Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

My E-Mail

My E-Mail

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My E-Mail

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The email retrieval configuration depends on how you would like emails to be sent. If you use a common email address for all outgoing emails, you will only need to configure the system for one user which will be designated to retrieve the emails. If individual email addresses are going to be used, each user must configure the My Email section of the Personal Settings.


Navigation:       File > Personal Settings > My Email    


V12 - My E-mail

My E-mail settings menu


Available options:


Default Template -  It is highly recommended that you create a folder called something similar to “User Templates” and create a personalized template for each user. How to create an email template is described in a different topic.

After the user templates are created, each user would need to select his/her own default template.

hmtoggle_arrow1How to set a default template:


Send (SMTP)

Enter SMTP Server


SMTP Login SMTP Pasword

Select Connection Security



Check the box for Retrieve My Emails and populate the fields as needed. Once configured, the DLCPM Server will retrieve the emails from the mailboxes and links them to the appropriate customers.

Protocol: Select IMAP or POP3

Server: Mail Server

Port: Enter the Port

Use Secure Connection (SSL)

User Name: User Name for the Mail Server

Password: Mail Server Password

Delete from the mail server after [ ] days - enter number of days after which the message will be deleted from the server.

Only Download E-Mails that are linked to a Customer: If this option is checked, any messages that are unable to be linked to a customer record will be discarded.


From DLCPM Database:  

Remove Linked E-Mails from User Mailbox after [ ] days - This option removes the email from DLCPM Mail Client interface. It does NOT delete the Linked email from the Customer record.

Delete Non-Linked E-Mails after [ ] day - If the email is not linked, it will be marked as deleted after the specified amount of days.


Click Apply on the settings form if you would like these changes to take immediate effect or click OK to save and close the Settings form.


See also:

How to create an email template

How to link an e-mail to a customer

Available setting options for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

User settings for My E-mail