Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Email Templates Manager

Email Templates Manager

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Email Templates Manager

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Users may compose an email or select from existing template. It is highly recommended that someone in the Lab creates the required templates in advance, spell check and proof it so it is ready for everyone to use.    



         To create email templates navigate to

Marketing page from the sidebar and click E-mail Templates icon

V12 - E-mail Templates - navigation 1

E-mail Template navigation


or View > Email Templates

V12 - E-mail Templates - navigation 2

E-mail Template navigation


When opened this is what the Email Template Manager form will look like.

V12 - E-mail Templates - form

Email Template Manager form


The templates found under System Template will be replaced or updated during future upgrade. When using these templates, please create your own with a different name.

***See topic System Templates on how to configure system templates for use.


hmtoggle_arrow1Organize Templates:

hmtoggle_arrow1Create new Template:

hmtoggle_arrow1Send Broadcast:

See also:

How to send Single email from Template

How to send broadcast

How to set a template as default.

System Templates