Dental Lab Customer & Production Management



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Each customer has the option  to register a complaint for each case that was not properly managed. To see the Customer Complaint form description with details of all the available fields please read this topic.    




Navigation: You may open the Complaint Manager form from the Main menu and view complaints for all existing Customers. Or you may select a specific customer and open the Complaint Manager from the Customer menu that appears once the Customer form is open. (For more details please see this topic)


How to Register a Customer Complaint

1.On the Customer Complaint Manager form click on Add .

2.Select the Customer on Select a Customer for this case form.

3.The Customer Complaint Investigation form appears:

V12 - Customer Complaint - register complaint

Complaint Investigation form

1.The complaint investigation form displays and there are several tabs on the form:

Submission - used to fill in details when complaint is submitted by the user that adds the complaint

Evaluation - The person who evaluates the complaint fills in details on this tab

QA Review - Quality Assurance details are entered on this tab

Attachments - used for any attachments

Log - created to keep track of all updates that are made for the selected complaint

Status- Section to specify the complaint status

Please Note: Details of what represents each option on these six tabs can be read here.

2.Click V9 - Save after entering the correct information.

Also Note: Once the complaint is submitted further updates can be made in the Customer Complaint Manager form


See also:

Customer Complaint Manager