Dental Lab Customer & Production Management



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Each user has the ability to customize his/her own window settings. Each user has the option to set the Customer view and/or My Calls form to automatically open when the program is opened, and also set personalized window settings.  


Navigation:     File > Personal Settings > General  

V14 - General

General menu


Available Options:

Open on Start

Open Customer View on program start- Always open the Customer view when DLCPM starts if this option is checked.

Open My Calls on program start- Always open My Calls form when DLCPM starts if this option is checked.

Windows Settings

Always open Main Window as Maximized- Check this for the Main window to be opened as maximized by default.

Save Main Window Position on Exit- Check this for the main window position to be saved on exit.

Save Main Window Size on Exit- Check this to save main window size on exit.

Always open Child Windows as Maximized- Check this for the Child windows to be opened as maximized by default.

Other options:

In Edit Call, Display count of other Pending Calls

Auto-Refresh List Grids (Calls, Cases, Pickups, etc) - Check this to have all grids refresh automatically when there is new information inserted into the database.

Auto-Refresh Customer Shipment Grid

Use DNS Connection for Reports (By default, Connection String will be used) - check for using DNS connection.

Use DLCPM PDF Writer to export Reports - check for using PDF writer to export Reports.

Use Still Capture for capturing images - check option if you need to use Still Capture.

Save Image Quality [ ] % - set percentage for image quality.

Notification Server is behind firewall (use Passive Notification)

Use Legacy Crystal Runtime for Reports

Set a Default Document Folder that will open when you want to attach or open a document in  DLCPM. Once this path is set there will be no need to browse through folders to find any needed documents.

Set View Images Application path.

Sort Shipments in Shipping Manager by ... and how - This option is added to let you order the records ascending or descending by a key field.

Set Post Payment Default Page.        

Set Memo boxes Font and Size - select the font and size for Memo boxes.


Click Apply on the settings form to have these changes take immediate effect or simply click OK to save and close the Settings form.