Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Web Calls

Web Calls

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Web Calls

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 The DLCPM Web Portal is fully integrated to the Client Application meaning that all activities from the web site are tracked within the application. The tracking is done in 2 different ways. Those that require your attention and those that are simply tracked but do not require the lab's attention.


For example, if Customers pay their invoices Online, the transaction is automatically processed and a call is generated as a Completed Call and requires no further attention. However, if a Customer sends a message to the Lab or inquires about his account, a Pending Call is created and optionally, a designated person in the Lab is notified.


One of the most important responsibilities of the customer care group is to monitor such calls and requests. If notification is setup, the customer care group will also be notified by ePop, Text Message or Email.



hmtoggle_arrow1View Web Call Manager:

hmtoggle_arrow1Pickup Requests:

hmtoggle_arrow1Fulfillment Requests:

hmtoggle_arrow1Credit Card Payments:

hmtoggle_arrow1View Transaction for all Customers: