow up call and assign it to the appropriate department. Users may use this option when an employee is required to call back  a customer because of missing information or to follow up with a first time customer.  



Before creating a Follow-up Call please make sure users have configured the set-up options for calls according to your needs.

The following topic describes the available options for call settings:

File > Global Settings > Global > Calls. On this form the fields that are mandatory on call creation are set.

Also please make sure you have already added the necessary prerequisites to the database such as:

Department -> Path: File > Global Settings > Global >  Products & Tasks Lists  >Departments

Call Type -> Path: File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Calls >Types

Description -> Path: File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Calls >Descriptions

Status  -> Path: File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Calls > Status


Navigation: There are several navigation paths to create follow up calls from but the result is always the same. Choose the navigation path that is most convenient to the operations performed:


1. Customer form > New Follow-up Call

V12 - Follow-up Calls - Navigation 1

New Follow-up Call navigation

2. Tools > New Follow-up Call


V12 - Follow-up Calls - Navigation 2New Follow-up Call navigation

3. Customer menu > New Follow-up Call

Note: Customer menu is available only when the customer form is open and the top active window.

V12 - Follow-up Calls - Navigation 3

New Follow-up Call navigation

4. Customer > 3.Calls and Notes > New Call > Follow-up Call option

Note: To access Call form and create or update a Call please see details in this topic.

V12 - Follow-up Calls - Navigation 4

New Follow-up Call navigation

5. Customer > 4.Cases tab > Create or open an existing case for editing > 5.Follow-up Call tab

Note: For more details about creating a case see How to create a case section.

V12 - Follow-up Calls - Navigation 5

New Follow-up Call navigation


hmtoggle_arrow1Create a Follow-up Call


See also:

How to create a Case

How to create a Call