Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

(Send) SMTP

(Send) SMTP

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(Send) SMTP

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Under the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Server settings tab, users may configure the SMTP Server and also may set a default E-mail address and name.


Navigation:       File > Global Settings > Global > E-mail > SMTP tab


V12 - E-mail - SMTP

E-mail menu - SMTP tab


Available options:

Send E-mail from:

Name and Address - Values entered in these fields will default when any E-mail is created and sent.

SMTP Server - enter the server name.

SMTP Port - enter port

SMTP Login - enter the username that will allow you to logon to the server.

SMTP Password - represent the password that will allow you to logon to the server.

Select Connection Security.


Click Apply on the settings form if you would like these changes to take immediate effect or click OK to save and close the Settings form.


See also:

Available setting options for incoming E-mails

User settings for E-mail